Chapter 34 : Flight BA327

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After Gabby stormed out of the house grabbing Harrys keys, everyone went into their own worlds.

Niall went into the kitchen.

Harry went to the stove.

Zayn went to his room.

Liam and Danielle sat on the couch, all cuddly.

Eleanor went out back, to sit by the pool.

And me? I went to lay on the front lawn.

I never meant anything I said. Not a single word was the truth. And about Ellie giving me a blowjob? That was a lie too. I mean, the farthest I've gone with Ellie was a friendly kiss on the cheek. Even that didn't feel quite right. I hated fighting with Gabby. I absolutely despised it! But once the argument starts, its like there's no way to stop it.

I wish I could rewind time and NOT let Mr Baxter have intimidated me. I wish I'd been as strong-headed as Zayn. To stand up for what I wanted and not to back down out of fear of Mr Baxter.

A few minutes later, I cab pulled up and Harry zoomed past me. "Where to, Haz?" "The airport" he replied. "Why?" I sat up. "Gabby and Payton are on a plane back home. She called me to tell me to fetch the Range Rover at the airport" he replied and jumped in the cab.

Gabby went home? But she didn't have the tic--- Right! Gabby and Paytons tickets were in her purse. The purse she grabbed when she ran out the door.

She left and she never even said goodbye.

I lyed on the grass for a good couple of hours until I heard Zayn scream "What do you mean she got on a plane! Her clothes are still here!" Then Liam yelled "Look! I'm just telling you what Paul told me. The return tickets we bought for her and Payton have been used! She's on a British Airways airplane. Flight BA327! The plane should be landing in about an hour or two!" The yelling went silent and Eleanor came to sit next to me.

"Hey, Lou" she said softly. I smiled quickly then dropped it. Not in the mood to talk. "Okay, I know that expression. You're not going to talk, right?" Ellie said, I nodded. "Then I'll talk and you'll listen" she stated. I looked at her with a frown dawning upon my face.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry you were forced to date me. I'm sorry I caused a drift between you and Gabby. I'm sorry I caused fights between yourself and Gabby. I'm sorry I fell in love with you. I'm sorry Gabby left. I'm sorry for yelling at Payton. I'm sorry you can't love me. I'm sorry" Ellie whispered, fiddling with her fingers. I sat up and lifted her face to meet mine.

"None of this is your fault, Ellie. Its mine. I wasn't strong enough to face Mr Baxter. I should have stood up to him, the way Zayn did" I admitted. She smiled weakly "Louis, I think you should go after Gabby, before its too late" "It already it, Ellie. She's gone. She's not coming back" I said and stared at the sky. "No its not. Louis, its only too late if you believe its too late" said Zayn from behind me. I lyed back down, saying "I have a girlfriend" "No you don't" I heard Ellie say. "So, you're single, Gabbys single, you love her and she loves you. What's the problem?" Zayn asked. "A plane flight" I muttered, closing my eyes.

I felt a paper flutter on my chest. It was my return ticket to Britain. "What's the problem?" Zayn asked again. I laughed lightly "Couldn't the two of you get together and do this BEFORE Gabby boarded the airplane?"

They shrugged and I hugged them.

"LOUIS!!!!!!!!!!" Harry screamed louder than I've ever heard him scream before. He practically broke the front door open, picked me up and ran back inside. Throwing me messily, painfully and swiftly on the couch.

"Haz, what the---" "Shut up and watch the TV!" Liam shouted as he turned the volume up. It was a shampoo commercial. "Uhm, shampoo. Nice. Maybe we should call Zayn, while I get a pain pill, for my aching body" I mumbled as I stood up. "Louis, its about Gabby" Danielle whispered from the seat next to Liam. She had tears in her eyes. I sat down again. The advert ended and a news show began.

"Todays breaking story involves the collision of two airplanes at Britains international airport. The planes involved were BA327 and TQ965. Insiders report that flight BA327 had been landing as scheduled when flight TQ965 experienced equipment malfunction which sent it spiraling into BA327. TQ965 instantly combusted and BA327 caught the flame. Sources have revealed that over 100 people died. Thankfully no one but the pilot and co-pilot were on flight TQ965. As for flight BA327, no survivors have been found"

Danielle bawled her eyes out and clutched onto Liam. I jumped up grabbed my ticket and sped down the hallway. Ellie stepped out of my room with a small bag, she smiled and handed it to me "Go. If she is among the dead, go and make peace with yourself. If she is among the living, go and fetch her. You're needed in Britain" I gave her the tightest hug as I took the bag and ran out the door. "Oh hell no! I'm not taking a cab back to the airport for my car! I'll give you a lift!" Harry yelled. "We'll be back as soon as we're done packing, mate" said Niall as Harry and I ran out the door and into his car.

Gabby, please don't be dead. For me.



Meezie: Shoutout to Nazreen Khan, Natasha Compton and Tatum Bellam for their guesses. Haha, Bree and I are NOT telling anyone how it ends. Our lips are sealed!



Bree: Huge thanks to all ya'll readers!:D we're at 5000+ reads! Keep on reading and voting and everything else!:)

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