Chapter 21 : Change Of Plans

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Our lips were millimeters apart! I could taste her breath, I WAS GOING TO KISS GABBY!! And Louis (the cheating bastard, he is) couldn't say anything about it. Nothing is going to stop this.

"GABBY!! I'M TIRED!!" Payton screamed as she jumped on to Gabby, pushing her right off the park bench. "Okay ... Uhm ..." Gabby trailed off, she was clearly thinking of somewhere to stay for the night. Like a hotel, maybe?

She looked at me, searching for help. "I have an idea. I'll take you to a hotel" I offered. She smiled "Thanks, Zee. But I really can't afford that right now. I spent the last of my money on food"

Wasn't she just adorable?

"Stop being cute. Come on, I'll pay" I said as I helped her up. "I'm the cute one, Zayn. And even if Gabby is cute. She isn't cute for you. Only for Louis" said Payton as she shot me hate glares. I guess she didn't understand what happened with Louis. He isn't the person she thinks he is.

Gabby, Payton and I had to take a cab. I can't drive and in her hurry, Gabby didn't take her dads car like she usually does. Payton sat between Gabby and I. I swear, that girl HATES me. But I could handle it. I get A LOT worse on twitter.

As we sat in the cab, headed to the Fountain hotel, I stared out the window. Wondering whether I should stay with Gabby at the hotel, I'll probably wake up bald with feathers glued to my face (Payton) when suddenly I saw Eleanor in her Mini One D. She was looking at us, with a smirk. There was nothing she could do that would hurt me or Gabby. Gabby wasn't dating Louis anymore and I was single.

And if management came after me, I'm not Louis. I'll leave the band for Gabby. I don't plan on making the same mistake Louis made.

After dropping Gabby and Payton off and checking them in, I waited a while before heading back to the penthouse. Once they were 100% settled, I left. I didn't want to, but I had to.


The second the walked into the penthouse I knew something was wrong. The place was too quiet yet everyone was home. "Hey, Vas Happenin'?" I asked Louis as I sat down next to him on the couch. Eleanor sat opposite Louis, still smiling like a little evil thing. "Where were you, Zayn?" Louis asked me. I heard some shuffling in the kitchen. The lads were hiding?

"In the park" I replied. "With Gabby?" "Yeah" I shrugged. "Why?" "She called me. Problems at home" I said honestly. "Like what?" Louis asked. He was looking at me, dead serious. "I can't tell you. Its not my place to tell" "Why would she call YOU. I'm her boyfriend" he pointed to himself. "Ex-boyfriend" I pointed out. "Oh! So the two of you were getting all close and personal?? What the hell, Zayn! What happened to the Bro code??" He stood up and spoke down to me. I stood up too. "Bro Code? Mate, you messed up. I don't intend on doing the same" "You're my BEST mate! You shouldn't be going after my girl!" He yelled. "YOUR girl? .. Its funny because you don't even see her. When was the last time you saw her? Before this afternoon? What was that? TWO MONTHS ago? That's what I thought. Lou, you can't go around slapping labels on everything" I replied. He just looked shocked and before he could answer, Liam walked in "Guys, come on! Let's not fight over a girl. Gabbys amazing, yeah, but friendship is important too" "Come on, Louis, let's go before you say something you regret later" Eleanor said as she placed a hand on Louis arm and smiled at him sweetly.

Not in a 'Oh-this-is-so-good-best-honey-ever' way but in a 'This-is-too-damn-sweet-theres-poison-in-the-middle-of-this-candy'

"Yeah, Louis. Leave with El. Its what you always do. I hope you and El have a LONG happy relationship" I said, it wasn't sarcasm, it was the truth. Because as long as they were happy and together. I could have Gabby. Even if she loved Louis forever. I'm selfish and I'll do what he couldn't.

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