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None of the men looked convinced, in fact Emil had stopped messing with the lock and Aleksei was carefully watching the women. Myron looked particularly guilty.

She looked back at Myron. "I don't know what happened to them." Then she let one strap of her bag fall and turned it a bit to show the inside to the rest of the men. "Take out?"

Lúa laid on the large couch, head on a pillow because Ambrose's legs were too bony compared to the stuffed pillow. Her feet were laid on Emil lap, and it quickly reminded of where those same feet had been a few days ago.

She would of laughed out loud if not for having to fend her mouth off from spoonfuls of shrimp fried rice.

Every time she looked up there was Ambrose, "Here comes the choo choo train!" Or her least favorite, "Incoming helicopter!" And the most terrible helicopter sounds. So bad they should be illegal.

Her ferocious glare was doing nothing to deter the determined man.

Myron has settled for going to his room and before Lúa could head to hers she'd been kidnapped by the two brutes.

Aleksei smiling and surprising her with a kiss to her temple before going to figure out what the Lúa and Myron had been talking about to leave the two so distressed.

The man really was like a angel, with sinful hands.

"You never got a proper punishment, little girl" Emil drawled on suddenly.

Lúa immediately opened her eyes and went to quickly defend herself about the matter when Ambrose saw and opening and launched his takeout missile almost choking Lúa.

He smiled in triumph as Emil began to sensually massage up her leg. By the time the mans hands reached the bottom of her thigh then darted back to her ankle.

Lúa was about to heave a sigh of relief when she squeaked, Emil pulling her down further so her lower thighs were brushing against his own.

Ambrose had just about gotten the hint when he turned around from filling up the spoon again to see Emil's hands getting closer to the opening of Lua's skirt.

"Sorry to interrupt by Myron says he wants a minute with you love."

Lúa blinked a couple of times, clearing the fog from her head before unpried Emil's still moving hand away from her underwear. Ambrose wearing the salteast frown she'd ever had the pleasure of seeing.

As she passed Aleksei she could see the mans body get pulled, out her peripheral vision was Ambrose immediately clinging to him. His head in Aleksei's neck and his hands on Aleksei's ass. Which was hilarious because from the dynamic Lúa understood Ambrose definitely didn't top Aleksei.

When Lúa made it to Myron's room she knocked on the door and waited for a audible "come in". Inside Myron was toying around with his fingers nervously.

She sat down next to him and pulled him in to her side, "You don't have to look so scared, I'm not mad at you-"

"I know! That's the problem! I made you think of things you didn't want to talk about, you even started crying. And even after that you didn't expect a apology and your not mad at me and I don't understand why you aren't upset. I'd be pis- very upset if it was the other way around."

Lúa hummed in approval at the boys quick fix to his potential slip up cursing around her. She would've pinched his ear off. "Do you want me to be mad at you?"

Myron frowned, "Of course not!"

She shrugged, "okay then. I'm not because I know you didn't ask me those questions to hurt me. You were just curious. And you're someone very important to me Myron, so I'd like you to know those type of things about me. Because it makes me feel closer to you. So ask away, I'll try to not be a cry baby about it trust me I'm not big on tears myself, but if I do cry you'll be a big man and console me so it's fine. I'll make you rub my feet and bring me Emil's cooking in the mornings when I'm feeling lazy."

Myron looked appalled, though he felt a weight lift off his chest. Nodding he tried to think about anything he wanted to ask, "W- no not that one."

Lúa nudged him, "Just ask it."

After a few second Myron just spit out his question, "Where is your brother you mentioned?"

Lúa hummed before her eyes went to the window of the room, "Hopefully he's someone in a gay bar hunting down handsome and reliable men like a pro."

Myron sputtered, "W-what?!"

Lúa smiled cheekily, "I'm kidding. Lue was way too timid for that sorta thing, he was gay though. Sorry- he is gay. Next question."

Usually she'd never make that sorta comment to Myron but she wanted to lift the mood and it worked like a charm.

"Who do you like the most in the house?" By Myron's intense glare Lúa figured it was a trick question.

She pretended to think long and hard before shrugging, "Pass, too hard."

Myron looked absolutely betrayed and even tried to scoot away from Lúa which just resulted in her bussing out laughing. "I'm kidding, you know a mothers kids are her first loves." She joked affectionately messing up his hair.

He swatted her hands, "So you've told me."

"Your turn, fess up. Tell me about yourself and your family, as much as I love having you hear I'm curious to know why you aren't with your mom and dad."

Myron made a face of disgust, "Because Ambrose's cooler... wait... are you asking because you really wanna know, or because you just wanna know more stuff relating to Ambrose." He asked slightly disheartened.

Lúa snorted, "If Ambrose wants me to know something about him he'll tell me, trust me. He was just bombarding me with little facts about his astrological sign a couple days ago. I've never known so much about a Sagittarius. You aren't an extension of your brother, don't forget I liked you before I even knew your brother. And I even argued with him when I met him, he used to bug the hell out of me. If anything I just got use to him, but in the best possible way. You've all grown on me."

He nodded, "I had a big fight with my dad, and my mom chose to stay out of it. But staying out of it was the same as choosing my dads side when he was basically trying to put me out! I was so mad at him. I think I still am honestly."

Lúa nodded, "What was the fight about?"

He paused, "You won't tell anybody? Not even Ambrose right. I wanna be the one to tell people, on my own terms. Even if I know he won't react like our parents did I just-"

Lúa covered his mouth with her small hand, "you don't have to tell me if your not ready to talk about it. And for the record, I won't even tell God if you ask me not to."

"I flirt a lot with girls and stuff but... I'm gay."

Cerulean Heart (Polyfidelity) (MxMxW) (In progress)Where stories live. Discover now