n i n e t e e n

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Chapter 19: love is mutual.

Jimin had come down to make some breakfast for the boys but he was confused when he heard someone already in the kitchen.

It was Cathrine.

His eyes narrowed but he focused and he grabbed a water bottle from the fridge instead.

"You're not actually related to Kim Seokjin now are you? Your last names are different," She stated in a mocking tone. Jimin rolled his eyes.

"We are related," Jimin said looking into her eyes. She shrugged.

"So fake brothers huh?" She poked farther.

Jimin didn't give her the satisfaction of a reaction, he just continued to reach for the water bottle left in the fridge.

He had thought of Jin as his actual brother. He was the first person who knew. Who loved him and supported him. Jin had protected and loved and cared for Jimin as much as Jimin did for Jin. How dare she say it was fake? He was even angrier now, the rage in his system had never ended completely and here she was starting it all over again.

"Sensitive topic huh?" She teased an evil smile placed on her lips. Jimin controlled his anger making it seem as if he was totally uninterested.

He grabbed a water bottle and headed back upstairs until something she said made him stop.

"And you got daddy issues too? Your daddy used to abuse you? Is that how you won Yoongi?" She taunted. Making Jimin freeze on the spot. How did she know that?

This girl had looked into Jimin.

His eyes twitched. And he was done with people making him feel like shit. Because Yoongi made him realize he was anything but that. And so did his therapist so he wasn't going to let someone walk all over him. Not again. Not ever.

He twisted his water bottle open he turned around and he threw the water all over her.

"Say that the fuck again, you petty ass bitch," was that the first time Jimin's cursed someone out? Yes. Did it matter right now? definitely not.

Where did he learn those words? Changbin and Yoongi and of course Jin.

Cathrine shivered because of the cold water.

"You will regret-" 

Before she could finish Jimin threw the plastic water bottle at her before he walked away ultimately slaying. He was about to head back upstairs before he met Jungkook who was shocked.

"I- wow- um, you're awesome Jimin," he smiled before running into the elevator with him.

"What do you mean?" Jimin frowned.

"The way you put her in her place I was about to walk in but- you were fucking epic!" Jungkook exclaimed.

"I hope it was enough for her, I don't want her to get hurt," Jimin said, starting to feel guilty already.

"You were totally cool back there, I have a huge crush on you!" Jungkook said making Jimin chuckle.

"This is your floor right?" Jimin asked and Jungkook nodded before walking out and waving Jimin bye.

Jimin sighed until the elevator broke down. The lights were out completely dark. This terrified Jimin and he spent the first few minutes trying to breathe. He was shaking trying to remember the breathing instructions his therapist had taught him.

He was confused and scared for a few more minutes but he soon realized what had happened.

Cathrine had done this.

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