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The walk through for the show was mesmerizing, the models were completely prepared. The sashes, the facial expressions, the twirls, and appearance were on point.

Lúa's stomach bubbled with excitement at all of her designs being worn so beautifully, she was proud.

The lady running the rehearsal was strict and did find anything to criticize the models, but overall she seemed happy.

It was the first time Lúa felt like she was meant to be a part of something. Sure her adoptive parents had welcomed her with open arms, but it wasn't the same as being born for something.

This was her calling.

She felt hand cover her hazel eyes and frowned, people here were so touchy.

"Move it or I'll bite it off."

Ambrose gave a heart laugh, he looked like he was shinning. During Aleksei's walk his eyes had quite literally lit up like Christmas lights.

"Let's go drinking!"

Lúa almost chocked on air, "Excuse me?"

"Let's go drinking? We should celebrate everything coming together so well. A bunch of the guys were thinking about it anyways." He shrugged

Lúa and people? No. Lúa and parties? Nada. Lúa and bottles of liquor? Nightlife 1.

"What bar? I'll meet you guys there a little later." She said looking inside her bag for a pen and something to write on.

"Nope, I already know what your thinking. You'll say you'll come, take a taxi home to put up your work stuff, get lazy and stay home. Car pull with me." Ambrose cut off.

Lúa almost pouted, she'd been around the bigger puppy for too long. But Ambrose was right, it wasn't the first time he'd extended his hand and invited Lúa somewhere... but she'd always end up getting too comfortable.

"Car pull with someone who'll be drinking?" She snorted.

Ambrose rolled his eyes playfully, "Aleksei doesn't drink and even if he did Emil refuses to drink more then a shot of whiskey outside the house.

Lúa quickly caught his word choice, it was obviously hinting the three men lived together.
Proving her small suspicion they were all together. Lúa didn't mind, it actually made her feel relaxed. It was rare to find people with the same interest as her, but when she did she always found a sense of comfort in their similarities.

It solidified her answer. "Ok. But when I'm ready to go, take me home."

The drive had been surprisingly easy. Emil drove to the bar, big hands easily maneuvering the large suv. Aleksei in the passenger telling him about some ferret he'd taken in, to which Emil let out a sigh. Though his eyes looked anything but irritated.

In the back Ambrose wiggles around the seat singing his large heart out to some goofy love song and nudging Lúa. In a way Lúa and Emil were very much alike, she'd also sighed in mock irritation. With light hearted eyes.

Their various coworkers also carpooling behind them, she was so busy enjoying the bubble around the four she didn't notice they had arrived until Aleksei opened her door for her. Ambrose rushing around the car just to pout.

"Thank you."

He gave her a small smile and kept his hand on her lower back guiding her through the various drunken bodies fluctuating out and in the bar. They easily ended up at a table in the back.

"What do you want to drink?" Emil asked from his seat on the end. She looked over the menu before picking the one thing she was familiar with.

"A double shot of bourbon."

Aleksei chuckled while Emil's eye twitched in familiarity at the drink.

"I'll go get them" Ambrose said scooting past Emil, Lúa couldn't help but notice the way the bigger man stared after Ambrose. Specifically his ass.

He lips trembled trying to hide a smile, she ended up having to cover her mouth with her hand and faking off a cough.

Aleksei was the first to break the silence, "Tiny girls usually like tiny drinks, Bourbon?"

Lúa side eyed him, "Light of body heavy of heart, I could out drink a drunkard on whiskey."

Emil chuckled from across, his body splayed comfortably in the seat. "Is that a bet?"

Lúa looked him dead in the eyes, "It wasn't. But it can be... in the benefits are desirable."

Emil wasn't sure what he was doing, but he knew the women in front of him was interesting. And that was more then enough reason for now. "If you can out drink Ambrose- the boy drinks like a fish- I'll place you in charge of my all over foreign fashion show."

Aleksei gave a low gasp, his response matching Lúa's wide eyes. He didn't bother to comment his thoughts, Ambrose would probably throw in the towel on purpose if he knew the lady would have a reason to join them on a trip.

Lúa nodded, slowly. "And if I lose? What's the catch."

Emil's eyes flickered toward the crowded scene, "If you lose you babysit Myron while we're on the trip."

Aleksei was amazed, the man was an amazing liar. He never planned to leave Myron alone, they were going to take the kid with them and let him have at the endless adventures he could find.

Lúa gave a genuine smile, "seems like I have nothing to lose then sir."

Her comment was meant to be smug, but it only came off as alluring to the two men. Who were more then pleased by her response.

Ambrose came hopping back to the table, placing down a double shot of bourbon in front of Lúa, and a single shot for Emil.

For a moment Lúa wondered who the other several drinks were for before she remembered Aleksei didn't drink and "the boy drinks like a fish".

Then she realized, she might be in trouble.

Cerulean Heart (Polyfidelity) (MxMxW) (In progress)Where stories live. Discover now