Chapter 22: Let The Games Begin.

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I sat in the limo alongside Zayn. We were on our way to a really fancy restaurant I failed to remember the name of. We stepped out of the limo and were completely blinded by the flash of cameras, ther paparazzi. I covered my face at first, but then raised my head confidently and flashed a smile that would give Eleanor's a run for its money. I felt awkward next to Zayn, his arm was around my waist and head leaned against mine. I suppressed the awkwardness and smiled for the camera's. I needed to prove to Louis (and myself) that I could be 'That Girl'. I could cope under the pressures of being a 'One Direction Girlfriend', I was just as good as Eleanor. And I plan to be even better.

Zayn and I were led to a private dinning area in the restaurant. There were only a few people there and they didn't even aknowledge us. The waiter handed us our menus. I scanned it, I didn't know a single thing on the menu, let alone could I pronounce the names. I frowned, "Is something wrong?" Zayn asked, looking at me over the top of the menu. I chuckled nervously "Uhm...I-I don't know a single thing on this menu" I admited. Zayn smiled understandingly, "Neither do I" I said. We both burst in to a fit of laughter."Then why did you bring me here?" I questioned, still amused. "Well...if I'm going to take my girlfriend out, the public would have to see that I take her somewhere fancy" He stated, staring at me from across the table. I smiled, "Fany sucks" I said. "I couldn't agree more, that's why...I called in to the manager earlier to tell him to prepare a special order, just for us" Zayn answered."Special order?" I asked, raising my eyebrow. "Burgers and chips" he replied.

"Oh thank god! I thought you would make me eat...Escargot, what is that anyway?" I asked. "Its snails..people actually eat that now" He replied. Who eats snails, ew. Smiled and took a sip of water.

We were finishing our supper in peace, when...the devil herself walked through the doors of the restaurant. Eleanor in the tightest dress on the freaking planet with Louis. The universe cleearly didn't like me, did it. I was constantly put in such awkward situations. "Oh my goodness! Hi Zayn and...Gabby" Eleanor greeted, pulling a face when she said my name. "Oh hey guys" Zayn greeted politely. I just smiled. Louis was looking handsome in his red chinos, white shirt and toms. Wait, no. I shouldn't be thinking this.

"We're going to join you" Eleanor stated like she was the freaking Queen of England, sitting down on a open chair at our table. Louis followed.

"Uhm...You can't just intterupt out date like this" I said. Eleanor gave me a death glare, "Why? Its not like you and Zayn are dating for real" she said. The boy's we silent watching us intently. "Oh we're really dating Ellie" I answered in a honey sweet voice.

"Lou is happier without you" Eleanor said. "I'm happier without him too" I stated. I don't know wheather that was a lie or not.

"Prove it." Eleanor said, leaning back in her seat.

"Oh I will" I said, folding my arms over my chest.

"Let.The.Games.Begin" Eleanor said.


[Authors Note]

Bree: How'd you like the chapter? I struggled with it a bit. Had some writers block. Hope it wasn't as awful as I think it was. So yeah VOTE, COMMENT. Love you all!

Meezie: HEY! Bree and I noticed we're almost at THREE thousand reads. Massive thank you to everyone. And a shoutout to all of you!! Please don't stop reading or commenting or voting! Oh and Bree, this Chapter rocks!!





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