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I watched in horror as the world crashed around me, aliens killing innocent people, and at my brother's wishes. My hands shook, eyes filling with tears as I met Loki's eyes. "What? Can't stand to know you're related to a monster?!"

"You're no.."

"Not your brother? Go ahead, abandon me, as did the rest!" He cut me off. 


"Or will you kill me out of fear? Go ahead! Kill me!" He opened his arms, and I felt my fists clenched at my sides. 

"I'm not going to kill you, you idiot! Despite your crimes, you're still my brother! Now stop this drivel about being singled out and unloved! You are an Odinson! I am an Odinson! You are my blood! And I need you..." I took a shaky breath, reaching out and taking his hand, "and I need you by my side." I let my skin turn the icy blue I'd learned to hide, watching as his eyes went wide, his own skin following. 


"I'm just like you, Loki. Like it or not, this is who we are, and I'm not going to fight you. Not anymore."

Tears began to fall, and then we looked up. The avengers stood there, Thor's eyes filling with doubt as he saw the two of us, our skin returning to its usual shade. "Alen.."

"Don't, Thor, just...don't." I let out a sigh, finally catching my breath and taking in the day's actions. 

"Alendria, you're hurt." Thor stepped forwards, and I looked down at my side, where I was bleeding, a lot. 

"I'll be..I'm.."

"Ria?" Loki's worry made me turn, "ria!" He darted towards me despite the weapons aimed...

"Stay back!"


"She's my sister, my blood. I'm not letting her die, so go ahead and shoot!" Loki hissed, and the last thing I saw as my eyes closed, we're his hands glowing as they hovered over my body.


When I awoke, he wasn't there, and I felt tears rise. I sat up, ignoring the healers that protested, walking straight towards the room of our older brother. "Where is he?" 

"Alendria? You're awake!" Thor turned to give me a hug, but I avoided it. 

"Where is he, Thor?!" 

"What do you mean?"

"He wouldn't have left my side could he help it, so where the hell is my brother?!"

"The dungeons."

"For how long?" He didn't answer. 



"Don't." I turned away. 


"How could you let this happen, Thor? He's our brother!"

"Alendria, I know you won't believe me, but I'm truly sorry." I walked away before I did something I regretted.

I made my way straight to the dungeons, not even glancing at the guards who bowed when I walked by. I don't know how I found him, but my feet took me straight to Loki. "Brother."

"Ria? You're alright?" He looked at my side. 

"Thanks to you." I stepped towards the cell, and he moved closer. 

"Next time, be more careful."

"If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be in this mess." I stated. 

"We? You are on the outside of this cell, are you not?" He gestured to the golden barrier separating us. 


"You are free. I am not. You'll do well to remember that one day, you'll be here too." His eyes glazed over, an illusion taking it's place. 

"No I won't." I shook my head. 

"Oh, but you will, Ria. We're monsters. What runs in my veins, runs in yours." Tears began to rise as he said it, eyes turning dark, "Odin hates us both, and last I checked Thor wasn't rushing to save you back on Midgard. You are an outcast, Ria! And now you're alone."

"Loki, please." I wanted nothing more than to reach for him, but I couldn't. 

"Emotions make you weak, Alendria. You're going to lose because of it." I couldn't take it anymore, tears fell and my body began to tremble. "That's it, cry, let out the real you who we both know is still the little girl left on a frozen planet."

His words cut like daggers, and I teleported myself to my room, breathing suddenly became difficult, and the room began to spin. Then my eyes landed on the mirror, and I walked towards it. My Jotun side took over and my red eyes reflected in the glass.

"Alendria?" A voice by the door interrupted me, "talk to me, dear." It was Frigga. 

"Moth.." I cut myself short, and she shit the door, eyes looking over me in concern. "I'm a monster." 

"You're my child." Her voice was gentle, unwavering. 

"No! No I'm not, neither of us are!" I hadn't realised I was shouting, but I couldn't stop it. 

"Blood or not, I raised you and Loki, you are my children." Her eyes showed there was no space for argument. 

"I can't take it, anymore." I sighed. 

"Talk to me."

"I love him! I love him, but he keeps hurting me!" I broke down, and she walked over, gently wrapping her arms around my shaking form. 

"Your brother loves you, Alendria. He just doesn't know how to show it." She whispered. 

"Then let me go in there, please."

"Your father.."

"Screw Odin! Loki is the only blood I have, and I'll be dammed if I let him suffer alone."

"You're kind, Alendria, your heart is pure, never let that change."

"It changed the day I lost my brother."

I walked away, the door swinging open with a chilly blast of wind, slamming against the wall as I moved along the corridor. "You can't free him,"

"Get out of my way, brother."

"No, I'm not going to watch you destroy yourself. I've already seen Loki go through it, and I refuse to let you travel the same path."

"Then help me, Thor. Or I'll find someone who will."

"I truly am sorry." I stopped as he spoke, and I felt my wrist being pulled behind my back. 

"What is this?"

"Father has banished you to earth, he fears you will cause war in order to free Loki."

"That's Bullshit! Thor!"

"You can stay with my friends."

"I'll kill them all."

"No, you won't."

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