Chapter 4 : The Announcement

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"It feels like I'm constantly playing

A game that I'm destined to lose

'Cause I can't compete with your boyfriend

He's got 27 tattoos!"


[Fangirl moment, more like fangirl for an hour]

Back to reality. So we've had the Take Me Home album for two weeks but I already have ever lyric memorized. Payton had the CD on repeat all day, when my dad wasn't around that is. If that wasn't bad enough, pigeon boy fangirled (or fanboyed, I guess) whenever we spoke about One Direction.

Guy Directioners are extremely rare.

I figured he was one of those rather obssessed, One Direction stalkers. He knew more about One Direction than the boys themselves.

I would have unfollowed him but when he wasn't fangirling, he was actually really sweet. Sweet and quite funny.

"Gabby! Lisa says One Direction are coming to Sydney in a months time! To do an album signing! Is it true?!" Squeelled Payton. I laughed "I'm not sure. I haven't heard any news about it" "Ask your boyfriend! The one of twitter! The pigeon that stalks One Direction!" She clapped her hands out of pure excitement.


"Payton, he isn't always a stalker. He's a nice guy too. And he is NOT my boyfriend" "Yeah, Louis Tomlinson is your boyfriend and if you also have a pigeon for a boyfriend, Louis will be very hurt" she rolled her cute green eyes. Then she looked at me with puppy eyes "Please ask him, Gabby"

How does one say no to the puppy eyes?

"Alright! Let's get you cleaned up and ready for bed first" I instructed. Payton saluted like a good little soldier and marched to our small bathroom.

After giving Payton and myself a decent scrub, we went to bed. After I locked the door Payton asked me to sing her a lullaby. By 'lullaby' she actually meant, 'Sing me a One Direction song or prepare yourself for a lack of sleep tonight' so I sang Summer Love and logged on twitter.

@its_Gabby1D : Hectic day! Singing Payton to sleep with #SummerLove Night, mates!

I set my phone down then remembered Payton wanted me to ask Pigeon boy about One Direction. I quickly logged back on and DM'ed pigeon boy.

Its_Gabby1D : Hey, pigeon boy! Quick question .. Is One Direction coming to Sydney?



To: Lottie Tomlinson (sister)

Totally! I miss you too! I'll be back home soon. But only for a week or so then the lads and I have to fly out to Sydney for a signing. See you soon, babycakes!

- Louis

After the way Gabby's been tweeting about her baby sister Payton, I began missing my sisterts. Gabby had changed her display picture. She was holding a little girl (who I assume is the infamous Payton). Gabby still wasn't looking at the camer, she was looking at Payton. However, Payton was smiling brightly as her eyes shined like green orbs. Now she .. She was looking at the camera.

"Louis! Are you on twitter? Again!" Yelled Liam. I quickly pocketed my phone and honestly replied "No" I didn't want them to see my wallpaper, it was Gabby or at least, it was her previous twitter display picture.

"Liar! You see, Liam, Louis has a crush on a directioner! On twitter!" Harry mocked me. Niall kneeled over laughing his irish ass off. "What! Louis how could you do that! Can you imagine what the poor girl must be going through!" Stressed Liam. "Its on my creeper, Liam" I said calmly. "Bad answer" Zayn laughed.

I shot him a confused look.

"Firstly, you didn't protest. You basically told us Haz was right. Second, on your creeper? That probably wasn't the smartest move, mate. She's a directioner. What do you think will happen when she finds out its really you?" Zayn explained. I honestly hadn't thought about that. "You don't know Gabby" I was getting defensive. They didn't know Gabby, they had no right to judge her.

Niall stopped laughing when he realized I was dead serious. "Lou, yeah we don't know her. We just don't want you getting hurt if we end up giving the girl you fancy a restraining order. We fully support this. Just ... Be careful" placated Liam. "I understand. Its late. I'm going to bed. Catch you lads in the morning" I replied. I stood up and went to my room.

Gabby was different. She was crazy but not the 'im-Gabby-and-i-know-when-your-parents-conceived-you' crazy. She was funny crazy. Besides we only ever spoke about One Direction when I brought it up. Or if she was having a bad day, I'd fangirl to make her laugh.

Sometimes, I actually thought she only liked One Direction because of Payton. But then she's tweet my personal account asking for a follow back. She asked all the boys but they never saw her tweet amongst the thousands they received daily.

I always noticed and silently hoped they wouldn't ever see.

I've been tempted to follow her back but never actually do it. It would only draw attention to her. She'll be exposed and I might lose her to one of the lads.

Possessive over someone I can't call my own.

I really liked the fact that she always ended up asking my personal account for a follow back the most.

I was her favourite:)

My phone vibrated, it was a DM. From Gabby.

Its_Gabby1D : Hey, pigeon boy! Quick question ... Is One Direction coming to Sydney?

Pigeonlover143 : yeah, why?

Its_Gabby1D : I live in Sydney! I'm so excited!!!

Well .. This is going to be the most interesting album signing I'll ever attend



Bree : Hey, reader! Please VOTE/COMMENT! If their are any suggestions to better the story, you are free to share:) So apparently there are rumours spreading about Louis and Harry. A 'Larry Storm' from a Nut job called 'Mr X'

Meezie : Firstly, Bree and I will not stand for this! No one should be allowed to curse Louis and Harry (We don't ship Larry, sorry)

Secondly, someone please tell us EXACTLY what is being spread! All we know is a Nut job is cursing OUR boys!




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