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game day, showtime—daryl's referred to today as many different things and it's not even noon yet.
yesterday we geared up, today we're playing the field. we've declared hilltop as our base while our groups set out once again.
group one is staying at hilltop incase of any injuries or casualties, they'll be there to help.
group two—maggie, michonne, and sasha are assigned the satellite outpost.
group three—daryl, rick, and i. we're taking the white building, as dwight calls it.
group four—carol, ezekiel, and aaron are assigned the chemical plant.
in the middle of all this, group five—jesus, tara, and rosita will attack the south wing of the sanctuary by leading a group of walkers right up to their walls. at this time, dwight will evacuate the innocent and convince the fighters and negan to follow him out for safety.
if all goes as planned, we will meet at the east fields where dwight will walk the saviors and negan right into a war.
half of the saviors will turn on each other, taking our side and killing their own; that's what dwight promised.
negan's world will fall right in front of his eyes as ours did the night he decided to take the lives of our two friends.
"you two will be in the trees off to the left. it's a little far, but that's the best spot." rick tells sasha and i, even though we've discussed this plenty of times. "and make sure your walkies are on. eugene will be stationed on top of the water tower to let us know if anythin' doesn't look right."
"excuse me," a voice causes the three of us to turn around. a resident of hilltop and new friend of carol's, ezekiel, approaches us with a smile. "i wanted to give you two these," he hands sasha and i each a bow and quiver filled with arrows. "heard you two are the snipers who will be watching from afar. thought maybe you'd like these in addition to your guns."
"thank you." sasha beats me to it as we gently take the weapons from him.
"henry and i worked on them, they're hand crafted. you know, just incase you need to hit something without it making too much noise. these are guaranteed to be quiet, and if not, you can get your money back." he jokes, smiling to himself.
"thank you." i smile, securing the quiver over my shoulder.
i quietly disappear from the conversation between him, rick, and sasha as i see carl walk past.
"hey!" i catch up to him. "you're stayin' here with siddiq and enid?"
"yeah." he nods. "my dad asked if i wanted to come, said i could be in your group, but ... i don't really wanna see it. i'm gonna stay back with enid. it's actually kind of cool, saving people." he smiles. "she's been learning a lot from siddiq to become a doctor as good as him one day. she showed me how to do cpr."