Lay and Lies

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3rd Person's POV

Entering her room Chaewon carefully laid down onto her back. Feet dangling down. She's mentally tired making her eyes close for a moment.

As she felt sleepiness kicking in, she adjusted herself for her head to reach the pillow. She took of her shoe and breathed as her back felt the mattress again but she shifts her head uncomfortably as she felt a small bulge at the pillow. Wanting a comfortable moment to sleep she took the thing out the pillow case only to see a particular map.

She sigh heavily as she did her best to not go back at the memories. Slowly she opens the map and confusedly examine it.

'Busan?' she asked herself.

She was too mad and distracted that she didn't even notice that the building that was encircled in the map is near the border of Busan, where she planned to go.

Then she found Minju's words from before resurfacing .


FLASHBACK (Chaewon's pov)

"Busan?" looking at the huge map on the wall in front of me.

"Yeah, I was planning to... go there" I replied, chugging in the liquid in the cup. It's cold anyway.

"Are you sure?" she sound concerned. I turned to her.

"Why? You've been there?" she turned away. I'm sure she knows something. I need to get that.

After, what it feels like a minute, she haven't open her mouth yet.

She sure knows something. "Talk" I said sternly. She flinched.

"Uhmm..." she fiddled with the cup in her hands.
"I heard things.. about there.." she sigh "... they said they're not letting people in. They said.. there were boarders with soldiers... and everything that came close.. dies.."

"..I've seen it" she finished. I squint my eyes. She's been there?

"They shoot everyone dead... Everyone who tries to get to the boarders"

We stayed silent.

After I hear her story. What now? If what she just said is true then that means Busan is secured.

That only gave me reasons to really go there.

"Ok..." I said, breaking the silence. I stood up and place my cup on the mini table in front of us.

"You coming with me?" I ask, turning to her.

Her eyes widen.


Chaewon felt a lump in her throat as she tries to make sense of what she just realized. Her hand grips tightly at the thing in her hands. It sting again, her hands.

A tear falls from her eyes. 'It's me. It's my fault' . She thought as she crumpled the paper completely before throwing it somewhere in the room.

'It's all my damn fault!'  she said, blaming herself mentally.

She thought of how Minju tried to give her a warning at that time. How Minju was careful enough to let a lie to hide the truth. A lie that was soon lead them towards Minju's reality.

But as Chaewon's tears slip freely for her regrets her mind slips into a question.

'Why Minju agreed to join her? Why did she said yes?' Chaewon thought. She could've have made a lot more lists of lie to scared Chaewon but she didn't. And that only adds up to Chaewon's questions before her mind and tired gave up and let the girl fall asleep.


"Chaewon ate already"

Minju's heart beat quickens. Eyes wide. "And you should too"

Eunbi tries her best towards Minju. She haven't mentioned that name infront of Minju but right now she's scared that the weak girl infront of her might turn down the food she's offering, so she left her no choice but to use the risky card.

And it worked. Eunbi smiles as she saw Minju slowly digs into the bowl Chaeyeon made. She sigh softly. 'Finally' she said.

She let Minju use her room to spare. It's obvious that her Chaewon wouldn't stay inside the same room willingly for now.

And Eunbi wishes that this slow process is enough to give a light to Minju and Chaewon's relationship. She thought, Minju isn't much of a care, as Minju always told her she's okay and it's fine but everynight's a disaster in their room.

With the constant shouting between Minju's sleep, Eunbi needs to take care of her, leaving her no time to sleep as it will take a lot of whispers of comforting words for Minju's body to give up with sobbing and choking in her own tears out and soon fall asleep in tiredness. It's been a routine and it's not that Eunbi hates it. Of course she would be there whenever someone needed comfort but she know this cycle needs to end, it's unhealthy.

Minju, however, finished her meal and starts to drink the water empty. Eunbi smiles towards the empty bowl and pats the girls knee. Minju held her head down as she felt Eunbi's eyes on her.

She feels like a burden with everything that had happen. She can't still look at everybody without feeling guilty.

Eunbi knowing that Minju wouldn't share a word with her she took the bowl and the glass and just decided to leave the girl for now. But she stop in her trance as she heard Minju speak.

"Uh--I-Is she o-okay?" Minju grips at the end of her shirt. She let the words out shakily with still her head down. Her tears are starting to form again and she tried her best to held them down.

Eunbi was taken aback but still answer right away "I just visited her before I went here.." Eunbi smiles as she saw Minju finally look up looking at her.

".. she's sleeping soundly" Eunbi smile widens as she saw Minju's face flustered then quickly looks away. The thought of Chaewon sleeping soundly beside her, resurrect at Minju's mind, making her blush furiously at how cute the sight was.

"I'll be goin now." and with that Eunbi closed the door shut leaving Minju, still flustered.

She's now relieve that Chaewon is taking her meals and sleeping. With a sigh, she laid on the bed, finally closing her eyes in ease.


1008 words-
I'll cut it short for now.
I'll try to end the story as soon as possible
Thank you for the read

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