wrap-up talking dead -

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welcome to youngblood talking dead ep 2

although the story of youngblood and its characters has closed out, i wanted to publish this as a final goodbye.
⋆ throughout the many times i re-read this book, i made a few notes of some interesting things i thought would be fun to share!

i didn't write this story out entirely and then publish it all at once (very obvious w/ the way it sometimes took me a month to put a new ch. up lol), so the making of this book was a lil choppy, but it's always cool to see that it works out in the end.
& how i ended up loving this story so so much.


✺ the quote in the description of the book is a line of negan's from a scene i ended up scrapping and never putting in.

✺ negan is the only character to have said the title, youngblood, in the book. (ch. 49)
— he calls grey by it, which reveals the book is named after her.

✺ the first draft was originally written to start the episode that lori has judith and doesn't survive the delivery, with grey kingston already being apart of their group.
— i scratched that because it felt dirty having grey in scenes with lori just to have her
end up w/ her husband later down the road lol.

✺ the theme of 'heading north' and 'luck' begins in chapter 6!
— didn't know this was going to be a thing throughout the book when i first mentioned it in that chapter, so, kinda cool!

✺ grey and rick's recurring promise to the other that they won't be alone whenever they're faced with something that scares them begins in chapter 3.

✺ i toyed with the idea of carl and henry ... & then thought people might try to destroy me for fucking around with carl grimes' sexuality, so chapter 70 and 71 w/ them is all i allowed myself to write, and you'd have to squint to see the hint but it's THERE. (it's literally not bc carl was just an asshole to him)
— it was so fun writing about carl, henry, lydia & enid in their late-teens / early 20s since we didn't get that in the show.

✺ i wrote out multiple 'first-time' scenes of grey and rick, all taking place pre-alexandria, but none of them ever felt right.

✺ in the season 6 character highlights chapter, i used a plane symbol between the gifs of jensen and ben barnes purposefully, as in chapter 67, the air raid occurs which is later revealed to be planes from the colony where jensen and ben are. + more foreshadow before it was revealed that those were their planes—in the pre-apocalyptic flashback in ch 69, rick asks grey about ben barnes being in the military and she says he is, that he's in the air force (!!!)

✺ grey knows how to hot wire a car in ch 20 while on the road w/ daryl and it's not until later, ch 67, where it's revealed she learned how to by watching jensen do it years before.
— :')

✺ in chapter 77 it's mentioned in carl's flashback that he and grey used to play basketball together outside but never had a hoop. in their opening scene in chapter 8 at the prison, they have a basketball hoop, but no basketball.
— crying

✺ in chapter 80 grey's conversation with her father foreshadows her marrying rick and starting a family a few chapters later.

✺ chapter 83, in grey's flashback at the start of the apocalypse, she still has a good understanding of the months and days and wonders if there will come a time she no longer knows either. in chapter 4, she mentions her 20th birthday coming up; unaware it already passed. aka—by the time her story begins in present time, she doesn't know what day it is anymore.
— still crying

✺ in ch 75 daryl wants to, but won't allow himself to check grey out head to toe. in ch 81, he breaks that constraint, letting himself, and the man almost commits adultery right after.
— lol

✺ chapter 1 starts with a count of 'DAY 458' of the apocalypse, meaning grey had been wandering all that time until she was found by daryl and carl. i kept track of how much time passed in the book and put those numbers in each new season chapter. each pair of numbers works out and if you subtract them, it always equals 458, the number of days grey kingston spent alone.
— in other words: i love being dramatic


i wanted to say thank you again for reading, commenting, voting on this book. the fact that so many of you gave up some time in your day to read a new chapter or binge the whole book or leave a comment, means more than i can express.

once again, in case you missed it! i do have a new walking dead fic up on my page! go check it out if you are interested, it's a daryl dixon book
(w/ no wild age gaps this time lol)
cover is below

once again, in case you missed it! i do have a new walking dead fic up on my page! go check it out if you are interested, it's a daryl dixon book(w/ no wild age gaps this time lol) cover is below:)

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