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Chapter 3:  protective Yoongi

Yoongi had just got off his mission and he opened his phone.

"Hyung," Taehyung called him. Yoongi just looked at him.

"Where were you?" He asked. Hugging Jungkook from behind making Jungkook and giving his boyfriend a soft kiss on his cheek. Jungkook's eyes lit up and he pecked Taehyung's soft lips before continuing to drink water.

"We had this social project thing," Yoongi explained everything without deatails. Taehyung nodded before giving his boyfriend a bunch of attention. Yoongi just scoffed disgusted by the sight in front of his eyes. 

Out of curiosity Yoongi typed Jimin's name on Instagram and clicked on the first recommended user. And what he saw was not what he expected, he thought he would see a picture of Jimin smiling.

Yoongi scrolled down the page in shock and anger.

He did not like what he was seeing on his phone.


Jimin was currently working at a boutique humming old tunes him his brother and his sister would play going on a road trip. His boss was out and his coworker was with him talking about how he should get a raise and complain about the stain on the coffee table in the staff room.

Jimin chuckled.

"Hey Changbin, can I ask you something?" Jimin said nervously.

"No," he said rolling his eyes.

"Of course you can what is it?" Changbin asked grabbing another piece of clothing on the ground.

"I-is it wrong...to like someone?" Jimin asked nervously chewing on his bottom lip trying to calm himself down. Changbin was the only person in Jimin's life that he could consider a friend and was beyond grateful for. And he definitely doesn't want to lose him.

 "No, you dumbass, that's normal," Changbin rolled his eyes again.

Jimin gulped.

"W-What if they're a g-guy t-too?" Jimin said scared of what his only friend might think of him.

"So?"  Changbin said raising an eyebrow.

"Jimin, I don't know if you weren't aware, but I'm really gay, and I also have a boyfriend. And that is all completely okay," Changbin soothed revealing how what he's feeling is normal and okay. 

"Because men are hot okay? Women are amazing too but based on preference it depends. And if you don't care then you don't, if you like both that's great too, if you're deciding which one you are between the two that's also completely okay that's definitely okay."

Jimin broke into tears of happiness and relief.

Changbin was quick to wrap his arm around the boy and told Jimin it was fine.

"Jimin, do you know what a soulmate is?" He asked his friend who nodded his head.

"Well, you notice how it starts with soul? Souls don't have genders. So when they search for their mates, their only looking at their other half. They're looking for love, not at gender. It's kinda like the soul's pans sexual " Changbin said smiling at the last sentence a reminder of something more like someone. Changbin's words made Jimin feel happy and normal.

"I hope I found my soulmate," Jimin mumbled softly under his breath. Changbin smiled.

"Yeah I hope so too bud' but we gotta go get some food because I'm starving!" Changbin claimed to make Jimin chuckle and nod.

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