Chapter 16 : Meeting the family

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My palms were sweaty and I kept fidgeting with my dress. If Payton wasn't in the elevator, I probably would have had a panic attack and died of nervousness. I was meeting Louis' mum and sisters today. The elevator ride was all too short for my liking, the doors opened to the penthouse suite and all I wanted to do was curl up into a ball and disappear. Payton tugged my arm and dragged me towards the living room.

Everyone was lounging on the couch. Lottie and Fizzy were sitting next to Eleanor and Louis and his mum sat on the other sofa. Louis' head was on his mum's shoulder while she ran her hands through his hair affectionately, I smiled at the gesture. "Hi" I greeted nervously, my voice was hight pitched. It only sounded like that when I was really nervous.

Five heads snapped up and looked in my direction. Louis had a goofy, carefree smile on his face as he got up from the couch. "Mum, Lottie and Fizzy this is Gabby, my girlfriend" he stated proudly, before adding "And this is her little sister Payton and she's a little ball of sunshine". Johanna flashed a kind smile and shook my hand, "Its good to meet you Gabby" she said. "Likewise Mrs Tomlinson" I said smiling too. "You can call me Jay, everybody does" she said, while she bent down to Payton and squeezed her into a hug. Why didn't I get a hug? Damn Payton's ultra-cuteness!. Louis told me to introduce myself to his sisters because he had to make a phone call, Johanna and Payton left the living room too. I was left alone with Eleanor and Louis' sisters. They were whispering among themeselves, completely ignoring me. "Hi, I'm Gabby" I said, holding out my hand for them to shake. All three of them gave me dirty looks so I let my had fall to my side. "Oh we know who you are" Lottie said in a harsh whisper. I frowned at her, "Don't look so innocent, El told us what you're up to" Fizzy stated, folding her arms. I looked at Eleanor who was smirking, "They're on my side. We not blind like everyone else. We see right through you gold digger" Eleanor sneered.

I didn't responed, I wouldn't give them the pleasure. I just took a deep breath and walked out of the living room, with the last shread of confidence I had.

I don't know why they all hate me so much?. I get the vibe that Louis' mum is not too fond on me either. Although she's too nice to say it out loud like Eleanor and Louis sisters.

I walked into Louis room, he was pacing up and down texting. "Lou?" I asked. He responded by walking up to me and pressing me up against the room door. I felt his breath on my neck and it sent tingles throughout my body. "How you liking my mum and sisters?" He asked, planting a kiss on my neck. "Uhm...your mum's real sweet" I answered, biting my lip. "And Lottie and Fiz?" He asked, looking me stright in the eyes. "Well...I don't think they like me" I answered honestly. No use lying right?. Louis shot me the Are-You-stupid look, " You're joking right? Of course they like you, who doesn't like you?" Louis asked, your mom, sisters and Eleanor that's who, I answered in my head. What I actually said was "Yeah. You're right, I'm just being paranoid". Louis then pressed his soft lips against mine in a demanding and controling kiss. It made me lose all my worries. Who cares if his family didn't like me? All I need was him right?.



Meezie : sorry for the late update, Bree had a 21st to attend and I had unpacking to do. We promise there'll be an update tomorrow ;) please excuse any errors or confusing things, for tomorrow Chapter :) VOTE COMMENT :) Just so everyone knows, we are NOT Eleanor haters! We like her 'cause she makes Louis happy. We only needed to make her mean for the sake of the story.

Bree : Hey Reader:) Just like to thak you for reading! We go over 2000 reads so far!:D I feel like a proud mom! Lover you all and Remember VOTE!! And COMMENT!!

Oh! And fan us please :)

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