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Chapter 10: Kiss Me,

"What happened to your hand?" Yoongi said narrowing his eyes at Jimin's hand.

Jin shot his eyes to Jimin and a gasp escaped his lips.

"I was actually thinking about something...and I forgot to put the tap for cold water on,"

"Jimin you need to not be so clumsy," Jungkook scolded before lecturing Taehyung for stressing the boy out.

"Let me have a look," Jin said,

Jin was well aware of who had done this, and he was really angry about it but he just couldn't do anything. He had promised Jimin and unfortunately he had to keep his promise, until he couldn't.


Everyone left for school. Jimin was feeling out of place in Yoongi's car, he felt like he was too cheap to be sitting in his car. He felt madly out of place but didn't complain.

"Hey," Yoongi said softly.

"Hi," Jimin whispered back.

"How's your hand?" Yoongi asked sweetly.

"It's okay now," Jimin lied.

Yoongi nodded but he didn't believe Jimin.

"We have a new project this week," Yoongi said trying to make a conversation.

"Yeah we do," Jimin murmured shortly.

"I have to take you on a date," Yoongi said trying to continue the conversation.

"Yeah you do..." Jimin again replied shortly leaving no room for conversation.

"I want to kiss you," Yoongi blurted his thoughts.

"Yeah I- wait what?" Jimin asked stuttering.

"I want to kiss you," Yoongi repeated without thinking at all.

Jimin was speechless I mean what is a person supposed to do? Their crush since forever stated that they want to kiss them. Jimin was about to reply but got cut off by a flushed Yoongi.

"I'm just kidding your cute when you're embarrassed," Yoongi said embarrassed of being rejected in a car ride.

"Oh," Jimin whispered. He felt hurt. Does that mean Yoongi would never kiss him? And suddenly Jimin felt unwanted. Like no one would ever kiss him. Like he was a game being played around with again. He felt hurt and he couldn't deny it. He felt tears well up in his beautiful eyes but he pushed them back knowing it was stupid.

He looked out the window.

Yoongi didn't know what was wrong. Did he make Jimin uncomfortable? He had no clue but he wanted to find out.

"Hey," Yoongi tried again but Jimin just stared at him blinking no smile on his face. No emotions on his beautiful face. Yoongi frowned he didn't understand what killed Jimin's jams.

"Never mind," Yoongi mumbled looking at the road before pulling into the school's parking.

"What happened?" Jimin mumbled.

"Nothing," Yoongi mumbled softly and smiled at Jimin.

Jimin felt butterflies explode in his stomach. And he breathed out heavily. How was he going to get rid of these feelings so he doesn't get hurt? So he doesn't expect more, so he doesn't fall into false conclusions, he doesn't think he had something so special as a soulmate.

As soon as Yoongi took the key out of the car Jimin left speed walking to the doors of the school as frustrated hot tears slipped from his eyes tracing his cheeks before falling to the tip of his chin.

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