Hey , Am truly sorry for not updating or anything but I've been busy with school and personal problems Just for yall I will be trying to update once a week. I need Votes and comments. I want yall to tell me what yall think. Any "Love & Rape" Readers on here hit me up in my inbox and let me know how yall would want me to start "Love & Rape 2" . Yall have been the reason why I want to write more and I just want yall to know It truly do love yall. #Noslient readers
Why the fuck is she her. I felt like I wanted to get off this hosptial bed and beat the shit out of her. But If Alex wants her that doesn't have nothing to do with me. He now can be a single man and don't have to be tied down by me. I just feel like shit right now. Alex's grandmother is in the other room across from mines she fainted. the doctor told Alex that she hasn't been doing so well. her body hasn't been fighting off this cancer ass a normal cancer paitent would. My parents came and talked to me. They said there were sorry for kicking me out . they wanted to see there grandchild but I had to tell them that He died today. there were so confused my mother was crusing the shit out of me calling me a hoe and shit. Telling me that the only thing they wanted was there grandchild but I am the worst child because I couldn't even do that. My mother slapped me and My farther called me a slut. Thank God Shay over heard this and was just snapping on them. telling them how they should be proud of me and on how I'am so strong. I don't know she had my back on this but that don't mean shit. I thanked her and tried not to cry Alex can't be in 2 places in once with me and his Grandma so Shay convinced him to stay with me and she will watch over Nana.
Alex got in my bed and closed the room door.
Alex: I just don't understand this.
He got in the bed and we cuddle I couldn't move much because I was in pain from my C-section.
Teya: How we funnah do this Alex. while you was talking to the doctor and in the room with Nana. My parents came here. They crused me out. said things to me I won't forget. I just don't know what to do. Are son was adorable they wouldn't even let me hold him. ( I started to cry & he holded me tight)
Alex: Baby I got you at the end of the day I knew how Jr felt for you. He was suppose to be the only thing you had. I'm sorry I've been an ass whole mama. I just been put in alot of pressure lately and am sorry for just pushing you to the side and not giving you the attention you deserve. I love you mama, I want you to know that.
Teya: I see how she looks at you and I know you feel the same way for her to You just don't show it.
Alex: Who you talking about? Because I don't feel nothing for LaShay . she don't like me and I don't like her. we just cooling that's it. Were friends she knows her place as my friend and thats it. You my forever the only thing I got through this whole problem with is my son dying and my grandma in this hosptial bed we got each other okay.
I shooked my head. I still don't care what he says I know the both love each other, He just don't want to hurt me or let himself know he does he's trying to push this problem off but he knows he can't.
Knock Knock

Cold, & Alone. But still going to do me.
Teen FictionShay has been Thur it all. But at the same time she doesn't let that get to her. Her main focus right now is school and God. She realize that a lot of people left her in her life. not understanding what's to come. She only 16 but is just trying to f...