I felt kiss on my face I got so scared and swing. "Shay stop its me, Its Alex" he said I stop swinging and looked at Alex on the floor. "Am sorry" I said. "I heard you was screaming and shit so I woke you up, Are you okay Shay?" He said with a worried face. I started shaking my head no one thing lead to another I started crying and screaming. "Am here Shay, am here for you" I thought how could he be here for me with all the things going on in his life. He placed me in his lap this time I was facing him and he was facing me. I laid my head on his shoulder and put my arms around his neck and just cried at every bad thought that came in my head that happened between me and Quincy. He held me tight and wouldn't let me go. When I was done crying his neck was full of tears.
I had to leave Shay, Teya called me and told me she was in the Emergency room. I ran over there. As soon as I entered her room I saw her just crying. I didn't know what was happening so I huge her tight. "You okay? Whats going on" I asked her. "I almost lost the baby, the doctor said I have to becareful" she said. I felt bad I was yelling and cruising her out just about a week ago. "Teya how far along are you" I sternly said "6 weeks" she looked at me. I knew that was my baby because me and her had sex that time but just to make sure we agreed that we would have a DNA test on the baby after it was born.
She was hungry so we left. I took her to a restaurant down the block. She ate a lot but I wasn't complaining. After that I paid for the bill , We went to her house to pick up her stuff since her parents kicked her out. It was messed up cause Teya didn't have no one. No sisters or brothers she started crying as she held her stomach. "Baby what's wrong?" I kissed her lips "Am getting kicked out my house I'm 17 and pregnant. I really don't even know if I want this baby. I can't take care no child, I'm a child myself." I held her tight I didn't know what to say. "Teya am sorry, but you not going to kill my baby. I'm be here for you every step of the way. Just me you alright." I loved Teya she just pissted me off when I found out she cheated on me. She was the first girl I knew that actually loved me...... And that wanted to spend her life with me.
We got her stuff and left. She really didn't have a lot of stuff, she only had 1 suit case and that it. She was going to stay with me. I didn't give no damm but about it she tried to fight me but I said no. Teya that's the only chick I want to have my baby anyways. So I was good, I walked into the house and grandma was cooking "Hi Grandma" Teya said they loved each other a lot I don't know why but I guess my grandma was a Mom for Teya she always told grandma everything I kinda got jealous but I didn't want to mess up there relationship. "Hey baby. How you been" my grandma asked Teya. "I've been good I got kicked out and I almost lost the baby" she said I looked back while I was going upstairs "Hold up, you knew she was having MY baby and didn't tell me" "Yes I know everything and I wanted Teya to tell you that not my business to tell. Who you getting slick at" she grabbed the knife "nobody " I hissed as I went up stairs I let them two had there time alone because I knew Teya was stress, I ran a bath for her and put a lot of bubbles her dome self is like a 11 year old she loves to joke around and keep people smiling. I went down stairs and grabbed my baby from my grandma I knew we was not going out but I still wanted to make it work.
We went upstairs and I told her that she had a bath running she said she was dizzy early and I wanted to do something good for her. She thanked me and went inside the bathroom. "Can I join you" I said I was stressed and I missed her she was holding me down but since she left I wasn't the same. "Yea sure" she said
I decided to read my bible today. I wasn't worried that Alex left me. I wasn't mad either he didn't tell me why he was living so I didn't asked.
I was mad at God , I was mad that he left me and just sat there and watched me go Thur the things I went Thur. I sat there on my bed reading the bible and trying to understand it. After that I talked to God I told him how I felt and everything I didn't have no one well that how I felt. Alex was there when he could but he really wasn't there. After my talk with God I kinda felt a little better. I went down stairs and help Gladys cook she was cooking this big dinner so I helped her out. She kinda looked like she couldn't believe her eyes but I didn't want this rape Thing to effect me. I wanted to be stronger and get my stuff together. The cops came here asking me questions about what happened with me and Quincy they told me his real name was Frederick and he was not who he said he was. I kinda was mad angry and lost but I didn't want to show it. I put a smile on my face and answered there questions. After there were done they left I missed my annoying cousins so I took them to the park and chilled with them.
I wanted to call Alex and ask him if he was okay but I didn't want to bother him.
I tooked the kids back home and lefted I wanted to go shopping and take a walk around the mall. I didn't have nobody to talk to so in my heart I was talking to God. I was asking him for strength in guidance. I had my own car but I really didn't drive it that much. 2hrs later I got out that mall them people wanted me broke. I bought 5 shirts and 7 pants and jewelry I went all out for them I wasted almost $250 but I was happy that I got some cloths. My mother and father kept calling me so I decide not to pick up there calls. Devan called me also to meet up so I told him yes. I drove to papa John's I was hungry. I tried that fasting for Jesus thing and it didn't work out. As I walked out of the store I heard some guy yell at some girl. His hands was gripped tight on her wrist. " Let me go Tryon, you always beating on me and I just font want to be with you anymore." He slapped the shit out of her blood came rushing down her lips she tried to not cry . I walked up to them "Excuse me!!!" "What bitch don't you see me handle something with this stupid as bitch." He said "Let her wrists go please. And I anit no female dog she isn't either. I exclaimed he griped her hand tighter she tried to fight but he just wouldn't let her go. I placed my pizza on the car next to me and grabbed my damm taser out my bag and tazzed his ass. I wasn't funnah do this shit with a wanna be thug. I grabbed the girl hand , taking my pizza off the car and I lead her to my car. I went in my car grabbed some whips for her. When we was down with that I drove her to her house. I talked to her told her to stay away from him. But she wouldn't listen.
Am not getting no support or love from y'all.

Cold, & Alone. But still going to do me.
Teen FictionShay has been Thur it all. But at the same time she doesn't let that get to her. Her main focus right now is school and God. She realize that a lot of people left her in her life. not understanding what's to come. She only 16 but is just trying to f...