Instagram || Forty Four

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December 23, 2019, Monday

We are inside the building of Sm Town. Lee Soo Man called us and told us that he will give us something. So, all artists of sm are here now.

"Mr. Lee Soo Man is here."his secretary announced.

We all stood up and bowed to him. He also bowed and smiled to us.

"I will get things straight. Congratulations to all of you. You did well this 2019. Also, congrats to rv! Your music video will be out later." He looks so happy.

"And because of your hardwork, you deserve to have an award. Think of something you want this christmas. Anything!! I'll buy it. Just send it to Ms. Kim"

Ms. Kim is his secretary. Wow. He always gives us presents. But this time, it depends on us what he will give. He's the best always!

"What gift do you want?" Chanyeol hyung asked me. We're at the practice room right now.

"I really don't know--"


"Jongin-ah, can I talk to you for a sec?"

It's Joohyun noona.

"Okay. Why?"

Instead of answering me, she left and I guess I should follow her. I left my members there and followed her.

"What is it, noona?"

She sighed. "What happened?"

"What do you mean?" I'm confused

"What happened to you and Jennie?" She asked again

Silence. That's what I gave her. I don't want to talk about her anymore.


"I really don't get it. You love each other."

"Things changed, noona. Yes, we loveD each other. We broke up. I didn't rememebered her  after I went out of the hospital. Everyone told me that she's my girlfriend. When I went to her, she told me that we actually broke up before the accident. She....cheated on me."

She looks so surprise.

"She cheated on me with Seungri. I shouldn't feel pain, right? Because I don't rven remember her. When she told me she cheated on me, I felt stabbed. Stabbed in my heart. I love her even tho I can't remember her. And that hurts me so bad."

"And you believed her?" She asked.

What? And now what? Jennie lied to me? Why would she do that tho?

"What am I supposed to do? I lost some of my memories and I don't know what happened to us before. I chose to believe because I don't have sny reason to not believe her. "

"Jongin, listen to me. When the news csme out when you broke up, I was surprised. I called her immediately and asked her. She told me she's in a relationship with someone. But she didn't tell me to whom. And now, when you told me she's in a relationship with Seungri, damn Jongin, that's a lie!" I can sense the anger and dissapointment on her.

Again, silence.

"What do you mean? Please don't make this hard for me. I'm trying my best to forget her. She always bothers my mind. I love her so much even I can't remember her. I love her so much that just by hearing her name I feel the pain. Too much pain"

I let it all out. I wasn't able to release all my anger. I don't want my hyungs and Sehun to worry.

"Noona, I know you're doing this 'cause you care. Thank you so much. You keep on defending Jennie because she is your bestfriend. Please, stop this. I don't want to talk about her. Never"

I was about to leave her, but she grabbed my hand. She pulled me and brought me to the recording studio. No one is inside.

"Noona, what are we doing here? They will look for me."

"I texted Oh Sehun and told him I brought you here. Don't worry." She's infront of me. She looks so intimidatinggggGgg

She sighed. "I don't care if you'll believe me or not. I don't care anymore. I just want you to listen to me. I will not bother you anymore. Is it okay?"




She sighed again. "You really don't remember anything about her, don't you?"

"Not even one percent, noona."

"Jennie..lied to you. She lied to us. I'll tell you something. When you two we're still together, you always tell each toher your likes and hates. You also tell each other the people you like and don't like. She also do that to me. We're bff after all...."

"...She mentioned one time that she hated this human. She hated him so much. That he will do everything just to get rid of him. She also told you that. But, there's something that she didn't tell you..."

"What is it?" I am now super curious.

"She didn't tell you who is that person and why she hates him so much."

"Who is it?"

"Seungri. She hates Seungri so much."

"Why? I don't get it. She hates him so much but why are they now together? Why did she cheated on me with him?"

"That's my point, Jongin. I also don't get it. Why would she do that? She ahtes him so much but why would she do that? Did you get my point? That's the reason why I am here infront of you explaining things and convincing you that there is something wrong. Get it?"

She sounds so mad. She is not shouting actually. Her voice is still calm but I can feel she's mad.

"Now, you wanna know why she hates him?" She asked me. I also nodded

"....she hated him because he keeps on threatening her and convincing her to be with him. He want you two to break up and steal Jennie from you. He wants to ruin your relationship. He likes Jennie so much to the fact that he can hurt you. She hates him because he keeps on giving threats to her."


"I don't care anymore if you'll believe me or not. I care for your health. I don't want you to be frustrated. But I also don't want you two to be like this. I know you both love each other. I can still see it. "


"Jongin, if you want this to be clear, clarify everything. Talk to her. "

She tapped my shoulder and then hugged me.

"I love you two and I don't want you hurt. You two are my friends. She is my bestfriend and you're my bestfriend too. Sehun keeps on complaining on your grumpiness every day."

She laughed and I also laughed too.

"It's now up to you, Jongin. Just aske me and I will help you."

And with that, she left the studio. And I am still here trying to understand the situation.

I'm f-cked up!

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