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Chapter 6: Fear is shitty

Jimin was sitting beside Jin watching a comedy movie laughing whenever Jin did even though he wasn't paying attention to the movie.

Jin's house was massive Jimin expected an apartment or a small house like his own.

He felt quite uncomfortable and out of place.

"Jin hyung can you get me s-" Yoongi walked inside the theater room and Jimin immediately stood up. And Yoongi was confused but was by his side.

"What happened? How did Jimin find the house?" asked containing his excitement from seeing the boy. So it wasn't Jin's house. Jimin concluded his confusion gone.

"I met him at the coffeehouse and brought him over because no one wanted to watch a movie with me," Yoongi stopped frowning.

"Hobi would watch a movie with you," Yoongi said rolling his eyes.

"Oh yeah! Let me invite him too!-" Jin said excited about getting him

"Actually I wanted to take Jimin, is that okay Jimin?" Yoongi asked. And Jimin nodded.

"Sorry hyung," Jimin apologized before Yoongi put his hand in Jimin's taking him to the elevator. Jimin was flustered his face red and embarrassed. He noticed the elevator going up to 8 and tilted his head confused as Yoongi pressed the seventh floor.

"I missed your turtle nonsense," Yoongi whispered making Jimin perk up looking at the boy in shock.

"I missed you too- talking to you about turtles-" Jimin stuttered not being able to look at Yoongi in the eyes.


Jimin and he walked out to the seventh floor.

Yoongi took him to his room turning on the tv and handing Jimin the remote.

"pick anything you want to watch," Yoongi said looking at Jimin in happiness. His heart had calmed down and his mind was at peace. He could breathe just with Jimin's presence, he felt like he was cured.

Jimin fumbled with the remote before he scrolled across movies and decided to watch a Disney movie. he put the movie on using his brain. Jimin had barely used a tv in years it took only commonsense to get what he wanted on screen but for Jimin it was stressful.

Yoongi sat on the bed and Jimin followed him. Yoongi put a blanket on himself and Jimin but it wasn't long before Yoongi's arm wandered to Jimin's waist grabbing him closer to himself. Jimin let out a surprised yelp.

But soon Jimin realized it was only Yoongi and he smiled leaning his head on Yoongi. Jimin didn't know if this was normal he hugged Changbin, so this should be normal? Jimin claimed that this was normal partly because he enjoyed being held by Yoongi. He closed his eyes feeling at peace in Yoongi's chest.

He could hear muffled voices coming from the tv but he didn't care he had his eyes closed and they were falling heavy reminding him of the sleepless nights he's had.

Yoongi had too felt at peace looking at Jimin who had closed his eyes and looked like he was slowly falling under the spell of sleep. He smiled, and before he could stop himself he was smiling against Jimin's hair. Jimin had felt this but was way too tired to open his heavy eyelids so he just let the butterflies explode in his stomach as he fell asleep on his cush's shoulder.

Yoongi felt weird and just thanked God Jimin was asleep. He realized he really needed to wrap his head around his feelings for the boy maybe even try to stay away from Jimin to figure them out. He couldn't just accidentally mislead Jimin.

Jimin's breathing started getting heavy and Yoongi turned the tv off and turned the lights off using an app on his phone which was one of the best decisions he's ever made in his life. 

Yoongi had put Jimin's body on top of himself holding the sleeping boy to his chest. He laid down with the boy still resting on his chest in a tiny ball. Yoongi had both his arms wrapped around Jimin holding him as close as he could to his chest.

He knew he was going regret this in the morning, but that was future Yoongi problems, not present Yoongi problems.

And just like that he too had closed his eyes almost falling asleep with the younger in his arms. But then he opened his eyes and in the middle of the night sighing letting Jimin off to the other side of the bed. But Yoongi couldn't control his arm from going to Jimin's tiny waist pulling him a tiny bit closer to himself before he drifted back to sleep partly satisfied.


Jimin squinted his eyes and the sun peeping in from the curtain was the only sign that Jimin had realized that it was already morning. He looked beside him to see Yoongi fast asleep snoring softly.

Jimin smiled softly noticing Yoongi hand on his waist. He played with Yoongi's hair until his stomach growled. He quickly stood up embarrassed.

 He didn't even eat dinner- And then he realized something. He didn't go home yesterday. He didn't go home to his father yesterday. He was beyond scared.

His father was going to kill him, Jimin didn't even know where he was or how to get back home. He's let his mother's dead face terrify him to the point Jimin might end up meeting her.

He was definitely having a panic attack and he was pacing around the room unable to breathe until two pairs of arms wrapped themselves around Jimin making the boy surprised.

His lungs filled with oxygen.

"P-please get me home," Jimin whispered frantically. He was practically whimpering Yoongi's heart couldn't take it and he nodded in confusion.

"You got to eat first," Yoongi said softly and Jimin nodded his head and the two used the washroom before heading downstairs. Was Yoongi going to miss the boy all over again? Yes. But if Jimin didn't want it he didn't want it right now either.

They ended up eating cereal. 

"So turtles," Yoongi started and Jimin's eyes lit up for a brief moment before he started to play around with his spoon.

Yoongi frowned at the boy's behavior. What had killed his mood so much? What was making Jimin shake? 

"What's wrong?" Yoongi asked knowing it was none of his business but his emotions were taking him on a rollercoaster. He had never been on a rollercoaster ride and he never wanted to go on one either.

"N-nothing," Jimin said softly but Yoongi didn't buy it.

"Jimin," Yoongi said in an expectant tone.

"I stayed the night here," Yoongi nodded not knowing where this was going. 

"My f-father...he doesn't," Jimin squirmed in his seat obviously uncomfortable. 

"Never mind just eat and I'll get you home," Yoongi told him. Jimin wanted to stay with Yoongi. He felt safe with Yoongi at least Yoongi wasn't the one who murdered Jimin's mother. At least he didn't beat him up every night. Jimin knew his feelings for Yoongi were overflowing.

And Yoongi on the other hand was trying to figure it out.

He sighed when Jimin finished eating,

"Come on," he said to Jimin.

They were in the car silence in between them.

Yoongi turned on some music making Jimin grin and hum. But slowly th humming turned into singing and dancing.

The two enjoyed the moment laughing, teasing, singing, and dancing. They were happy as anyone could be at 9 AM. 

Jimin braced himself waving at Yoongi who just nodded and waited for Jimin to go into his house.

As if you could even call it that.

-Oooooh, someone got a crush on Jiminieee, originally their story was supposed to go really slow to this is faster than I wished it would be. Anyhow word count: 1278

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