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Chapter 1: Reality 

The woman who Jimin called his mother was gone He didn't know where not that he wanted to ask either he knew better than that. He was done all his chores and was about to hit his part-time job to pay the parents that were treating him like this. It's like paying rent to your own parents for living in your own house.

He stared sadly at an empty wall.

'Would life be different if I was loved by my parents?' He shook his head denying their existence.

 'What if I was born into a another family?'

He sighed softly before walking towards the stairs running towards his room. Aka the storage room that might have rats in it.

It was awfully cold in the winter, and sticky hot in the summer, but perfect in spring.

He looked at the beat-up bed and worn-out walls that were way too thick. But He didn't mind since he was alone, he didn't mind anything. He started to softly sing while changing into his work attire.

He looked at scars and bruises scattered all over his body shaking his head. Disgusted at his own body. But he sang again.

Because one day he knew everything would be alright.


Jimin had just gotten back from his part-time job and was worn out completely exhausted. But when he entered his house opening the door the man standing in front of him made him shake his tired eyes go wide open.

"S-sir," he stuttered dropping his sweatshirt that he was carrying. He quickly crouched down to pick it up. But The evil man in front of him pulled him inside by his hair before he could even get the chance to grab his sweater.

He was scared, so scared he could have accidentally pissed his pants and wouldn't notice it. And then he realized something he forgot a chore. He forgot to polish the man's black boots. Tears started filling his eyes and he couldn't breathe his hands clasped his chest.

"Listen here you bloody nuisance," he said his voice thick and full of hatred. He pushed Jimin into a wall.

"You're fucking lucky that I let you live here, I give you a few chores and all the sudden your stupid hands are broken?" He snarled before giving Jimin a five-star slap across his left cheek. With the pain Jimin felt it could have been a six star. The impact of the man's hand was so strong that Jimin tripped over his legs and fell to the ground. He sprained his ankle and withered in, stumbling and eventually crawling on the ground. It was so painful that Jimin was on the ground crawling while stumbling over his own legs.

"P-please" Jimin pleaded just wanting it to end as he held his burning cheek that would sting if you tried to touched it.

"I'm not done yet little boy, you should've acted better if you knew what was  best for you, take this as a warning." He said smiling evilly. Tears poured out of Jimin's eyes as he nodded holding back a sob. He should've polished those shoes he thought repeatedly he hated himself so much for forgetting something. Tears trailed down Jimin's stinging cheek making it sting more as his "father" grabbed a belt. When he saw the belt in his father's hands Jimin crawled faster only causing the sprain in his ankle to hurt worse.

"Your warning has started," his father said in a stern tone. A wider smile grew on his face. He whipped the belt up in the air and down at Jimin's broken body. Jimin cried and he sobbed and muffled screams escaped his mouth. Each time he lifted the belt up in the air he would come back with a stronger force. Jimin begged him to stop as welts filled his body and small cuts bled. Red lines filling his body marking him all over again.

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