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"they're still out there"

EPISODE NINE"they're still out there"SEASON 7

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"an asshole driver flipped me off. can you believe that?" rick laughs on the other end of our call. "broad daylight, flippin' off a cop."

"what'd you do to 'em, rick?" i tease.

"nothing. i was goin' the speed limit, maybe that's why."

i look over at the passenger's seat where she sits, her hands clasped together and her knee is bouncing so bad she's shaking.

"i'll tell you somethin' else you won't believe," i start.

"what's that?"

"what'chu know about grey kingston, man?"

there's a pause on his end for a moment, "kingston?" he sounds surprised at the mention of her name. "you know what i know about grey kingston, why?"

"yeah, yeah i know you do. sweet girl who's been through a lot, right?"

"right. what happened?" rick guesses from the tone in my voice.

"i caught her and some guy trying to break into a car, hot wire the thing, said it's his brother's. one hell of a story, man, i'll tell ya that, so we're runnin' the plates. i've got her on standby so she don't freeze out there, told her she got lucky it was me patrollin' the area and not pacetti."

"you need me to come? 's that why you radioed?"

"nah, thompson and i got it covered. i thought maybe you could come up with some community service for her to do if these plates end up not being what they say they are."

grey looks at me with a blank stare and i hear rick chuckle.

"i'll give it some thought." he says.

"i'll let you know." the static gives way as i end our conversation. grey slouches into the leather seat, staring out the windshield at the guy she came with who's standing on the sidewalk across the street, talking with one of our officers.

"this really his brother's car?" i ask again about the blue toyota.


"where're the keys?"

"i don't know."

"so maybe it is his brother's car." i state, turning in my seat to face her better. "family or not, stealin' a car is a felony; misdemeanor, if you get a nice prosecutor."

"it's in his brother's name, but it belongs to both of them."

"what's it doin' all the way out here on the edge of town?"

𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 , 𝐫. 𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now