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Chapter 4: accepted.

Jimin nervously grabbed his food tray before someone tripped him over. Making Jimin drop all of his food. Which also would have made him fall flat on his face if Yoongi wasn't holding his waist. Yoongi was about to punch the girl who had dared trip Jimin but Jimin interfered telling Yoongi that he wanted help cleaning the food off the floor. Yoongi wasn't embarrassed when he crouched down and helped Jimin put his chicken nuggets back in the tray.

Jimin got up and Yoongi's arm wrapped around Jimin's waist again he sent a glare to the table making them gulp in fear.

Jimin put the tray on the side of the cafe's table of course Jimin wasn't going to eat it he just felt bad for the janitor. He went to get another tray of food shooing Yoongi away. When he was walking back with his new tray of food he could hear mean whispers about him.

He didn't want to let them get to him but he couldn't admit that they didn't. He felt uncomfortable and unsafe he felt like he couldn't breathe until his eyes landed on Yoongi. And all of a sudden Jimin didn't care for what the world had to say even if he was a little nervous.

Yes, yes he had a crush on a boy, and he was a boy too. And there was absolutely nothing wrong with that. Jimin hesitated to sit with Yoongi until Yoongi grabbed his food tray placing it on the table, and patting the spot beside him to sit.

He then started to get some introductions from some of Yoongi's friends. The gang member looked at Jimin's expression every time his eyes lit up and you could see how happy Jimin was. Yoongi sighed softly.

"I'm Taehyung and this is my cute little rabbit Jungkook," Taehyung teased.

"Boyfriend babe, I'm his boyfriend," Jungkook rolled his eyes pouting.

Jimin's eyes light up even more.

"You guys are adorable!" He exclaimed smiling ear to ear. Even Yoongi hadn't seen such a beautiful smile of Jimin and for some reason, he wanted to see it more. Jungkook smiled and so did Taehyung and they looked at each other.

"We want to adopt Jimin," they said at the same time making Jimin laugh.

"I don't have any objections," Jimin smiled at them making Jungkook chuckle and reach his arm to ruffle the boy's hair up Jimin flinched a little but no one caught on.

Yoongi controlled himself from smacking Jungkook's hand away he didn't want anyone touching Jimin. He was fragile and definitely off-limits.

"Yoong's where'd you find the sweet boy he's absolutely adorable and amazing," Jin said. Jin wasn't technically a part of the gang he was only there for medical reasons only, he was the doctor for the gang. In fact, he had graduated high school with Namjoon and the two shouldn't be there but they were. It's kind of a perk when you're rich. They literally have the aura of: 'touch me, I dare you,'.

Yoongi just rolled his eyes not wanting to answer but when Jimin looked at him expecting he didn't want to keep him waiting.

"He's my partner for the rest of the semester, he's an amazing talker who can keep you distracted for hours, with all his turtle knowledge." Yoongi teased making Jimin blush and roll his eyes playfully. The member silently gasped even if Jimin was being playful no one dared to show any disrespect to Yoongi he could crush you in 3 seconds.

But Yoongi just shrugged continuing to stare at Jimin anyway. And they swore they saw Yoongi's lips lift upwards for a second.

The gang members looked at each other in confusion.

"There's no way that's Yoongi," Taehyung whispered to his boyfriend who nodded and agreed right away.

"Sorry, guys I got held up by my- oh my God! You!" A man said in a loud overly excited voice.

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