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"you don't scary easy"

EPISODE EIGHT "you don't scary easy"SEASON 6

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five days, and alexandria has been quieter than ever. the energy is tense with all the anger, guilt, and mourning. it was hard to tell everyone back home what happened, what we went through, what we saw—almost just as hard as it was watching it. it all became real after that, glenn and abraham are never walking through the gates of our home again.

maggie and sasha chose hilltop for glenn and abraham's burials. rosita accompanied them, said she wanted to see siddiq. she returned to alexandria two days later with news that maggie and the baby are okay, but maggie and sasha are staying at hilltop for now.

i watched michonne leave our house from my bedroom window one morning, and since then i've gone with her—out to a field ways away to do some target practicing and scavenging. except for today, i stayed in this morning since rick and aaron are out on a run and we need extra eyes at home.

leaves crunch under my feet as i run through the woods outside of our walls, "where are you going?" i catch up to carl.

he looks over his shoulder for a second before continuing forward, "go home, grey."

"not 'till you tell me why you jumped the wall instead of using the gate."

"i'm going to find enid." he sounds annoyed, letting out a sigh. "she left again."

i curse under my breath, "where do you think she went? i'll come with you—"

"no!" carl shakes his head and both of us stop in our tracks. "she just—she does this, you know that. ever since she got here, she jumps the wall sometimes and it's become our thing. i can handle myself out here."

"i know you can."

"i don't need you, or my dad, or anybody else to be on my back about these things. i'm fine!" he exclaims.

i nod my head, "i know you tried. the night of the lineup, you tried to talk some sense into negan, you tried to save us—"

"yeah, when no one else was talking!" he holds his jaw tight as his eyes pierce into mine.

"nobody knew what to do. we felt stuck. i just don't want you to beat yourself up over it."

"that what i said didn't save glenn or abraham, or keep daryl from getting taken back with those jerks?"

"yeah, exactly! i don't think anyone could've said anything that would've changed the outcome of that night. they had a game plan, and they stuck to it. nothing was gonna knock them off course."

a steady breeze brushes past us. soon, carl's freckled cheeks and nose will be blushed pink from the cold.

"i just want you to be safe, that's all. so be careful lookin' for enid. i'll see you at home."

𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 , 𝐫. 𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now