Try it

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3rd Person's POV

Days then weeks have passed but Chaewon still tries her best to avoid Minju, which the latter feels the same.

Two weeks have passed and both of them can't bare to see each other without the strong feeling of just breaking down. Both of their ways are pretty similar, staying in one place and keep turning down any effort of making them interact with the group. They both thought that the other one would be in the gathering so it's better to hide inside the room or the porch.

After the week of rejection from both girls, the group gave up and just let them do what they want.

Eunbi took note of their scheme. Chaewon would wake up, make herself a coffee stay at the back porch for hours, staring at nothing. At noon she would wait for Sakura, Chaeyeon or Wonyoung to bring her meal for lunch, stay there and talk about something just so she could move her mouth and keep her sane. Then at night, it's either she would make another round of coffee or have a meal, still at the back porch.

Minju, however, never stepped a foot outside the cabin. She stays most of her time inside Eunbi's room, which she could share with Hyewon but with the situation Hyewon decided to just mess around in Hitomi and Nako's room. Minju only walks out the room for using the bathroom and nothing else. She eat her lunch and dinner inside the room with either Eunbi or Yujin as the one who delivers the food.

Although, Eunbi is happy with the progress as Chaewon's appetite came back healthy with the regular sleeping and as Minju's sleep is getting better with the episode of screaming at midnight died down for a bit, she still saw how the constant avoidance between the two affects almost everybody in the group like right now..

"No! Let Wonyoung do it. The last time Chaeyeon did it, she stayed there for FREAKING FOUR HOURS!" Sakura shouted the last part irritated. Her eyebrows almost meeting displaying her emotions with rosy cheeks.

Eunbi could only groan loudly and pinch the bridge of her nose.

'Ah here we go again' she thought then closes her eyes.

The first week of the delivering thingy went well as far as Eunbi remembered. But after Sakura found out that Chaeyeon had stayed for almost half a day talking to Chaewon, it made her jealous.

Chaeyeon reasoned out and Sakura honestly understands it but she can't help but feel jealous that her girlfriend spends almost half a day with someone. On the other hand, Chaeyeon was shocked to see a furious cat, arms crossed waiting for her at the dinner table. When she found out that her girl act all snappy to everyone the time before she came back, Chaeyeon knew her Sakura is jealous.

Chaeyeon thought it's fluttering to know Sakura wants her attention. But then the time has come again. Chaeyeon's in the schedule again to give Chaewon her meal. And here is Sakura doing everything to keep her girl in her radar.

But as Sakura suggests that Wonyoung should take this time as her schedule, someone doesn't like that idea.

"Why why why?  Wonyoung did it already yesterday. She promised me to play with Tomi and Nako-unnie." Yujin countered. Wonyoung blushed and lowers her head.

"Yah! I'm older than you. Wonyoung you do it!" Sakura said still furious, pointing at Yujin, using the unnie card.

"No! Why don't you do it?!" Yujin said louder, leaning over the table, pissed.

"It's not a big deal" Chaeyeon and Wonyoung said at the same time. Surprised they look at each other then said "I'll do it" in sync. Yujin and Sakura only look at them arms crossed before saying "No!".

"If this continues.. I'm outta here" Hyewon said sighing at the sight of banter in front of her. She lazily took a bite of the grilled sweet potato in her hands.

"What?!" Eunbi whispered-shout towards the girl beside her. Hyewon just shrugs and boredly look at the fight in front of her.

"You ain't going anywhere" Eunbi said. Straightening in her seat before clearing her throat. Hyewon furrowed her eyesbrows.

"SHUT UP! EVERYBODY!" Eunbi shouted, making everyone flinch and stop what they're doing. Yujin's finger, that's pointing at Sakura firmly, hangs in the air. Yena's lips freeze in a pout, with a strip of carrot hangs between them. The duck's face makes Yuri laugh out loud, earning everyone's attention.

When Yena look at her thats when she realized what she have done. Embarrassed her mouth utters " I-I'll do it.. for peace?" she said scratching her head.

That's when everyone settled down finally.


"Stop it Wonyo! You're being too cute!"

"What?! No I'm not!"

Hyewon rolled her eyes at the sight of the maknaes whose obviously flirting.

"I'm too single for this" she said resting her chin on her palm. Yena, who heard her, laughs then sits beside her.

"You'll get used to it" Yena said then pats her back. Hyewon just sigh. "So you're staying here right?" Yena follows up. Hyewon never thought about it actually. She like the atmosphere in the camp despite the non-stop flirting between almost everybody.

Contemplating for an answer, she look over Nako, Hitomi and the two maknaes, playing and laughing around. Then her eyes shifts to a lone figure looking at them play with a bright smile on her face, sitting at the steps within the porch. The scene made her feel light. Not noticing the growing smile in her lips she replied, convinced, "I'll definitely stay here".



"Oh hi" Chaewon immediately stood up as she heard a voice called. It's a little foreign and she was startled.

Smiling, Yuri hand the tray to the other girl which Chaewon accepted delightful. She bowed and mumbled a small 'thank you'. Her and the girl hadn't talk since her and Yena found her driving recklessly, so she didn't know what to do.

She's confused about why is it her that delivered this time. Nonetheless, Chaewon started to eat her late lunch.

"I'm sorry if Chaeyeon can't come today" Yuri started off. She felt the same as Chaewon, don't know what to do with this sudden situation.

"Ah no. It's ok but why though? Is she busy?" Chaewon asked. Yuri pursed her lips, deciding to tell her the reason. "Sakura-unnie's jealous" and with that Chaewon laughs. "I knew it" She said then sigh loudly.

Topic after topic, Yuri and Chaewon found themselves laughing or giggling at each other stories. Chaewon found Yuri really funny with the facial expressions and her unusual accent. They didn't realized that they talked for hours not until Yuri notice the orange sky above.

Chaewon chuckled and looks at the sky. "Wow you're fun" she said.

Yuri smiles at her remark. "Of course I am" she said very proudly making Chaewon giggle. "Thank you..." She said then hand Yuri the tray of dishes.

"Not a big deal.. and.." Yuri stops holding the door by her foot. Chaewon looks at her.  "seriously unnie.. try it." Yuri finishes with an encouraging smile. Chaewon nods in understanding.

"Try it" Chaewon whispers with a smile.


1210 words-
It's been almost a month ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
thank you for the read

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