t w e l e v e

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Chapter 12: Yoongi's untold story,

"We should get you home," Yoongi laughed getting up.

"Yeah, we should..." Jimin whispered not wanting to go, he missed Yoongi's shoulder pillow for resting his head. He didn't want to go home. Not yet.


"Unless? You want to spend the night at mine again?" Jimin nodded without thinking. He didn't want to go anywhere near his father the burn in his hands reminding him of what his father had done. Jimin has never questioned his father's psychotic actions, but he was beginning to question where it had really gone wrong.

What had he done wrong?

He couldn't get out of his head...

The rainbow suit, the stereotypes, the yelling, the anger, the broken glass scattered on the ground, the annoyance, the hate... 

The more Jimin thought about it he started to remember his little figure in the doorway as his parents fought.

Jimin remembers every detail, especially the pile of his brother's blood.

Everything was his fault, it had to be. 

"Jimin?" Yoongi interrupted his train of thought.

"I need to tell you something really important when we get home." Yoongi sighed he knew it was time, and that Jimin was the one he wanted to talk to. After all how long could he really keep it from his to-be-boyfriend?

Jimin couldn't stop thinking about his father.

"I like you a lot," Jimin blurted a heat rising to his soft cheeks.

"I like you a lot too," Yoongi said smiling at Jimin who squirmed out of the cuteness overload.


Jimin was wearing Yoongi's clothes after his shower, everyone else in the house was too busy to engage in any conversation like Yoongi had told him in the empty classroom, they were indeed busy.

Jimin's hair was still fluffy and wet making him look like an adorable puppy that Yoongi just wanted to cuddle and never let go of.

Yoongi hugged Jimin and Jimin gasped in surprise before wrapping his arms around the older boy. Even when time passed the two hugged each other content. Even when minutes continued to pass, they didn't want to let go. They held onto each other's warmth cherishing each and every moment because they knew they wouldn't get moments like this again.

"I want to tell you, something I haven't told anyone yet..." Yoongi sighed holding Jimin's waist securely almost as if he revealed the truth and Jimin would leave him forever.

"When I was a boy..." Yoongi started.

"I didn't have a lot, we weren't very rich and we starved most of the time. We mostly ate cup noodles or ramen if we got lucky. We never had much always needing to share striving to survive. I barely had clothes. I had one good outfit and another that I wore every day until the shirt had a hole in it,"

"Our clothes were usually bought 3 sizes bigger so we could grow into them not needing to pay for clothes for around 3-4 years, I guess I lived like that. And then I saw Namjoon hyung... he taught me music, mostly all my music knowledge comes from him. He told me that I truly had a talent and I could never forget that day, I had never been so happy."

"I learned guitar from the streets even though it was harder it soon became easy. Namjoon hyung was my biggest support he kept my dreams living at the time. Everything was a bit too much and my family was in a lot of depts at the time. So I decided to shut my mouth for a while,"

Jimin stayed silent rubbing circles on Yoongi's back.

"But then it got worse I found out I was gay... you know I thought that I was always into girls. I really thought that I just hadn't found the "one" but it was different. I fell for guys, in a way I could never fall for girls, it was actually shocking to me and I wanted it to go away because my family was also very religious especially my grandma, she was the sweetest however, she listened to the guitar I borrowed from Namjoon hyung which I did often because he sucked at guitars," Yoongi chuckled softly at the memory.

"She passed away after I made it to grade 8," Yoongi took a deep breath.

"I told them about my passion my talent, at first they thought it was a joke the look on their faces when I told them I was being real, my dad beat me until I couldn't move for 2 weeks my mother had to pull him off of me, I was terrified of my father. But when Namjoon hyung saw this he encouraged me to keep going on. But I couldn't, I didn't want to "keep going on." I had wanted to give up," Jimin's eyes widened at this, but he continued listening.

"After another year when I somehow managed to graduate, I got into the gang mostly because Namjoon's father saw great potential in me. He took the place of my father. He was the first person I came out to, and do you know what he did? He slapped me across the face telling me that was nothing to be ashamed of before hugging me," Yoongi chuckled and Jimin could feel Yoongi's tear drip onto his shirt. He held onto Yoongi a little tighter.

"He died too that September... he had died celebrating his birthday when there was a shooting, he had protected me. Namjoon and I quickly ran out of the mansion Taehyung following along. I was so scared, Namjoon was crying, I was about to cry but I held back putting on a stone-cold face for everyone around me."

Yoongi broke the hug holding Jimin's hands in his. His head down in shame.

"It's all my fault." Yoongi cried. Jimin pulled back into his embrace kissing the crying boy's head. He was worried for Yoongi and wanted to tell him it wasn't his fault. But Jimin knew, he knew that Yoongi needed to let it out.

"I came out to my real parents when we got into high school, they kicked me out for good, my mother, she tried to marry me off to my cousin who recently got divorced... my mother... I didn't even tell Namjoon about it. I became scared of who I was, and I always pulled on a stone-cold face hiding who and what I was." Yoongi sniffled into Jimin's neck letting go of Jimin.

"I wasn't Min Yoongi the gay boy who plays on the streets, I became Suga the most feared gang member in Bangtan history wherever he walks he owns the fucking place. Don't look at him unless you don't want to have eyes anymore. That's who I became, a monster." Yoongi said the coldness returning to his eyes.

Jimin put his hands on Yoongi's cheeks.

"Yeah you're, not him anymore," Jimin said smiling ear to ear making Yoongi nod.

"You're Min Yoongi that throws rocks on beaches for a date, can't function without coffee, the one who puts a brave face on for everyone, the one who protects and cuddles, the Min Yoongi that I like with all my heart, you're my Min Yoongi." Jimin finished before once again wrapping his arms around the shocked older boy.

"I'm yours?" He asked his voice breaking as he pulled out Jimin's arms.

"Y-yeah... well, only if you want to be, I mean it's up to-" Jimin was interrupted by Yoongi's soft lips on his.

"I think you stole my heart. Like all of it, the first time we talked you stole a bit of it but now I've realized, you've always had it with you. You have made me into a reasonable person that my father(Namjoon's father) would want me to be." Yoongi said tears falling out of his eyes but a wide gummy smile spread across his face.

Jimin smiled before embracing Yoongi once again.

"So are we going to cuddle?" Yoongi asked and Jimin had nodded so fast that Yoongi laughed.

"Let's go," Yoongi said holding Jimin's hand in his leading him to the bed.

and they cuddled until the sun rose,

none of them parted from each other.

-Yoongi's story is truly heartbreaking, but it isn't walked through like Jimin's will be, sure it's too soon to make yoongi open up but I think that it was best if Yoongi was honest with Jimin. Jimin after all is the one who made Yoongi feel less like a monster and more like a living being that has feelings. word count: 1438-

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