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"Want it gone?"

Katsuki raised his brow at Mina after taking off his shirt and kicking his boots to the side. "What gone?"

She smiled and patted his cheeks. "This scruff. I could trim it for you if you want to keep it."

"God, no. Gone."

Mina laughed, bumping her hip against his as she walked passed him. "I'll be right back. Comb it out while I'm gone. Hair, too."

Katsuki huffed and rolled his eyes, but smiled. He grabbed the comb out of the bathroom, doing as told. Mina was one of the few people who could tell him what to do without getting some bite back.

She came back quickly, arms full of her supplies. He almost rolled his eyes again, but she didn't give him time. "Sit and let me get busy."

He chuckled deeply, pulling the chair away from the desk to sit. She scattered her things about, pushing books and papers aside, then flounced off to the bathroom, coming back with a towel.

"You would have made a great stylist," Katsuki muses softly as she pins the towel around his shoulders.

Mina grins, taking the comb and raking it through his hair herself. "I know. You guys tell me all the time. Shame I decided to be a nurse instead."

Katsuki hummed, closing his eyes. "The best fucking nurse, too."

She smiled softly, taking her spray bottle and blocked his eyes as she wet his hair and beard. "You know it. Think we would have worked together someday?"

"It would have taken me a damn long while to catch up to you, but I'd request you in a fucking heartbeat."

Mina laughed, trimming carefully. Both stayed quiet for a few minutes, Mina focused on her work and Katsuki relaxing in the chair, hands limp in his lap.

"So..." and here comes the question. Damn, and she's only half-done. God, she's smart. Got him pinned. Can't escape. He sighs and she places a semi-sympathetic hand on his shoulder. "Who is Izuku?"

"Fuckin' no one."

"Katsuki." Her voice rarely ever becomes stern, but when it does, even Katsuki knows to respond accordingly.

He breathed deeply, eyes cracking open to stare forward at the blank wall. "Ochako and I went to highschool with him... I was worse in highschool than how I was when you guys met me. Practically a fuckin' terrorist. He moved into our district halfway through freshman year. I liked him right away. So quickly..."

Mina nodded, not that he could see. She listened attentively as she worked, humming softly. "Liked?"

"He was cute. Small, freckled, carried around an arsenal of books... flustered easy, shy... For that first week, everything was great. We were friends. I could be around him and pretend like my infatuation was just a short phase. It'd go away because he wouldn't return my feelings. But, uh... a week in, this bitch he went to school with previously - the school he had to move from - she sent a video to humiliate him. It went all over school and I became terrified. I had to accept my feelings for him and face them, or squash them down and shut him out."

"And you shut him out."

"I fucking tormented him and the entire fucking school followed my lead." He pursed his lips. "His step-dad was All Might, by the way. My fucking hero growing up."

Mina paused, brows furrowed as she thought. "As in... the football star? Are you fucking serious, Katsuki? You could have married the son of your hero and hung out with him all the time, but you chose to hurt him instead?"

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