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Chapter 8: the truth remains silent.

"P-please hyung," Jimin begged.

"Jimin who the hell did this to you?" Jin yelled not having any of Jimin's shit.

"I can't- I can't tell you," Jimin whimpered in fear. Jin was so angry he thought his head would explode.

"Jimin, I'm going to ask one more time," Jin said enraged.

"And let me remind you nothing that happened was your fault-"

"It is!" Jimin cried.

"It's all my fault," Jimin said and memories he tried to push deep down were rising to the surface.

"I'm the reason why my brother died," he sobbed confusing Jin.


-Yeah sorry you don't get to know yet, you find out when Yoongi does, ;)-

Jin was in tears by the time Jimin finished.

"Jimin you do realize that that is none of your fault," Jin said.

"Please hyung please keep it a secret."

"For how long? How long can you cover up all these bruises? How long can you hide it from the gang, how long can you hide this from Yoongi?" Jin asked leaving Jimin clueless.

"I... I don't know, but I want to keep it from them, please hyung."  Jimin cried need Jin to keep it a secret.

"No Jimin definitely not," 

"Hyung please," Jimin begged to get on his knees. Leaving Jin in astonishment.

"I beg you," Jimin pleaded.

"Fucking fine," Jin grumbled angrily.

He was so so angry but then he had an idea. He smiled brilliantly. He was going to make sure no one hurt Jimin.

He called Yoongi.

And he picked up on the second ring worried voices filling his ear.

"We're going to sleep over at Jimin's, grab your shit," Jin said interrupting them and hanging up on them feeling badass.

He smirked and strutted to his car noticing Jimin getting ready to walk home.

"Jimin, get in I'll drive you," Jimin would've declined but Jin was keeping his secret so he got in with no complaints. Jin had a smile wider than wide. Jimin wondered what he was smiling about but shrugged it off. Jin took his time getting a bagel for him and Jimin through a drive-through.

Before slowly driving to Jimin's house as Jimin gave directions.

There were already 2 other cars in Jimin's driveway and he looked at Jin who smirked.

"Is that Yoongi's car? I wonder how he decided to bring the whole gang over, Oh, it must have been fate," Jin smiled acting clueless.

"Hyung... don't tell me,"

"Guess we're all sleeping over at yours," Jin said with the biggest smirk across his face making Jimin widen his eyes. 

"You planned this didn't you!" He asked angrily but wincing when his bruises reminded him they were also there.

Yoongi immediately ran up to the passenger seat opening the door for Jimin.

"Are you okay? Oh my God I know I should've killed those shits, can you walk? I can lift you if you want?" But when Jimin shook his head saying that he was heavy Yoongi immediately put his arms under Jimin lifting up. Jimin's arms wrapped around Yoongi's neck. Their eyes met, their face heated, and their heartbeat quickened its pace.

Jin smirked closing his door and strutting towards Namjoon.

"I loved the sass on the phone, just love it when you hanged up on us," Namjoon rolled his eyes before wrapping his arms around Jin's waist his boyfriend pecking his lips quickly.

"Why thank you," Jin said smiling shyly at his husband.

"We're sleeping over for a week by the way hope you brought everything you needed," Jin announced and Taehyung instantly looked at Jungkook in panic but Jungkook patted his boyfriend's shoulder and reassured him that they could last a few days.

"Let's get this party started," Hobi said getting out of Namjoon's car.

And they all head into Jimin's very clean house.

"The fuck, how's it so clean?" Taehyung murmured to Jungkook who just shrugged.

"Even we don't keep our room this clean," Namjoon said to Jin who just nodded.

"I clean a lot," Jimin said quietly. More like every single day.

Yoongi smiled.

"I don't," Yoongi said randomly making everyone wonder 'wtf?' 

Yoongi was actually thinking of the theory 'opposites attract' and so he had accidentally blurted it out smiling at Jimin who blushed and stared at the ground.

"I guess Taehyung hyung and Jungkook can take my sister's room she's in uni, and um Namjoon hyung and Jin hyung can take my brother's room," Jimin murmured.

"Yoongi hyung and Hoseok hyung can take the guest room," Jimin said.

"Is that a basement?" Hobi wondered about to twist the door open.

"Don't!" Everyone was shaken by Jimin's sudden rise of voice.

"It's infested by... by rats!" And that was enough for everyone except Jin to move on from it.

"So movie anyone?" Taehyung said pulling out a CD.

"With snacks," Jungkook pulled out a huge candy packet from his pocket.

The group laughed and agreed and Jimin showed them the way to the living room that he's never used in so many years.

Jimin hated to admit it but he had never been so happy in his house before.

He smiled looking at Yoongi who was already staring at him.

His nostrils were flared in anger.

"Don't worry about me," Jimin whispered into his ear. After all, he has healed and went through many beatings before this one.

"How can I not?" Yoongi sighed questioning Jimin. He was worried about the younger and held his hand. He felt insects move around in his stomach. He knew it, he finally had an answer.

He liked Jimin, how did that even happen in a week? He had no idea, except that he was happy it was Jimin. Jimin with his turtle nonsense, and his sweet thoughtfulness about everything. He was so happy it was Jimin.

Jimin rested his head on Yoongi's shoulder again feeling at peace flowing into him and Jimin truly started to feel that Yoongi could protect Jimin from the whole world even his father, just him and Yoongi.

And his dark secret he couldn't get himself to reveal.

Somehow when the movie was over everyone managed to get up and go to their assigned rooms.

-this was a mess to write but I enjoyed every bit of it. It was fun for me to write about Jin's brilliant idea the most. Word count: 1067.-

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