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sam's bedroom door squeaks open from down the hall. i turn around for only a second to see spencer making a beeline straight for the room i'm in.
he stands beside me as we watch out the window. walkers are making their way into alexandria at a steady pace, one large swarm after another.
"you're good at math?" i ask him as my eyes stay peeled out the second story window for any sign of our people.
"some of it, yeah." he answers, continuing the nonchalant conversation as our day-to-day reality is crumbling right before our eyes. "what, surprised i'm actually not as bad of a guy as you think i am?"
the groaning and hissing of walkers is becoming loud enough to hear as they take over our streets and yards.
"i still think the same of you." i look over at him as he stands to my left. "i'm gonna go check on jessie downstairs."
my feet pad against the stairs of jessie's home as i race down them. the second i hit the floor of the kitchen, i see the front door is already open. jessie is standing on the front porch calling out that judith and i are in here.
she runs back inside with rick close behind, he's helping deanna walk—her shirt is soaked with blood in the stomach area.
carl, ron, michonne, denise, and gabriel flood inside as well and then jessie quickly shuts the door.
"help me get her upstairs." rick grunts. "judith all right?"
i quickly focus, pulling my eyes away from deanna's bite and taking her other arm over my shoulder, "yeah, judith's upstairs."
deanna is panting, mumbling words i can't quite hear. i think she's probably in shock.
we walk her into a room and softly lay her down on the daybed.
"mom?" spencer appears in the doorframe. "oh my god, mom!" he runs right for her. "is it a bite?"
i turn away from spencer as he holds his mom's hand while denise props her head with a pillow.
"the walls are down, she got bit. the watch tower, it fell from the pressure of the walkers. it was already weakened from the truck that rammed into it." rick explains without blinking while his finger taps against the face of his watch in an anxious manner.
"did you see anyone else?" i ask.
rick shakes his head, "maggie got up on the watch dock, i—i think."