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Chapter 5: the basement 

Jimin was at home in his room marking off all the chores he'd done because he didn't want to forget one like last time. He absolutely hated weekends, because there was more work to do and even more beatings to tolerate.

He rather get beaten up on school days even though it was hard to cover up all the bruises and marks on his body with makeup. But because he didn't have to face his father after it was nicer, his father ridiculed him or beat him up even more.

Jimin felt miserable his whole body ached and he was quite sore. He wanted to go back to school so badly. He wanted to see Yoongi and his friends, they had become Jimin's only cause of laughter. They made him feel so different especially Yoongi. Yoongi made Jimin feel like he was worth more. Jimin wanted to see the latter but he couldn't because of the dreadful weekend that was keeping him from seeing his crush. Did Yoongi even miss him?

Jimin sighed. If his mother were here he would've been slapped across the face for his mind wandering.

He was truly happy that his mother was gone nowhere to be seen. And he knew his father would return by 12 or even earlier if he was unlucky.

Suddenly Jimin had an idea a random idea that could get him into trouble.

Jimin was so bored and so he decided to check out the basement for the first time ever to cure his boredom. He had always wondered why his father hadn't made him clean the basement. He walked down the creaking wooden stairs slowly. He started looking around curiously.

He had never seen his own basement surprisingly it was off bounds. He bumped into something cold and wet at first Jimin thought it was a pipe but then he flicked the light on. A scream escaped his lips. It was his mother lying dead on the floor her lifeless body lying on the basement floor. Tears escaped his eyes it seemed as if she had been tortured before dying,

and suddenly he wasn't glad that she wasn't around.

It was terrifying. A bloody sight in a movie that would have been censored for sure.

Jimin was hyperventilating he couldn't breathe.

His mother's lifeless and her brown eyes wide open. It was almost as if she was alive but the blood surrounding her lifeless body was a reminder that she wasn't. Jimin was stumbling, tripping falling constantly as tears blurred his vision.

but then something caught his eye, and he almost threw up.

 Her left eye was missing. Almost as if it was taken out.

Her hand was also missing.

Jimin was so scared he pissed himself a little. He started to shake knowing his father did this. He was living with a murderer that beat him up whenever he felt like it.

She was awful but she did not deserve this.

It was a terrible way to die. He quickly turned the light off and ran up the wooden stairs closing the basement door. He quickly grabbed his jacket and left the house. He couldn't stay in there anymore knowing that there was a dead body of someone he knew.

He knew he would have to go back eventually but right now? He was going insane. He ran across the street, he ran into plaza he turned left and he ran into the boutique finding Changbin immediately.

"Jimin? You're not supposed to working on Saturday," Changbin said confused. Jimin ran up to Changbin and hugged the boy crying.

Changbin didn't ask any questions. He only wrapped his arms around the boy and comforted him.

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