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"I don't know, feeling kinda I might take Ambrose's spot in bed just for fun" she said as she rushed for his spot in bed, an appalled gasp being heard behind her as she felt fingers grasp her ankle. A shriek getting mixed up in her laugh.

Lua woke up smothered between Emil and Aleksei's chests, Ambrose standing at the end of the bed with a ugly pout, she gave a gravelly snicker. "This seems really familiar."

He gave her a glare, a playful glint in his eyes and grabbed her ankle sliding her to the edge of the bed. She had to stifle her shriek not to wake the other two sleeping men up, though the movement had Emil peaking a slightly cracked eye at them. He reached for Aleksei and settled for snuggling his face in the mans neck before going back to sleep.

Now is was Lua's turn to pout, "You made me lose my spot"

Ambrose smiled proudly, puffing out his chest "Well that was the idea baby"

"I'm not ready to face the world" she said trying to climb back under the cover and onto Aleksei's body, Ambrose snorting and pulling her back. She gave the man the finger, laughing a bit at his shocked face. "If you let me lay back down ill lay with you on the end"

Ambrose's eyes shined at the thought, "We'll cuddle?"

She frowned at the word before shaking her head no, "We'll hug in our sleep'

"That's literally cuddling"

"Take it or leave it."

After prying Ambrose off her sleeping form, who clung to her like he had suction cups for arms, Lua made her way out the rather empty room. Emil, Myron, and Aleksei sat at the dining table talking about nothing in particular.

Aleksei looked up and smiled, "Breakfast is almost done, we were gonna let you two sleep in until it was."

She nodded sitting down, laying her head on the table lazily. She poked Aleksei's hand and he looked down at her fondly. "You're so pretty"  

Lua's eyes went wide, a soft blush soaking up her cheeks. She turned her head the opposite way, now facing Emil who sat comfortably drinking his coffee. "Thank you, you are too." She mumbled

Aleksei gave a wispy chuckle, he took the ends of her curls in his hand watching the strands curve around his palm. He brought the ends up and placed a light kiss to the coils, Myron making a face of disgust.

Aleksei and Emil were ecstatic in their own way, they were all pretty nervous they'd read the signs wrong when Lua had come looking for her bed with a frown. But all's well that ends well, and they had slept so peacefully and contently.

Myron gave a loud sigh catching Lua's attention, "What's wrong honeybun?"

He didn't miss a beat at the new nickname, at this point he was sure they would only get more and more random and obnoxious, and was positive she did it on purpose. "How did you know your job was the job for you? We're doing this prompt about finding ones life passion and I'm struggling to really get down that emotion for my character. Feel free to jump in on this" he said focusing the end toward the two men having their own casual conversation, and absolutely no plans on jumping in.

"Well" Lua started, moving into a sitting position. Leaning on her forearms, "Drawing was something me and my brother did, of course we were really young and our pictures were absolutely terrible, but it was our thing. And even after the mess that is my life transpired, drawing carried over. As far as it being clothes specifically, There was this one dress I had of my birth moms. I still have it, its at my apartment back in south carl. But anyway, I was fourteen and running late for school. Lue had already left and managed to catch the school bus. I had just gotten out of the shower when my mom came barging in, i remember she slapped a hand over my mouth before i could grill her out about knocking, another finger telling me to shush. I didn't even have time to grab my clothes, just a towel. She peaked out the door and grabbed my wrist pulling me to our linen closet and pushed me in, i guess that's when she realized i was literally one towel away from being bare so she just wrapped me up in the dress she had on. Telling me to stay and closing the door.

I heard a lot of shouting but that was about it. After a while it got quiet and I came out, but the house was empty. I waited for Lue to come home after school, but he never came. After 3 days of holding out hope I called the police, and with no luck i was eventually put into the foster system. But that's neither here nor there, the big thing was i ended up getting into a fight because some girl ripped the dress going through my stuff and i wanted to figure out how to fix it. I was shit- excuse me, trash at the actual creating part but i was able to sketch out the dress exactly. I figured they'd make me throw it away if they saw it was tattered and wanted to have the sketch of it down perfect to get one that actually fit me made one day. My mother was like 5'8, and the dress went past her feet. I'm sure you can see why that would be a problem for a short fourteen year old. Anyways, the more clothes i sketched the better they got. Eventually the other kids started making requests and it was fun so i would draw all sorts of outfits. And when i got adopted i just went back to drawing for myself. Eventually I realized i could make a living off my art, took it seriously, and the rest is history."

Myron looked a bit proud but also bewildered, "You've got a bad habit of dropping trauma bombs casually."

Emil and Aleksei who had started listening somewhere during her story shared looks of agreement.

She shrugged, "Was it helpful?"

Myron nodded, "Give their passion a tragic backstory, got it." And was sliding out his seat and headed to his room.

Lua snorted, turning her attention to Emil she slit her eyes. "How do two quiet people fall in love?"

The question was so random it threw both men off, Emil slightly choking on his coffee. It was even better because it was just the distraction she needed for them not to begin to ask her the usual "are you okay?" Types of questions that came with talking about her past. Her foster parents had heard it from her file and freaked, they'd been on her back for months about being able to open up about her feelings and that just wasn't her.

Emil looked deep in thought before he spoke, "Quiet people will always seek out two things in the world: silence, and peace. We saw each other fairly often at work, us both working for the same company before I started my own, and we always gravitated toward each other for the first reason. I guess it was after figuring out even when we did talk we still felt peaceful that we took things more seriously. I can't tell you when we fell in love, for me it felt natural and just happened over time."

Lua wanted to say this was the most she'd heard the man talk outside a business meeting but held back that thought, turning to hear Aleksei's version.

Aleksei gave a thoughtful hum, "I suppose I knew I'd fallen in love with him the first day he'd slept over. He helped me make breakfast without getting in my way and we'd drank coffee while watching nothing in particular on tv. I felt content." That was a pretty big compliment, when Aleksei cooks he's got a thin patience for people being in his bubble, says they mess up his rhythm.

"So where does Ambrose fit into this Quiet people love?"

"Ambrose is a sense of peace within his self"

1383| back to back updates whatttt? Coming from the author notorious for dropping a chapter and going missing for like a month??? Somebody call the press! QOD: What is your comfort food? AA: I think mine is any type of ice cream (especially with real strawberries), ice cream always helps when I'm down.

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