t w e n t y

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^oi, up here Jimin's lyrics at 1:20 are key to their part in this chapter.

Chapter 20: Everyone's endings

Jimin leaned his against Yoongi's shoulder closing his eyes.

"Why?" Jimin asked.

"Why what?" Yoongi laughed breathing out from his nose.

"Why do you want this?" Jimin asked.

Yoongi fell silent. Not because he did not know how to answer Jimin just because he didn't like the way Jimin thought about their relationship.

"If you were to go somewhere, be anywhere what would you want?" Yoongi asked suddenly.

Jimin parted his lips to speak but nothing came out of it. His mind went blank when he tried to think of any place and he shut his mouth looking the other way in shame. He was too embarrassed to say what his thoughts were out loud.

"I don't know,"

"That's okay, we'll figure it out together." Yoongi shrugged looking at the shimmering water in front of them. Admiring as the sun was setting on top of the glittery water.

"Actually I know..." Jimin said holding his earlobe and rubbing it nervously. He wanted to start whining because he was a bit embarrassed he didn't want to voice his thoughts because he knew they were cheesy.

"I want home, but I already have it."

"You want to go back to the gang?" Yoongi asked his eyebrows furrowed. Jimin closed his eyes wanting to throw a fit.

"It's hard to explain but I want the feeling, 'finally home.' Not even a place or a thing. Yoongi you have home. You feel like home, every time I kiss you or you hold me in your arms, I feel like I'm finally home. Yoongi you are my home I would follow you. anywhere and everywhere. So that why I can't pick a place, I want to pick you Yoongi."

"You are my home," Yoongi smiled shyly as Jimin patted his cheeks that had grown red and rosy.

It was that Jimin had wanted before he even met Yoongi. He wanted someone to make him feel special, safe, and loved. And Yoongi did all of that and more.

He made Jimin feel like he belonged.

That's what made Jimin feel like he was finally home.

"And that's why I want us," Yoongi murmured knowing that Jimin made him feel the same way.

"We are home Jimin," Yoongi smiled holding Jimin's tiny hand in his interlacing them.

"Yeh we are..." Jimin whispered softly looking at the water that was a purple color thanks to the pink and purple sunset.

He sighed in content.

The two boys were finally home.


Jungkook looked at Taehyung who smirked.

"No, don't even think about it Kim flipping Taehyung" Jungkook glared at his boyfriend.

"My ass hurts enough," He pouted.

"I'm sorry kookie," Taehyung said in between laughs before holding his boyfriend in his arms kissing his cheek. Jungkook smacked his shoulder before nuzzling his head into Taehyung's neck kissing it softly.


"I wrote a song for you," Jungkook smiled.

"Do you remember what today is?" he asked smiling cheekily.

TRAPPED I YOONMIN I ✔Where stories live. Discover now