f i f t e e n

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Chapter 15: Jimin's truth is out.

It had been 2 months,

2 months since Jimin was shifted to a hospital and zero improvements the boy had even gotten him a psychiatrist but he's not willing to speak. He's learned how to speak properly but his nightmares are a neverending story.

Yoongi hasn't left Jimin's side in a week no matter if the gang went back home or went out to eat. He held on to Jimin kissing him whispering to him doing anything to make him feel safe again.

He knew that Jimin needed someone to depend and therefore he was there 24/7 whenever Jimin needed him he was there ready to love and support him.

Jimin loved Yoongi and everything but he didn't know if Yoongi did, why would Yoongi want him? He was such a burden...

"I know, this is horrible place to ask you this. Definitely not planned I was going to take you somewhere else treat you amazing pizza and laugh around for a bit but," Yoongi paused looking at Jimin before pecking his lips.

"Will you please be my boyfriend?" Yoongi asked pulling out a plain silver ring that had Yoongi's name engraved on it.

"This was given to me by my grandma... you remember her?" Jimin nodded.

"She gave me this ring and told me that whoever I loved in the near future I should give it to them, but I made this other one where," Yoongi paused pulling out another ring from his pocket.

"And it has your name written on it..." Yoongi explained.

"Yoongi... before I say yes... you need to know something about me," Jimin mumbled softly not knowing how Yoongi will react.

Guess that's what they say about truth, you have no idea and you can't control how someone will act. It's not up to you.

He breathes before getting ready to tell his story.


I ran down the stairs happily as my sister chased me. We were supposed to go for a business function but I wasn't sure what was taking so long.

"Give me a second Noona," I said she frowned but nodded staying in her place. As I walked up the stairs toward my father's room I held my hands trying to not be nervous. I then overheard a conversation I shouldn't have.

"You're a bloody disgrace!" I heard glass shatter and I peak through the crack of the door. Brother had a cut on the side of his face,

"It's not something I can control!" My brother screamed back.

"He's my boyfriend if you have a problem with that, then so be it but I'm not changing who I am for a bunch of drunk white men who attend auctions just to look at women-" 

A loud slap echoed in the room.

My eyes widen in terror. Father had just slapped  Hwang Jun hyung across the face.

"You are going to that auction and you are going to get that money, and you are not doing that rainbow love speech of yours, do I make myself fucking clear?"  I flinched terribly afraid but my brother? He just stared back emotions unreadable.

"Money? That's all you care about?" Hwang Jun hyung asked staring straight at father who wasn't intimidated.

"You have to keep the business going if you think this "illusion" will-" 

Another loud slap echoed around the room. I was shocked choking up as I saw that my brother had slapped my father across the face. I gasped. And all the attention shot to me. My father grabbed me by the neck lifting me and slamming me against the wall.

"Did I or did I not teach you eavesdropping was bad," I shuddered my eyes going wide as I remembered the horrible memories. My father had trapped me in a basement not letting me eat or drink for a week because I walked into his office where a meeting was happening.

I nodded slowly.

"What are you doing to him? Let Jimin go or else I'm canceling the whole auction." Hwang Jun hyung said a bit of fear in his eyes. And I noticed my father had also noticed the fear to he smirked. He had just found out about my big brother's weakness.

Which was me.


"From that day on my father used me as a threat for hyung to do things anything even breakup with his boyfriend... which he did..."

"But hyung couldn't bear it he cut his wrist while writing a letter to me and my sister. He told me...to be brave, but I wasn't I was a coward I wasn't anything like hyung. I wasn't strong, I got intimidated easily, I got beat up and pushed around. I was not an asset to anyone... I would never be..."

"I think he would be proud of you, listen Jimin being brave isn't not being scared..." Yoongi said looking into Jimin's eyes.

"It's about making it even if you're scared and you kept pushing and pushing living and living even when the world gave you hell. I call that brave." Yoongi said smiling gently at the boy.



"But that doesn't explain why your father couldn't continue the auctions and keep business working," Yoongi said confused.

"Once everyone found out my brother was who he was... they banned our family from attending ever again... dad believed and still believes it's my fault. And I did too... but a reminder of that letter just shows me hyung loved me so much and trusted me enough to know that I could manage to hang in there," Jimin smiled widely. Grabbing the ring Yoongi was playing with and putting it on his ring finger.

Yoongi smiled before he did the same.


"I'm super gay for you is that even a question?" Yoongi said sarcastically and Jimin smacked his arm playfully.

They smiled putting their forehead against each other.

"So you don't care?" Jimin asked genuinely surprised.

"Were all a little messed up right?" Yoongi said smiling.

"This was your mess up," Yoongi smiled before pecking his boyfriend's lips.

Did he love doing that?

Hell yeah.

Like he could never get over it no matter how many times he did it.

He would totally never get over it.

But that was okay.

He didn't want to get over it either.

-this was a pain to write, I swore I wrote down Jimin's original back story but I couldn't find it so I made a crappy one up tada! Whatever it could've been worse. Word count: 1089.-

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