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Work was frustrating, Lúa first impression was pitiful. Her bosses disappointment evident as he chewed her out outside the meeting room.

"Ms.Price are you aware of how important this client is? You were transferred to this branch and even relocated for your highly valued praise. Please don't cause us to rethink your position, you have to understand how your tardiness looks on your first day."

Lúa nodded solemnly, "Yes sir, I sincerely apologize. I'll make sure this doesn't become a habit I-"

"Don't make it a thing at all, head into the meeting room."

The small women clenched the folder in her hands and smiled tightly, she opened the door.

The room was bright with a long oval desk and many seats surrounding it, but only a few were occupied. At the end of the table sat a bored looking man and next to his was a man Lúa immediately made out to be Myron's brother Ambrose. Besides the difference in: age, build, and dark blue's the younger had the two could have been exact carbon copies.

Lúa mood was already down but this, this was just the iceing in the cake. It was obvious the man didn't recognize her, how could he? But she knew he'd recognize her voice.

"Pardon my tardiness, I'm Lúa Price I'll be working with you today." She sat down across from the large man, he was even bigger then the man who'd came to pick up Myron.

Ambrose visibly gaped, drawing the mans attention with a curious gaze.

Ambrose cleared his throat, "I believe we have an entitlement to know why you were late Ms.Price."

Lúa struggled not to roll her eyes, "Actually you have no entitlement to know my personal business at all. But, on good faith, I'll humor you. Yesterday morning? Eh, evening, I picked up a stray puppy whose owner thought he was coming a entire week later. People can be very inattentive don't you think?"

Ambrose grimaced, "Maybe I- the owner, was very busy and was trying his hardest to provide for the er, puppy."

Lúa shrugged, "mistakes are detrimental. Failure leads to overcompensation, all the puppy needed was attention. Now he'll probably be showered with material things when all he wants is quality time, maybe I'll steal him back."

Ambrose looked unnerved but like he was enjoying the conversation. "Maybe-"

The large man cleared his throat obviously annoyed at the two, "We're here to discuss new ideas for my next collection, not hear about how Ambrose failed as a big brother."

"Hey!" Ambrose cried out

Lúa blushed, she'd really gotten immersed in their little run around argument. She went into her large bag and pulled out a folder with her design sketches. "I want to customize each piece properly depending on the models assigned to each outfit. It's why I-"

"Emailed my company to bring the models head shots yes, I know." He dismissed without even looking at her.

Lúa felt the man was immediately insufferable, but then again she never was a people's pleaser. "Well then I'll be happy to take those whenever your ready."

The man motioned for Ambrose to pass Lúa to the photos which he did quickly.

The man began to rattle off names with which design he wanted them to wear, Lúa quickly began to write it down on her little notebook.

"Aleksei will wear the third, no. sixth design."

Lúa flipped throw the photos looking for the name, she froze for a second seeing the long haired man who'd come to pick up Myron. Now that she had time to stare he really was handsome enough to be a super model, she quickly made note of which design was assigned to his.

"There's slight changes I would say now, but I'll save the remarks for after you've had time to personally meet the models and can show me your finished designs. It'd be naive to judge you before then, we'll Ms.Price I'll see you about two weeks tops."

Lúa's front room floor was harassed with model headshots and edited designs, so many crumpled ideas. She felt like she was stumped, she wanted to make her designs as good as possible now so when she actually saw the models she had little to nothing to stress over.

A good design illustrators job didn't end until the designers were finished. She raked her hands throw her nest of curls, a habit she had when she was stressed. A knock on her door caught her attention, she sprung up and made her way.

Opening up the door she saw a giddy Myron, it'd been a little over a week since she saw the kid. Behind him was Ambrose who gave a sad attempt at a non embarrassed face.

She scooted to the side and let Myron slide in with ease, "Watch the papers."

Myron gave a quick thumbs up though his brother just stood there confused, he couldn't understand gallego.

She leaned against the door, "To what do I owe the pleasure." Sarcasm thick.

Ambrose pouted, "I'm the design director. But I'm personally making Aleksei's outfit so I need to make sure your designs work."

Lúa cocked a eyebrow, why the hell would be specifically create one mans piece? But she quickly shrugged it off as a favor or them being pals. "Lock the door behind you"

She made her way back into the front room, Myron busing himself demolishing a hot pocket. She chuckled messing his strawberry blonde up affectionately, he just pouted. He really did look a lot like his brother.

Ambrose walked in carefully, overly cautious of his feet.

Lúa pointed the one piece currently on the coffee table, "That's his design. The only one I'm half way sure about based on build."

Ambrose looked pleased with the design, "Definitely works well with his build, the colors though? I'm not sure. We could do white like a angel or contrast his snowy hair with dark reds and blacks."

Lúa chuckled, they were definitely seeing each other. "Cute."

Ambrose swiveled around with a confused face, "which one?"

Lúa shook her head, "I meant your overzealous caring. Your making googley eyes over a photo. But everyone else is wearing winter colors, dramatic, and vibrant. Blues, golds, whites, platinums. Put him in all black accented with a blue, the same color as his eyes, handkerchief."

Ambrose's cheeks darkened but he kept his composure, "It'll be perfect, god bless the sixth design is a fitted casual suit. I can have his sleeves rolled up, a few buttons open, jacket open of course.  Shoes the same blue as the handkerchief."

Lúa had been making small edits the entire time the man ranted, "That sounds stunning."

Ambrose realized too late he'd been very passionate in how he wanted his partner to be designed and styled.

"I can help you with a few of the other models I'm familiar with, though I won't be creating the physical clothing."

Lúa's eyes lit up, "I'd love that"

Cerulean Heart (Polyfidelity) (MxMxW) (In progress)Where stories live. Discover now