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When Katsuki woke, his phone was pinging with texts. He groaned and grabbed the device, scoffing as he saw it was just the 'baku-squad' group chat.

They, of course, wanted to meet for breakfast before everyone's classes started.

It's seven thirty, so Katsuki should get up anyway. He'll make one of the extras pay for his coffee.


Katsuki shrugged off his jacket as he approached the loud, obnoxious booth in the coffee shop. He's been long-accustomed to the bunch, no longer annoyed by their antics and their shouts.

All four were much more high-energy and friendly than Katsuki is. He's not quite sure how they started hanging out or why he even likes these morons, but he'd kill anyone that'd take away even one of their smiles.

"He's here!"

"Finally! You didn't respond in the chat, so we weren't sure you were coming!" Denki, the definitely ADHD, dyslexic, hyperactive blond, scooted over and patted the spot beside him. His grin only widened as the older sat beside him. "We ordered a black coffee for you already."

Katsuki nodded, jacket hanging over his arm. "Black coffee sounds fucking great."

"It's all you ever get," Mina mused, chin in her palm. Her curly pink hair framed her face and Katsuki noticed she changed her typical pink nail color to turquoise and yellow. Bracelets layered her wrists and rings decorated her fingers, but her make-up was far more subtle today than it normally was.

Eijirou sat beside her, leaned back with his arms draped over the back of the booth. He had his trademark, toothy grin, hair up in its typical spikes. He wore his favorite jacket, a letterman, and Katsuki almost rolled his eyes. It was going to get hot soon. "Did you eat anything today? I don't mind getting you something."

Katsuki shrugged, slouching back and folding his arms. "I had an apple on the way here."

"How ironic," Hanta mused from his spot, smushed between Denki and the wall. He's definitely the quietest of the four, and dressed the simplest. Plain white and yellow tee with black ripped jeans and white vans, yellow beanie pulled over his raven hair. "The soon-to-be doctor, eating an apple."

"Shut the fuck up," Katsuki muttered, grumbling a 'thank you' as his coffee was set in front of him with the others.

"Oh, damn," Eijirou sighed with a broad hand gesture towards the televsion hanging high in a corner of the coffee shop. "I thought they said they had a handle on that?"

Katsuki looked over his shoulder to the television. "What? The sickness?"

Denki perked up and twisted too quick onto his knees, bumping Katsuki and accidentally kicking Hanta. "Shit! They said that everyone that had it got locked up! It couldn't have spread so- holy shit! Two hundred cases in our area that they know of!?"

"Keep it down, dunce face," Katsuki muttered, but was too focused on the news to put any aggressiveness in his tone.

Roughly a dozen sick people were dragging themselves through an emptied street. Their attention was drawn up as police cars pulled in front of them.

Katsuki swallowed thickly, not enjoying the cold pit in his stomach.

The officers got out of their cars, guns pointed. Katsuki could see them shouting, but couldn't hear due to the cameraman and news anchor speaking.

The sick stumbled slightly faster, reaching their deathly pale hands out.

A sudden screech startled the group, as well as the other customers and employees in the café. For a second, they had all thought the screech was from within the café. That was until someone - something - hauled into view on the television and launched itself at an officer, screeching the whole while.

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