Chapter 32 : The Final Fight

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Whoa...well that's a very creative break up speech. Is this dude high or something?

Zayn left the kitchen and I was left alone with my very confused thoughts. Besides all this confusion, I realized that I, indeed was in love with Louis Tomlinson.

And that's what you missed on ... Glee!! (Sorry, the temptation to do that was too strong to resist. Anyway, back to the story!)



As soon as I heard Payton scream, I jumped out of bed. But then she laughed. I tiptoed to the bedroom door and opened it slightly. "Liam! Louis doesn't want to give my juice back!" Payton laughed loudly. I smiled.


My heart squeezed as I thought about him. I waited a few minutes with my ear plastered to the door. Just waiting for a sound I was so desperately yearning to hear. Then I did.

Louis' laugh.

I closed the door and ran off into the bathroom. Happiness exploding from my chest as I took the quickest shower I've ever possibly taken. I was desperate to get out. Desperate to see Louis. Even if we ended up fighting, I didn't care. I just wanted to SEE him. Even if he looked at me with anger in his eyes.

I quickly pulled on my denim mini dress and my black ballet pumps. I'd kill to put on my converse takkies but Eleanor is still hanging about.

I tied my hair into a high pony tail, pinning my fringe back then stepping out of my room. I quickly made my way down the hallway and into the living room. Niall and Zayn were seated comfortably on the sofa in front of the TV. Each a can of pepsi in their hands.

"Morning!" I exclaimed with a bright smile. Zayn got up, hugged me and kissed my cheek. "I thought you said you two weren't, you know ..." Niall gestured between us. I laughed. Zayn then said "Yeah. But Gabby is still my girl. My best girl. If you were a girl, I'd kiss your cheek too, Niall" Niall erupted into a fit of laughter. I just shook my head and walked into the kitchen.

Harry was over by the stove, Liam was drinking a glass of ice tea, Payton was on Louis' lap while eating an apple, Louis was holding Payton while talking to Eleanor, who sat beside him.

She was ogling MY guy! Sitting there in her slutty clothing! Her boobs practically falling out! She wasn't even wearing clothes! She was wearing a piece of cloth! It was putrid!

"Gabby? Are you okay? You have this look on your face ..." Liam pulled a funny face as everyone in the kitchen turned to look at me. There is only SO much I can handle. Containing my anger was difficult but as soon as Eleanor smirked, I lost it.

The bitch was smirking at me as she grasped Louis' hand!

I walked over to Liam, calmly taking the ice tea bottle (2L bottle) and poured it over Eleanors head. He doesn't love her. He loves me.

"What. The. Hell. Is. Wrong. With. You!" Eleanor screeched as she ran out of the kitchen crying. It was my turn to smirk and that's exactly what I did.

"What was that for?" Louis asked me, clearly annoyed. Harry took Payton from Louis. I shrugged. "You can't just dump ice tea on my girlfriend, Gabby" he said in a strained voice. I scoffed. "Your girlfriend" I rolled my eyes. "Yes, Gabby. My girlfriend" he replied, crossing his arms. "You don't even like her" I narrowed my eyes.

"Of cause I do! She's my girlfriend!"

"Yeah and Harry is my son! Everyone can lie!"

"Why are you arguing with me, Gabby! You KNOW she is!"

"Prove it!"

"I let her give me a BJ"

"I had sex with Zayn!" I screamed. I heard a couple gasps. Louis' eyes narrowed at me "Yeah, I saw the pictures. Let's all go have some sex on the beach!" "We didn't. I didn't take her V" I heard Zayn whisper behind me to someone. "At least its a REAL relationship!" "I LOVE ELEANOR!" "And I'm IN LOVE WITH ZAYN!" I screamed at the tops of my lungs.

As soon as the words escaped my lips, I slapped my hand over my mouth. Eyes wide as Louis' face paled. As if I'd thrown the ice tea on him.

"Well, don't stop there" encouraged Harry. "Harry, shut up" Liam instructed. "No, this fighting has to come to an end. Its affecting all of us now. They're finishing this fight. Right now. Lou, don't you have something to say?" Harry asked. Louis shook his head "That was below the belt. The only thing left to do is to rip my throat out and feed it to the natives" he whispered.

Of cause my words had cut him deep. Throughout our relationship I'd never once told him I loved him. Even though it was evident, I did love him I just never felt the need to say it. Then Eleanor appeared and the doubt began. Louis had said he loved me countless times but I've never said it back. Everyone knew Louis was waiting for me to say those words but I couldn't bring myself to say it.

It destroyed me to have said I was in love with another guy. But I would have gotten over it and eventually brushed it off.

Louis' face ... Will scar me forever. His expression will haunt me until the day I died. In that moment, with one sentence, not one but TWO hearts were broken.

Words cannot be unspoken.

Tears began streaming down my face as Payton jumped out of Harrys arms and ran over to me. I picked her up and grabbed Harrys car keys. I grabbed my hand bag as Payton and I breezed out the door. Payton strapped herself in and seconds later we were on the road.

"Where are we going?" Payton asked. "We're going home" I replied as I picked up speed. Racing towards the airport. Our return tickets were in my hand bag along with our pass ports and my purse. I didn't care about the clothes left behind, they could sell it for all I cared. I parked Harrys Range Rover in the parking lot then walked into the airport with Payton.

We managed to get last minute seats on a plane to back Britain. Just before boarding the plane, I went over to the pay phone.

"Hello?" Harry answered. Good thing too, I wouldn't have been able to speak to anyone else. "Fetch your car at the airport" I said then hung up, grabbed Paytons hand and boarded the plane.

I just broke my own heart and the heart of someone I loved more than I loved Payton. The heart of someone who loved me. The heart of someone special.

The heart of Louis.



Meezie : I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU AND ALL YOUR LITTLE THINGS! Sorry I had to express my love. 4500+ reads? Yeah, we definitely love everyone! MASSIVE thanks to all our readers, the old ones, the new ones and the browsers who read our story but don't want to admit it. I still love you! VOTE COMMENT! :)

Bree : :'( can we just have mini cry session. Comment, VOTE! And inbox us what you think is going to happen. Shoutout to the person who assumes right in the last chapter.

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