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[Authors note] Hi my loves! I did a thing today, I graduated from High-school :) It really has me pumped with motivation, I haven't felt this excited to write in such a long time. To keep the mood good I'd love it if everyone could share one happy moment or thing in their life. You all are always so kind to me, i'd love to celebrate you as well <3 I hope everyone's having a wonderful day! - Angel

[Recap] A greedy part of him wondered when they would get to invite Lúa, in a perfect world anyone else would surely be satisfied with the two handsome men he already has.
But Ambrose was simply not perfect, he required time and constant attention from all the people he loved. Like a puppy.

Lúa walked absentmindedly through the house, it was the first time she was completely alone in it. And God was it boring. But it did give her time to think. It was almost time for the big fashion show, what would that mean for them? Technically there wasn't really a "them" but obviously something was there. Did she want there to be a "them"? She did. Did they? She thought they did.

Lúa hadn't noticed just how little progression they'd honestly made outside of anything friendly or sexual. And it made her a little disappointed in herself, as she should've clarified where they stand. She should've clarified what she wanted, to see if it lined up with what they wanted.

She could always go back home after the trip. Go back to her company lifestyle in her little cluttered place eating microwaveable meals. But she didn't want that. She enjoyed having homely conversations in Gellago with Myron, affectionately picking on Ambrose (who'd been keen on picking up certain words to feel closer to the two), keeping Emil on his toes with her constant slipping through his fingers, and her cozy moments with Aleksei who never seemed to fail to surprise her with the depth of his tricky personality.

She couldn't quite put her finger on when these small daily interactions had become home.

And now she felt frustrated with the relationship at hand. Almost as frustrated as Myron had been planning for his date with the ginger boy he'd met on their way home from the nail shop. No one in the house knew who Myron's date was, besides Lúa of course, but everyone could tell he was anxious. He stood atop a pile of clothes, eyes set like stone in a tight glare. Huffing and puffing, once again speaking poor heavily accented English.

It amused Lúa to no end, having a field day taking the youngest's picture before he left.  And thus, she couldn't call him to talk to him. And Emil was the only one who had to work today. Aleksei and Ambrose out on their own date, something about rekindling individual love.

She thought about calling Emil on his lunch, but ultimately decided against it. Because she knew the conversation would turn flirty, he just seemed to feed that side of her.

"You left your lunch"

"My lunch is sitting in my bag?"

"Not that lunch." 

She swatted away the thought and instead thought of more activities they could all do before their inevitably dwindling time together came to an end. And somewhere before then, she'd be sure to squeeze in a serious conversation about the "them" she wanted, and she'd respect whatever answer they gave.

Lúa jostled awake when the front door clinked to reveal a blushy Blond boy. She swiped away the puddle of drool that smeared her cheek from her deep nap and slid into a sitting possession on the large couch. "So?"

Myron jumped startled, not originally having noticed the small woman. Too busy in his own head. He looked back out the door and gave a wave before shutting the door. Lúa looked over, amazed when she realized the boy had walked Myron home.

"How does it feel to be Heather?"

Myron shrugged, failing to hide a soft smile. "Good?"

"Just good?"

Myron paused, "Ok maybe amazing. But just a little. Is everyone still gone?"

Lúa noticed the embarrassed boy deflect attention from himself and didn't prod, "Yes. Aleksei and Ambrose might not come back til very late. Emil gets off in about another-" she looked over at the time displayed on the electronic clock hung on the wall, "half and hour".

Myron nodded, "Wanna binge watch bad romcoms?"

She shook her head no, she didn't really want to. But she knew he was just trying to stop the conversation from going awkward. It was the first time they've had a awkward silence since they first met. Both obviously had other things on their mind. And that was ok.

"How about you play us some music while we attempt to make weird dishes for the boys to eat once they get back?"

Myron grinned wickedly, "Deal"

Cerulean Heart (Polyfidelity) (MxMxW) (In progress)Where stories live. Discover now