Chapter 12: Spotted

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I merrily skiped along the sandy pavement of the beach, Payton was trailing lazily behind me. "Hurry up!" I comanded, slightly annoyed. We were supposed to meet Louis and the boys half and hour ago, but Payton had put us behind schedule by dragging all morning."I'm still half asleep...this is as fast as I can go" she retored. I sighed and said "if we get there fast enough you can spend more time with Louis". I watched her eyes grow wide and a grin spread across her adorable face. "Come on then! What are we doing standing here?!" Payton exclaimed, dragging me by the arm.

After ten minutes of walking around pointlessly and getting lost twice, we finally found the boys. They were under a tree, dressed in t-shirts and board shorts. Zayn was the first to spot us, "You came! I thought you ditched us" he said, squeezing me into a tight hug. "I would never ditch you!" I said playfully hitting his arm. "Who ditches One Direction?" Payton asked cheekily. "Oh, Hey Payton! Didn't see you there" Zayn said jokingly, "I'm small...NOT invisible Zayn" she commented coldly, sticking her chin out. I don't know if she was being rude or just joking, but I let it slide."Ah my lady's here" Louis said from behind us, picking Payton up and kissing my cheek. "Where's Liam and Harry?" I asked sitting down next to Louis and Payton on a beach towel. "I don't know where Harry is, But Liam's with Danielle getting sn-". Payton cut Louis off by yelling, "What? Danielle's here? Oh my gosh! Where? I love her!". Louis and I chuckled, "Are you sure you're seven?" Louis asked her, "she's a seventeen year old stuck in a seven year olds body" I answered. "Oh great Gabby's here!" Liam said, setting down a cooler box on the sand. "Yeah...I'm here too you know" Payton commented, narrowing her eyes at Liam. We laughed at Payton's wit. "What's the joke?" A soft feminine voice asked from behind Liam. It was Danielle, wow she was even prettier in person. She made me look like a egg. "Hi Danielle! I'm Payton! Louis' girlfriends sister! I love you. Let's be friends!" Payton jumped up, nearly attacking Danielle. I got up and introduced myself to Danielle, "Well its nice to meet you. You know Lous doesn't shut up about you!" She said, laughing. I blushed at her words, so I had the same effect on Lou like he had on me?. Good to know.

I spent most of the day laying in the sun with Danielle. Payton and the boys went into the water, I didn't like swiming in the ocean. I had this fear that seaweed would wrap around my legs and drag me down into the water. Danielle had the same fear,so we stayed as far from the beach water as possible. I liked Danielle, she's really sweet and wasn't pretentious at all. She was really funny too. Louis walked up to us soaking wet. I handed him a towel and watched him dry his hair. His cheeks were slightly flushed because of the sun and his hair was all messed up, but he never looked more handsome. "Fancy a stroll along the beach?" Louis asked while taking off his shirt. I bit my lip taking in his chiseled abs and chest. I was at a loss for words, so I just nodded signalling that I agreed to his previous question.

We were waliking along the beach, our fingers laced together. It would have been a perfect moment if Louis hadn't thrown me over his shoulder and ran into the water. "Louis Tomlinson, YOU PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT" I protested, even though I liked it. "Put me down now!" I yelled again, clinging on to his back. "Okay, I'll put you down" he said, right before he dropped me into the ocean. He dropped me into the water like I was loose coins being thrown into a wishing fountain. "You Idiot!" I shouted punching his chest forcefully.He just laughed, his laughter was so infectious I had to join in.

We spent lord knows how long chasing each other with seaweed and threw each other with sand. Payton,Danielle and the rest joined in too."OMG! IT'S ONE DIRECTION" we heard a girly voice shriek and we froze. "Shit" I heard Louis mutter under his breath. We heard the sound of camera's clicking. "Run!" Liam shouted , "What?" I asked confused . I looked up and saw a group of girls stampede our way. I immediatly grabbed Payton and ran away.

God, what did I get myself into?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* * * Louis POV * * *

We were all back at the hotel now, sitting on the couch. "That. Was. Awesome!" Payton exclaimed excitedly jumping in her seat. Oh that little girl, always the optimist. I couldn't say the same for Gabby though, she was sitting beside me mumbling inaudibly to herself. I knew what was going through her mind, she was afriad her privacy was going to be invaded. I rubbed her back soothingly, "I won't let them invade your privacy Princess" I comforted, kissing her head. I was going to do whatever it took to protect her and Payton from the harsh public.

"Louis, we need to talk to you. Alone." Paul said standing in the doorway of our penthouse suite. This couldn't be good. This couldn't be good at all.


[Authors Note]

Bree: Oooooooh what does PauL want to discuss with Lou? *shivers* Find out tomorrow! Oh and Comment and if you not feeling chatty then just VOTE :) thanks for reading!

Meezie: Firstly, I'm going to do a shoutout spree. A big shoutout to Tatum Ballam, Jason Joseph, Caydon Fortuin, Micheala Smith, Danielle Wakefield, Natasha Campton, Daylan Scheepers, Ahmad Karaan and everyone else who's been reading our story so far. We REALLY appreciate it! And we love you all!!xx :)

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