Chapter 33 : The End?

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I'm sitting in the waiting room of the airport. Payton sitting on the floor flipping through a magazine. I honestly don't know what possessed me to pour iced tea all over Eleanor. I blame Louis, he had this strange effect on me that make me do and say the stupidest things. I can just picture Louis ,comforting Eleanor, stroking her hair while she has a hysterical bitch fit because her Abercrombie&Fitch top is ruined. Not only did I ruin her top...but I ruined my chance of being with Louis. Everything would have been fine if I just stayed in Sydney. I would have been normal. I wouldn't have been such an emotional wreck, but this was for Payton's benefit.

She deserved the best and that was what she was going to get. Despite my unhappiness.

It was time for us to board our plane. We didn't take lone to get through customs, all we had was my hand bag and the clothes we were wearing with us. I held Payton's hand as we boarded the plane. She hadn't said a word to me since we left Harry's holiday house. She's mad at me.

Our flight is long and quiet. So I'm left with the rambling thoughts in my head. Payton's still awake, watching a movie. Completely ignoring me. I know that I was an idiot for saying those things to Louis and stooping to Eleanor's bitchy level. I'm an idiot for thinking that I could date Louis Tomlinson and then rebound with Zayn. I'm an idiot for thinking that I could fit in with the likes of Danielle Peazer and Eleanor Calder. I'm just a complete idiot.

I lay back against the uncomfortable seat of the airplane and doze. Just as the plane lands I'm abruptly woken by the airplane turbulence . I have this uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach, like something bad is going to happen. I shake it off and tap Payton's shoulder. "Payton...are you mad at me?" I ask, softly. She slips the head phones off her ears, watching a different movie now. "'re my big sis. I can't be mad at you. I'm mad at...the way things turned out" she replied. Sometimes I forget she's only seven years old, she's really mature for her age sometimes. We both had to grow up before our time.

"I'm really bummed about what happened too" I admitted, sighing in defeat. Payton took my hand and squeezed it. "So are you gonna fix things? this the end?" She asked. I didn't even know the answer to that. Before I could respond to Payton's question, I heard a loud explosion from somewhere in the plane and the oxygen masks ejected from the roof. The plane began shaking violently and everyone was screaming. Payton screamed as I grabbed her and wrapped my arms around her only to be flung about as the plane made flips it shouldn't. "GABBY!" Payton screamed as we were flung against the ceiling. I shoved Payton in front of me, taking in the full impact on my back.

Maybe, this was the end....




Meezie: Bree beat me to the 'DUN DUN DUUUUN' :( ... The plane crashed!! (Uhm, yeah, I tweeted it and made it my BB status. It was a clue everyone thought I was joking)

Dedicated to Miss Tatum Bellam for giving a prediction of how the story would end that we turned into an ACTUAL ending.

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