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She hissed simultaneous to the sound of raspberry slushee squirting against the mall flooring and turned her attention up to a man about Aleksei's height. Familiar Dark hazel eyes looked into Lúa's, both reflecting surprise.
"Well fuck me."
The car ride home had been both long and short and Myron bit his tongue to stop himself from asking questions. He'd learned his lesson the hard way and no matter how many times Lúa told him otherwise he still felt like he'd made her cry last time.

He felt uncomfortable with the way Lúa eased out the car chippier then she'd been when she got in. It was like the woman placed a mask on as soon as she noticed the familiar black Benz parked in front of the house.

Lúa slid a curl behind her ear as she turned to face Myron, "Sorry about your CD's, text me which ones broke and I'll replace them."

Myron shrugged, "Only the bad songs broke anyway. Plus even if the good ones did break... I regret nothing."

Lúa gave a breathy chuckle as she began to unlock the house door, it was a shame their mall trip had to end like that.

Mall FlashBack:
It seemed like forever while they held eyes, Lúa's mood dropping just as fast as her slushee had. Twisted bastard always had a way of coming into my life and making a mess.

Damien smiled, the sides of his eyes crinkling like a balled up gum wrapper "I would have never expected to meet you like this, how have you been bunny?"

Lúa's eye twitched at the old pet name, "I've been enjoying life with men taller then you."

Damien quirked an eyebrow as he looked toward Myron.

She waved him off, "I'd tell you, you owe me for that slushee but honestly anything you touch tastes terrible so let's call it even. Nice seeing you here, let's never do it again." She used her now free hand to nudge Myron toward the exit.

Damien chuckling behind her, "You always had a sharp tongue and a nasty habit of saying things you didn't mean."

Myron glanced back at the man in irritation, why was he still bothering them?

Damien'a eyes were locked onto the back of Lua's hair as he smugly continued, "Like when you'd cry out no."

Lua's eyes went wide and Myron could feel her hand lightly shaking against his back. He lightly pushed her hand away and headed toward a smug Damien, taking the lid off his own slushee before tossing the containment's into the mans face.

"Leave my mom alone pervert"

In the wake of Damien's surprise Myron preceded to swing the bag full of CDs at the mans head, not even worrying some would probably brake from the impact.

Lúa pulled Myron back just before a blinded Damien could swing his fist out, whacking the large man with her own heavy bag this time. They watched him jerk back from the impact and slip on the slush on the mall floor.

"You're lucky you didn't hit my kid because it would have been the last time you were able to control the movement in your arms. Stay the fuck away from me." She growled out.

Myron had never seen the woman's legs move so fast as she hurriedly tugged him out the mall and towards the car. She slid easily into the car as if she was on auto pilot. So zoned out yet focused, deep frown lines on her forehead and trembling hands clenching the steering wheel as she took a minute to recuperate.

He wasn't exactly sure what to say, did he say anything? Did he give her a moment? While he was battling with his unsureness Lúa spoke for the both of them.

"Thank you."
End of Recap:

The moment the door was open Lúa was off the ground in a bear hug so tight she swore she was in a forest. "

"I missed you!"

Lúa didn't bother to reply to Ambrose's terrible sing-song voice, just settled for swinging her foot into his shin. Not hard enough to bruise but hard enough to get his attention.

He hissed in pain and dropped her, luckily Aleksei had made his way over in time to steady her.

She smiled up and the man before turning toward a pouting Ambrose, "I missed you too."

His eyes lit up before he cocked his head sideways, "then why'd you kick me when I was trying to love you?"

Aleksei chuckled at the two before taking Lúa and Myrons' bags, Myron waiting patiently for his older brother to acknowledge his presence as well. Though he'd rather jump in a active volcano then say it.

"You almost squeezed through my ribs, I get I'm strong but I'm not The Rock." She leaned onto her tippy toes and Ambrose's eyes shined as he seemed to know what she was going to do. He angled his head down and welcomed the slim fingers ruffling through his hair.

He went to focus his attention toward  Myron, giving his brother a warm smile. Even more ready to give him a tight hug too but the boy seemed to catch on and was quick to flee toward the kitchen with Aleksei.

Ambrose looked down quizzically toward Lúa when he noticed her nodding, focused. "What is it?"

"I wish I would've gotten a chance to go to that last store, you're such a puppy. Where's Emil?"

Ambrose was even more confused then before he asked but she looked content with the thought so he just smiled again, "He's in the shower, some dude bumped into him with only god knows what on his shirt and got it all over Emil's favorite suit at the gas station on the way home. It was hilarious Lu, you should've seen the way Emil raised the guy up by his neck."

Lúa nodded, "Sounds sexy."

Ambrose paused before he puffed out his chest dramatically, "I can be sexy."

Lúa grabbed his hand and gave it a light squeeze dragging the man towards the kitchen, "sure you can."

Cerulean Heart (Polyfidelity) (MxMxW) (In progress)Where stories live. Discover now