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Katsuki took lead this time, glancing over his shoulder to check on the greenette. The shorter had a rather violent nightmare, keeping them both awake.

Izuku had woken, thrashing and screaming, tears streaking his cheeks. Katsuki had to jump on him and cover his mouth to smother the cries of anguish. Luckily, Izuku didn't fight him. A Biter had heard and clawed at the door for about thirty minutes after before losing interest. It took that long to get Izuku's breathing back under control.

He still had dark circles under his eyes and he was completely unfocused. He's jumpier than he's been these passed few days as well.

Katsuki didn't like seeing him like this. He could only guess what all this nightmare was about. There's so many things Izuku has been through these last two years.

It's amazing he had helped Katsuki after the hospital. He should have so much distrust in people. God, and he was such a dick, too. Izuku should have kicked him to the curb. Left him for the Biters. Pushed him right into the Brute.

Maybe he should have let Katsuki figure out what a Mimic was on his own.

Katsuki decided to find an overnight spot early. Izuku needed more rest. They're out of the city and in a small suburb, so they made some headway, at least.

Izuku didn't voice any concerns with the short day. Instead, he just lay on the sofa once the house was cleared, staring at his gloved hands.

Sighing, Katsuki stood and grabbed Izuku, dragging him off the sofa. The greenette gasped and struggled, confused. "Katsuki-!?"

"You are sleeping in a bed tonight. I don't care about your stupid 'don't get too comfortable' policy." Once Izuku was steady on his feet, Katsuki started pushing him towards the bedrooms. He opened the master bedroom door and shoved him inside.

Izuku yelped, eyes big in surprise.

Katsuki patted the pillows down and flapped the comforter, then stood to the side and gestured to the bed, glaring at the bewildered man. "Lay down."

"Katsuki, what are you-"

"Get your ass in bed!"

"Okay!" Izuku pulled off his jacket, making his way around the bed. He kicked off his boots, hesitating for a second before Katsuki gave another aggressive gesture. He got into the bed, flinching as the covers were thrown over him.

Katsuki then folded his arms and nodded. "Get some rest. I'll get some food put together." And with that, he left the room.

When he returned, Izuku was already half-asleep, hugging one of the pillows. He gently nudged the greenette. Izuku turned slowly, blinking blearily up at him before sitting up. Katsuki sat on the edge of the bed and held up one of the plates for him.

"Thank you," Izuku murmured, taking the plate. He lifted the fork and took a bite of the green beans.

"Need to keep your energy up. We should stay here an extra night."

Izuku's eyes widened and he nearly choked. "What? No, why would we-"

"Stupid nerd," Katsuki scoffed and flicked Izuku's forehead. The greenette gasped and jumped, covering the reddening mark. "It's your turn to accept some fuckin' help. Take it. Get some real rest. Relax for a day, then we'll get back on the road, alright?"

Sighing, Izuku slowly nodded in reluctant agreement.

They ate in silence for a few minutes, Izuku eating much slower than Katsuki was satisfied with. At least he was eating.

"Why are you... Taking care of me?" Izuku finally asked, lowering his plate into his lap.

Katsuki hummed, swallowing before he spoke. "You dragged my ass all the way out here. I ain't letting your tired ass drop dead or drag me down, now. Too late for that shit."

Izuku blinked slowly as he processed the words. "So... You're helping me for your own benefit? So you can continue safely?"

"Pretty much."

Instead of reacting like a normal person(example: "you fucking asshole." "How selfish of you."), Izuku reacted similarly to the 'Bakusquad.' A light laugh, tilted head and a grin that reached his eyes. He seemed a lot more lively for a moment.

"Of course, of course," he mused, taking another bite. "You should think of your safety above my own."

Katsuki sneered, turning more towards him. "You dumbass, your safety is just as important as my own."

Izuku smiled softer, leaning back against the headboard. "Well, thank you. I appreciate it, Katsuki..."

He just grunted in response and finished his food. He took Izuku's plate once he finished as well. Katsuki stood and made his way towards the door, only stopping when Izuku spoke again.

"You have changed, Katsuki... You're... If this is how you are with your group, you've become a great protector. You weren't like this even with your friends in Highschool..."

Katsuki held the doorknob, looking at the carpeted floor in the hallway. He breathed deeply. "Those people weren't really my friends... And my group... They're my family. I take care of them and protect them, so if anything happens to them, it's my fault. I have to take care of them because God knows half those idiots don't know how to take care of their own Goddamn selves."

Izuku hummed, shuffling to lay back down. "You're a good person, Katsuki... You just like covering it up with this hard, tough, uncaring barrier... But... You're actually easier to read than you used to be... Back when you were hiding a part of you." He pulled the covers up more over himself.

"Yeah, well... Now there's no point in hiding, is there? It's the end of the world. I could be whatever I want to be."

"So who are you now, Katsuki Bakugou..?"

Spoken, it was such a simple question. He asked it simply, too. Didn't mean to have such a deepness to it.

Who is he now? He's never thought much about it before now. It's the end of the world, so why have up barriers? Why let himself change? Who had he changed into without realizing it? Was he who he had hidden all along back in highschool? Back in Freshman and Sophomore year of college? Or someone else entirely?

His life didn't turn out the way he wanted - the way he had planned. He never once thought he'd be a survivor during the Apocalypse. He never thought a disease would sweep the Earth, rampant in the Americas especially, and he would be apart of it. He never thought he'd stay in those stupid dorms for the foreseeable future. He never thought he'd have to live each day like it may be his last.

Katsuki licked his lips and tilted his head. "I'm who I have to be to continue surviving... I'm who I have to be to ensure everyone around me survives as well. I'm just... I'm me. No walls, no masks... I'm a stronger, better person I hope... And I hope I motivate my family to be their best selves and survive in what ever the fuck this shitty world is."

Izuku smiled softly as he listened, nodding after. He rolled onto his side, eyes on the blond. "Well... I like this new Katsuki... Much more genuine..."

He snorted and shrugged. "Whatever, nerd... Just rest, alright?"

"Right. You rest, too."

"Yeah, yeah."


1217 words

Heart-to-heart conversations are weirdly difficult to write and I had such a hard time dragging out this chapter to make it longer. I thought about adding more, but then I was worried I'd make it too long or that I was jumping into the next part too early...

Because Ri-ri has big plans, readers.

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