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Ambrose mouth was as wide as his eyes and he was stuck, it wasn't exactly the kiss he'd been asking for but regardless the action had made his heart flutter a bit. and the soft pink tint on the women's cheeks was more then enough for him to not ask for more. "You're blushing"

Lúa's eye slitted, "I'll punch you."

Lúa stared at the oven in disdain. Soup and cheesecake were the only two things chef Lúa could make, without absolutely destroying the stainless kitchen.

"Wanna get some fresh air?"

Lúa's apprentice, up and coming Chef Myron, glanced up from his glare at the macaroni and cheese directions, "absolutely."

Myron sat on a park bench dominating a rocky road ice cream cone, Lúa frantically fanning herself with the business card some man on the street had jammed in her pocket.

She'd originally thought he was a pick pocketer and twist his arm behind his back with urgency, Myron staring at the women as though she was a real life super hero.

It didn't help she couldn't understand the mans... whatever language that was.

"If it gets any hotter I think I'll melt all on my new shoes." Lúa joked, pushing Emil's shades higher on her face. They really did block the sun. She was proud of the shades, doing what shades do. Shading.

She leaned her arms back around the bench and leaned her head back, eyes watching the clouds go past. Then she snorted, "I'm no cloud watcher but that's totally a di-" she immediately coughed and leaned up.

"Dinosaur, what's that one with the uh... little arms?" She feebly corrected, the women had momentarily forgot Myron was still a teenager. Her sweet impressionable child.

By now Myron was in a laughing fit, rocky road flying out his nose. Lúa grimaced passing him a napkin from her bag. "That's disgusting."

He blew his nose and winced, "It's also kinda painful, I think I'm done with ice cream for a while."

The women leaned over and saw all that was left was a bottom piece of a cone, "No, I think you've been done with that ice cream for a while. Got anything else you wanna do before we head back?"

She juggled her large tote purse higher, their take out bags, house keys, cell phones, and Lúa's wallet the only things in it.

Myron frowned on concentration before flagging a few nets away from his face, "Nothing we can't do on the walk back, did I ever mention I hate bugs?"

Lúa nodded, "Only forty-eight times on the walk to the Chinese restaurant... and the ice cream parlor... and the park. And then just no-"

"Okay okay okayyyy! Jeez!"

She chuckled ruffling his hair with a lopsided grin.

"It's nice." Myron commented.


"Not having to fight my brother off you tooth and nail, that man just doesn't understand personal space."

Lúa hummed in agreement, "Not at all, but I'm sure that's not what you wanted to talk about the entire walk home is it?"

Lúa didn't know how she'd survive if she had to talk about Ambrose the entire walk home, she'd barely escaped the pouty man this morning. She'd been seeing everyone off when he attacked, her back still felt crushed from the hug.

Myron shook his head, "Hell n-" he squeaked when Lúa pinched his ear. "H-heck no!"

She let go humming in agreement.

"I just wanted to know more about you is all. Like do you have any siblings? I pray you say no, they're irritating beyond compare."

Lúa frowned a bit, she wasn't really interested in the topic of family. "I. I have a brother named Lue. And a foster sister name Stephanie, she has a daughter named Cecily. So I guess I have a niece." Her words were slow, like she was coming to understand them right along Myron.

"What happened to your parents?"

Lúa tensed tremendously, she'd been so busy dragging out her words and procrastinating each answer she hadn't even noticed they were already at the house. The guys in front of them fumbling with the lock to the door. Home early.


She looked over, "huh?"

Myron frowned, "I said what happened to your parents..."

The audible playful banter of the men in front of them stopped when they noticed the two behind them. Ambrose eyes widening before he latched onto Lúa, his fingers wiping her face. "What's wrong baby?"

By now her frown matched Myron's, she didn't even notice she started crying. She stepped back and wiped her furiously, plastering a sweet smile on her face. "I'm fine, I'm fine Ambrose."

None of the men looked convinced, in fact Emil had stopped messing with the lock and Aleksei was carefully watching the women. Myron looked particularly guilty.

She looked back at Myron. "I don't know what happened to them." Then she let one strap of her bag fall and turned it a bit to show the inside to the rest of the men. "Take out?"

Cerulean Heart (Polyfidelity) (MxMxW) (In progress)Where stories live. Discover now