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After opening and closing her mouth a few times, tears dancing along her waterline, she settled for a nod.

And Ambrose was up and off the couch, she was being passed to Aleksei who took her with open arms, and Emil was slamming the door Ambrose had opened shut.

Lua stood on the patio, phone firmly grasped as she held it away from her ear. Her boss currently, once again, chewing her out. Because apparently she was supposed to be aware that the company would have a emergency and require her to come back to the office, before it happened. She rubbed a hand up and down her nose, this was one of the worst times. She was in no mood to pack a bag to go back just to have to return for the Winter themed fashion show in 3 weeks, fully pack again, and be on her way to the next place. After all Emil Bonbrake's All Over Fashion Show was a 6 month job request. Europe, Singapore, Norway, Iceland, Spain, and finally Austria. Myron and her being fairly excited for Spain. Lua had made arrangements to go and visit her sister Stephanie and niece Cecily. Stephanie, being as easily excitable as she was when they were kids, said she'd invite mom and dad. That'd they have a big Sunday family dinner. Myron looking forward to eating all his home snacks South Carolina and Europe don't have.

"With all respect Siri, it's extremely inconvenient and unprofessional of me to abandon my duties here. Please think how it will look with our companies partner if i abandon a job they're commissioning through the company. I'm sorry to hear Marquel was in a car accident, and ill be sure to send his wife a fruit basket, but it doesn't change the fact for the next five months and two weeks, my job is to remain in the care of our partner and help carry out six beautiful fashion shows. I hope you find someone to cover Marques, goodbye Mr.Hilthrough." She disconnected the phone and sank in one of the patio chairs, she was still considered fairly new to the company, and although what she had stated was more then true... it could also cost her, her job. If her boss was enough of asshat as he'd originally came off.

Realizing, honestly if she did lose her job while under a six month contract with such a prestigious company she could sue, was enough comfort for now. Lua looked towards the sky, it was still pretty early. Her phone reading 8:38a.m

She swizzled her head toward the patio sliding door, watching Aleksei and Emil maneuver through the Kitchen. Ambrose still showing Myron how to pirate the movie the didn't get to finish. Lua gave a soft smile, for now she was more then content with life. And looking forward to all the moments they would have together. Good and bad.

Lua closed her laptop, a couple hours of emailing some of the fashion designers and directors making any last minute changes now. Ambrose occasionally looking over the emails to stay in the loop, considering he was the design director. She sat swiping throughly the final designs they had agreed on, and kept swiping until she got Aleksei's design. His Lust inspired attire had been so well loved everyone had insisted they leave it exactly as Lua presented it to them. It was the exact opposite of modest, leaving little to the imagination and would only work for someone with the confidence to pull off. When Ambrose had went to retrieve Aleksei and Emil to view the design Aleksei wore a look of bewilderment. "What if i move wrong?"

"Then the flash the audience." Lua said obviously.

He snorted and shook his head, "I knew it, you were always only after my body"

She feigned a appalled look and lightly hit the mans thigh. Emil's eyes still stood locked on the design, "This is what those little articles of clothing you've been starting were?" He asked looking at Ambrose.

Ambrose gave a mischievous smile, "I didn't want to show you until I was sure I wouldn't need to make changes or anything. But considering they loved it as much as I did, I'll be finished ahead of schedule. I just need to pick up some more material, which i can do tomorrow when we head to work."

Emil nodded before ruffling Lua's hair and walking back in the house with Aleksei and Ambrose in tow. By that point Myron had excused himself from the houses entirely, saying he was going to be Heather, a inside joke with him and Lua.

After that Lua web surfed old fashion shows, took down notes, and compiled pictures to forward to her iPad. They'd help her plan Aleksei's outfits for the next five fashion shows. Opting for closing her laptop afterward.

Standing from the chair she slid her laptop into the crease of her bent arm and made her back into the house. She. Checked the kitchen clock, it read 1:24pm.  She sighed, it didn't feel like shed just spent serval hours sitting outside, besides the slight discomfort in her Lower back and bottom. She started toward the front room where she could the three men.

"When can we ask her? I wanna ask her now, actually I wanted to ask her when she first came to our house a couple weeks ago." Ambrose said thoughtfully

Emil snorted, "Trust me, we know. But it should be more memorable then just up and asking her to join our relationship"

Aleksei making a sound of agreement, but by this point Lua had frozen in her tracks. Eyes wide like a shocked cat, she quickly turned around and quietly darted back to the back patio. Her face felt hot and her soul felt fed. It took every once of self preservation she had not to blush and potentially give away she had heard their plans. She willed the cool air to soothe her nerves and sat back down in the chair. She'd give them another hour.

1019 words | *does small happy dance* Can't stop, won't stop, I'm on a rollllll

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