Chapter 36 : Flat-lined

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My first night at the hospital, Jane sent two security guards to remove me from the building. They had no idea how badly I NEEDED to stay at the hospital. Instead of going home, I slept on the bench outside the hospital doors. An hour later Jane came out and told me to sleep inside. She was annoyed by my resistance but she respected it. As I recall, she called me a "love struck puppy"

I haven't left the hospital yet. I've been here for three days. I successfully persuaded the hospital to place Gabby and Payton in the same room.

Payton nearly slipped into a coma when she saw me beside her bed. She screamed and cried and hugged me and shouted and kissed my cheek and started yelling about the terrible accident. A few tears escaped my eyes when she said "...and then Gabby hugged me and all the glass and big bags fell on us and Gabby stopped screamed and blood started falling on me..."

I pushed my pain aside to comfort Payton. After two days Gabby stabilized and with our encouragement, the doctors say Gabby could be waking up from her coma in no time. I know I should be crying and breaking down because Gabby is in a coma and has little chance of waking up, I'm actually elated. Just the fact that she has a heart beat is enough to keep me by her side forever. I waited too long to chase her. But Zayn was right. Its only too late if you believe its too late. I don't believe it is, not by a long shot.


"Louis, wake up" someone whispered. "If he asks I did try to wake him" says the voice. "No, you didn't. You deliberately whispered it" said another voice. Suddenly ice water (or I assumed it was water. It was not) was dunked on me. I jumped up and saw the lads around me with Payton perched in a sitting position, with a mischievous smile on that cute face of hers. "What am I covered in?" I asked. Everyone erupted in a fit of laughter. "Cola" laughed Niall. I laughed and sighed at the same time as I hugged them all and we caught up a bit.

Eleanor had gone straight to Mr Baxter. To tell him she resigned and if she heard even a whisper that I was being forced to date anyone but Gabby, she'll leak to the public just how controlling the Modest Management can be. That will be very bad for business. Plus, she was sworn to secrecy in her contract. I was but she wasn't. I wondered if the lads STILL thought she was pure evil? They couldn't hate her anymore. Danielle went with her. For support. Danielle is such a sweet heart and everyone knows it. To Nialls thesis, Danielle is full on sweet and Eleanor is full on kick ass. Gabby was dead centre between them. Sweet and kick ass.

Harry had brought me some extra clothes, I grabbed a jeans and shirt then jumped in the shower. Cola made you sticky. I didn't shower long, I needed to get back to Gabby.

Before I stepped out of Gabbys room shower, I heard the lads talking. "Zayn, mate, why so silent?" Liam asked. "Just...its Gabby. She looks so broken" Zayn whispered. I stepped out "No, she's not broken, Zayn. She's just not healthy right now" I said giving him a slight smile. I kissed Gabbys forehead and Payton squealed. I smiled at her then took hold of Gabbys hand "We're all here, Gabby. For you. Sure your mom ran off and your dad lost himself but that doesn't mean you don't have family who needs you. Payton needs you. WE need you" "More than that, who will have epic arguments with Lou?" Harry joked. "No, that won't be cool. Can we not do the epic fighting when we're about to eat? I'm too scared my food will fly in someones face" Niall moaned. We laughed and teased each other and joked about, pulling Gabby into the conversation all the time. In hopes she'd wake up but she didn't.

Not for a long while.


"What's that sound?" Payton asked as her laughter died down a little. We'd been laughing and acting like idiots and singing for her. Considering she'd been stuck in the hospital for a week. Thank heavens Mr Baxter took Eleanors threat serious and gave us another two weeks before we left for our tour. "I don't know, its coming from Gabbys heart mon---" "NURSE!!" Liam shouted over me.

Gabby was flat-lining!

Suddenly Jane ran in with a couple doctors, they took one look at the heart monitor and pulled her out of the room. Gabby started bleeding through her nose too. "Let me go with, please" I begged. The doctor looked like he was about to say yes when a little voice behind me asked "Louis, where are they taking Gabby? Why is she going away?" "Mate, you're needed here" said Zayn as he put his hand on my shoulder. Payton didn't know what was going on. Her mom walked out on her, she walked out on her dad and then Gabby gets taken away?

Zayns right.

The doctor nodded then left, hurrying after Gabby as I picked Payton up and sat down on her bed with her in my lap. A little while after that Payton did something that surprised EVERYONE. She sat on Zayns lap and dozed off. At first, Zayn had this bewilded expression but then it warmed and he wrapped his arms around her. I held myself, suddenly noticing her absence. Harry wrapped his arms around me while Liam hugged Niall. We may have been saying nothing, but the silence was all the comfort we needed from each other. That was the longest two hours of my life when Jane finally stepped back into the room.

"Is Gabby alright?" "Don't tell if she's dead, just walk out again" "Is Gabby alive?" "What happened to Gabby" "Jane, please, how is Gabby?" I asked as we all stood up, except Zayn, Payton was asleep still. Jane sighed then looked at her clipboard "Lads, you must understand, doctors aren't miracle workers. We can only do so much..." "What are you saying?" I whispered, my voice cracking. "I'm saying...Gabrielle was hemorrhaging. She was bleeding. Doctors can't bring back the dead" she said. Tears fell from everyone eyes. I looked over my shoulder, to Payton. She'll think Gabby left her. She'll grow up believing everyone left her. Her whole life is ruined and she's only 7. She's so little and everything is shattered.

I forced myself to think about Payton, if I thought about myself, without Gabby, for even a split second, I'll lose it. I'll kill myself and one of the other lads will have to adopt Payton.

As soon as my eyes met with Janes she smiled, "Thankfully, nobody needed to bring back the dead because nobody died" "WHAT!" Niall shouted as he jumped onto me. "Please tell me this isn't a joke" I begged her. "No, in fact, I was sent to tell you she's awake. She's looking for you" Jane smiled. "For who?" Harry asked. She winked at me then held the door open for us. She led us down the hallway, and into a small room.

Gabbys beautiful blue eyes were open and she was laying against a mountain of pillows. "Gabby" I smiled. She looked at me with the happiest expression, like we were the only two people in the whole wide world. Like she was the stars and I was the sky. Like I was the sun and she was the planets. Like I was the oxygen to her hydrogen atoms. In that eye-lock, we were more than just Gabby and Louis. We were everything else.



Meezie: So Gabby lives!! **mad dancing** I love Gabby and Louis so much!! At least my man Louis, got his Cinderella! And look! Payton is finally warming up to Zayn! That's splendid! I LURVE YOU ALL!!

Bree: I...I have nothing to say except...HELL YEAH!. And ...Vote and Comment.

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