Instagram || Twenty Three

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"Stop. Where are you heading to, miss?"

Shit. Why do they have to be here?

"I'll...visit a friend" I answered them without looking at them

They're at my back. They're the guards of SM entertsinment. They're guarding Jongin's hospital room.

I visit him whenever I can. I want to see him. It's my fault. If I did not broke up with him, he won't go to boss, he would not be involve in an accident.

"Can we see your card?"

Fuck. Why do they have to be so secure? I am Jennie. Kai's ex girlfriend.

It's been two months since the accident. He's still sleeping. Sleeping for two months.

"I don't have any" I honestly said

"You can't---"

The guard wa scut off by a woman. "She's with me" I immediately looked at the woman who just spoke.

Krystal Jung....

"Let's get in" she said then pulled me to go inside the room

SHIT. I thought Jongin was alone. There's his mom, sister , and Sehun and Baekhyun sunbaenim.

I want to go out but my feet won't move.


I haven't seen his family ever since we dated. So, this is my first time to meet them.

"We got to go. Nice meeting you,darling" his mom

They passed me and went out. I was left with Krystal and exo.

"We'll get some coffee. Do you want one?" Sehun asked. Asking me

"No, thanks"

The two of them went out of the room.

"Do you visit him here often?" Krystal asked me.

She's sitting in the couch while I am beside Jongin. I sometimes get shy and nervous when she's around me. She's Jongin's ex,fyi.

"Yes. But, I just stay outside since they won't let me in." I answered referring to the guards

She smiled at me. "He's a good guy. Very good guy. He's the man of most of the women's dream."

I nodded. She's right. Jongin is very kind. He's the best.

"You're lucky"

I smiled at her. I am. Very

" too" I was not able to stop my mouth arg

" too" she just laughed

I want to ask her something. But I don't think this is the right time to ask her this. But I don't think I will have another chance to ask her this.

"If it's okay...can I ask why did you broke up?"

She looked at me and smiled. Why is she so pretty?

"Time. We don't have time for each other. More like I don't have time for him. I received lots of hates for dating him. He always tells me that I shouldn't be afraid 'cause what's important is that he loves me. I was scared. He's scared too. But what's the difference? He fought for our relationship. He did his best. He held tight. Because he loves me. Me? I gave up. I did not fight for us. But I love him too." She wiped her tears

"....I was weak. I regretted doing that. You know what? He's the best. I can't find any other man like him. My heart only belongs to him. And the time has come where he told me this. He thanked me. He thanked me for breaking up with him. Because he found you..."

And now my tears are betraying me. I'm sobbing here. "You're very lucky, Jennie. I want you to know that you should fight for the two of you. I don't want you to do the stupid things that I did. Because I really regretted doing it."

I want to tell her that I already did. And that is why he's in the hospital now.

KAI JENNIE || INSTAGRAMWhere stories live. Discover now