e i g h t e e n

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Just saying smut scenario ahead skip to the dot if you're uncomfortable with it. But otherwise I really suck at writing smut scenes so I'm sorry if this doesn't live up to your expectations. :)

Chapter 18: Cathrine.

The two had just finished watching a horror movie with the guys and decided to call it a night. They headed to the bedroom showering and changed.

Yoongi stared at Jimin who was smiling once again. The light in Jimin's life had sparked up again and his heart didn't feel like it was suffocating every second.

Yoongi kissed Jimin. he wasn't thinking he just felt that he and Jimin were so magical so special and Yoongi wanted to make sure Jimin felt that way. His hand slipped under Jimin's shirt lifting the shirt to reveal Jimin's gorgeous soft body. 

Jimin blushed hiding in the blanket.

Yoongi smiled and kissed his forehead before pulling his own shirt off.

He kissed Jimin softly making Jimin pull Yoongi under the cover with him. Yoongi sighed in content kissing Jimin's neck.

"Jimin, if I hurt you just slap me okay?" Yoongi said and Jimin laughed nodding.

Yoongi kissed Jimin's lips once more before he brought his lips back to Jimin's delicate neck kissing and sucking on it softly. Yoongi had left a few pinkish reddish marks. He didn't want to be harsh on Jimin, it was the last thing he wanted. He wanted Jimin to know that he could trust Yoongi.

Jimin gripped the sheets biting his lips as a giggle wanted to escape. He was ticklish and Yoongi's warm wet tongue against his soft skin was butterflies and laughs. He felt soft in awe.

Yoongi placed gentles kisses on Jimin's old scars almost as if the were fresh. He under any circumstances didn't want Jimin to think he was not beautiful.

"Usually this is what the married couple does after the wedding, but you seem too irresistible." Yoongi whispered smirking against Jimin soft skin. Jimin's cheeks heat up turning pink to red until his cheeks grew permanent red roses on them.

Yoongi kissed the big scar on Jimin's stomach.

"Do you want this Jimin? We can just cuddle if you want," He looked at Jimin for permission he smiled nodding. 

"I want I-it," Jimin stuttered flustered.

Yoongi was happy that Jimin had trusted his this much. He kissed Jimin once more.

"You're fucking gorgeous," Yoongi whispered into Jimin's ear. And for once Jimin didn't flinch at a swear word. 

Yoongi kissed down Jimin neck butterflies exploding in Jimin's stomach as the feeling was euphoric.

He started sucking on Jimin's nipple while caressing the other one with his thumb. He started going farther down removing Jimin's sweats before removing his own. Leaving them both in their boxers.

Yoongi kissed Jimin's forehead.

"Are you sure?" He murmured worried that he might be forcing this on Jimin. Jimin nodded his cheeks rosy as lust filled the air.

He removed Jimin's boxers before throwing them aside.

"I'm going to go as slow ok? Tell me if you want to stop," 


Jimin woke up in Yoongi's arms feeling exhausted. He was wearing Yoongi's t-shirt and cuddled up in his boyfriend's arms he didn't mind that he had no boxers on. He stretched before cuddling up with Yoongi again.

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