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3rd p.o.v

chapter 2: Feel Human

Jimin couldn't believe his eyes when he saw that he would be partners with Min Yoongi for the rest of the semester in every subject. His crush Min Yoongi. re-read the green chalkboard over and over again. He was smiling ear to ear but his cheek still stung. Making him hiss. He tried to touch it softly but it still burned.

"Jimin right?" A certain cool voice behind him suddenly spoke, startling him.

"Y-yeah," Jimin said playing with the sleeves of his sweatshirt. 

He turned around with his beautiful eyes meeting the floor dust that stared back at him. Yoongi could notice how insecure and startled Jimin was.

"Did I scare you? I didn't intend to," Yoongi said feeling bad. But he really needed some coffee he felt like he was going to fall asleep in the middle of nowhere if he didn't. He just wanted to get this over with.

"N-no it's okay," Jimin couldn't believe he was talking to the guy who he's had a crush on for 12 months straight. He was looking everywhere and anywhere but at Yoongi. It annoyed Yoongi to death and he wanted to say something but he didn't want to startle the boy again.

Yoongi sighed knowing about his scary reputation around the school. But he couldn't help but wonder what Jimin thought of him he found Jimin quite interesting everything about him seemed unreal especially his grades they were practically perfect. He constantly wondered what his mom would be like if he was Jimin, sweet, shy, annoyingly kind, and a super nerd.

Would she accept him if he was him?

Yoongi felt his heart sink in his as he caught himself being mad at the latter for having it all together. For being so smart and collected like he had his whole life together.

He had no clue that Jimin isn't as okay as he looks,

"Since we're partners for the rest of the semester I think we should have each other's numbers don't you think?" Yoongi suggested with a hint of my bitterness on his tongue.

"I-I don't have a phone," Jimin stuttered knowing the boy in front of him will consider it a lie. But it wasn't his fault his father broke his sister's old one which was given to him after she got a new one. Jimin remembered being so happy at the time. Gosh how much he misses his sister was enough for him to cry but he stopped himself from getting carried away with his emotions.

"Are you fucking serious?" Yoongi blurted the first thing that came out of his mouth.

Jimin nodded. But then realized it was near impossible for a sixteen-year-old to not have a phone. Even though he was living pretty much fine without one.

"I know it sounds like a lie-" Jimin mumbled softly. He remembered what generation he was in.

Yoongi made a weird face unreadable.

"Mine broke," Jimin said simply not daring to tell Yoongi about his father not like he would care. His father should be treating him like this it's what he deserved. It's what he deserved after what had happened. 

"Oh," Yoongi said nodding his head.

"Our first assignment is to get to know each other more, so we have to hang out with each other for a week and you know talk about things," Yoongi said reading the chalkboard. Not bothering to read on longer because he was too lazy to.

"We can get some coffee and talk if you want," Yoongi offered really needing that coffee. Unless Jimin was cool with him passing out on him.

"Oh um ok," Jimin said softly. Jimin's never drank coffee, he's never been to a cafe more than once. What the hell was Jimin going to do?

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