Instagram || Fifteen

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I am on the phone with Lisa. She is scaring me now. She' crying.

"Lisa, what's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

{"Unnie, where are you?"}

"I'm with Jongin right now. I'll come home maybe at 12. Why?"

My heart is beating fast right now. I don't know what's happening and that makes me very nervous.

{"I think you should go home now."}

"What? Why? What's wrong? Is everything okay? Are you fine? Where's Jisoo unnie?"

{"Can we talk to Kai sunbaenim?"}

I immediately passed my phone to Jongin who is very busy looking for a tote bags. He answered it with hesitation.

"Hello?" I looked at him while he's talking with Lisa.

Bases on his expression, I think there is really a problem. But, why would they even need to talk to him? I don't get it.

"I...I understand." He looks so sad.

He passed me my phone and went out the shop. So I immediately followed him.

"Love, what's wrong?" I asked him.

"You need to go home." That's what he only said.

We are now in the parking lot. I'm really confused right now! We did not even talk during the ride.

When we got into my building, he held my hands and kissed me in my lips. "I think..someone's hurt. Maybe Lisa? She said she's hurt now. She told me I don't have to help you tho...she just needs you home"

"Jongin....what's wrong?" My tears are now falling.

I don't know why I'm feeling this sadness and nervousness. "It is better if you go now. I love you."

I opened the door and waved at him. I caught him wiping his tears when he drove away.

I went upstairs and went inside our dorm. The three of them are sitting in the sofa looking down. I rushed to them and comforted them.

"Answer me right now. What is wrong?"

Chaeyoung is sobbing. Lisa is crying so hard. Jisoo, I can see tears in her eyes but she's stopping it. This is really confusing. I'll go crazy if they won't answer me.

"Sit down, Jennie."

I felt a very dense feeling in my heart when I heard his voice. I don't want look back. I just want to look at my members. I don't want to see his face.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him still facing my members.

He is a threat to me. To us.

"You know why I'm here." He answered.

I can feel that he is near me. I don't want to look at him.

"Go away." I calmly said.

"How rude. I'm your senior. Respect me."

"You don't deserve the respect you're asking. You don't even know how to." I answered him

"Just because you're dsting Kai of Exo, you now have the guts to talk back. Is that what he teaches you? Oh, come on! You're better when you're with me, Jennie. You don't need him. You needed me more."

And with that, I faced him. I looked at him with anger and tears falling down on my cheeks. I looked at his face. I want to slap him but Chaeyoung is holding my hand.

"ARE YOU STUPID? You still don't get me, huh? This will be the last time I will say this." I breathe deeply. "I DON'T LIKE YOU. AND I WILL NEVER LIKE YOU. Get it? Now, get out!"

He just smirked. "You might not like me. But, you'll be needing me."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I...can spread this"

He showed us a picture of me naked. WTF?

I slapped him without even thinking. "Wtf? That's not me."

"Yes, it's you. I put hidden cameras in your house before you got here. You don't want me spreading this, right?"

I fucking hate him. He needs to be in jail for doing this. "Go, post it online. I don't care. It's just nudes. But, I hope you still have conscience. Post it now! I don't care. I will not beg to stop you. I'll still not go to you."

I thought he's done doing shits. When he lend us an envelope.

We opened it. And...I immediately slapped him. Wtf is wrong with him? I just want to kill him so bad..

Naked pictures of Jisoo, Chaeyoung, and Lisa. There's a LOT of them.

He went out of our dorm after I slapped him. I just hugged my members not knowing what to do.

"Unnie...what are we going to do?" Lisa asked.

"I...actually don't know."

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