f o u r t e e n

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Chapter 14: Awake

Jimin's eyes fluttered opened and Yoongi stood up immediately. His eyes flickered around the room until they landed on a worried Yoongi. He smiled warmly but then the pain in his ribcage made him squint his eyes in pain.

"Be careful," Yoongi mutters before walking over to him brushing Jimin's greasy hair to the side.

"You were out for a while," Yoongi murmured looking away at the machines.

"Around 3 weeks...I was, really worried," Yoongi said softly before he lifted had to look at a teary-eyed Jimin.

"Why are you crying? Are you hurt? where does is it hurt? I'll call-"

"No," Jimin croaked. The tears in his eyes shining like 1000 stars.

"you, me, special," Jimin said in short broken words but Yoongi understood.

"Yeah, we are Jiminie, that we are..." Yoongi smiled warmly.

Yoongi spent the rest of the day with Jimin, this time he was rambling about random things in Jimin's place.

"I missed you," Jimin said softly before falling asleep.

"Me too," Yoongi whispered before kissing Jimin's temple and walking out of the room to get some water.

"You knew that he was getting abused?" He heard Namjoon from the door and Yoongi paused.

"I had no choice he was on his knees Namjoon- he begged me he had cried until he couldn't keep his eyes open anymore! I protected him the best I could-"

"You could've told us-"

"That's exactly what Jimin didn't want,"

"Did you think as a doctor he was in the state to be making a decision like that? Kim Seokjin!" Namjoon yelled.

"I was only going to hurt him more and you know that! What were we going to do? Kidnap his father and murder him? torture him forever like right now? What's the best you could've done for him Namjoon? What's the best?"

"he's just a fucking kid, you're not!" Namjoon yelled making Jin silent.

"Fine, I'll admit it, but what are we going to do now?"

"what do you mean?" 

"Jimin is in critical condition, he's lost a lot of blood he could even have some sort of brain damage with how hard he hurt his head and we don't even know the other injuries, and with the way, he's been abused there ould be more damage than expected. So you watch yourself!" Jin said and Yoongi was about to open the door and ask what was happening to his Jimin but something stopped him.

"He shouldn't strain himself use too much energy and he should also see a therapist." 

A therapist?

Yoongi put his head down and removed his hand from the handle.

Jimin had fixed him, helped him given him everything he needed. But yoongi blamed himself. He didn't help Jimin, fix him or love him enough, he didn't hold Jimin as close enough he didn't listen to his rambles enough.

Yoongi wasn't enough...

Jimin had made him feel like he was but he wasn't,

more tears filled Yoongi's swollen eyes.

and he walked out of the building running wildly he didn't even know where he was going he knew that he didn't want to be there.

He looked around at the familiar street his feet taking his wherever they wanted him to go.

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