Summer Garden

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The summer heat and humidity was hardly welcome after such a horrid winter and an incredibly rainy spring. Katsuki feared the excessive moisture and bugs would prove to be a difficult environment for a garden. However, his garden flourished.

The gardens held many plants. Cucumbers, which were apparently already there. The trees grew apples, peaches and pears. He had tomato plants and pumpkins by the guest house. There was several berry bushes. The little blueberries, the tall raspberries that required posts leaning against the wall, blackberries that also needed posts, and strawberries lining the way to the door of the main house.

Garlic grew by the cucumbers, and he had the carrots and potatoes beneath the fence near the berry bushes. He still has yet to harvest beans from the bean stalks and he has an abundance of grapes from the vines along the far wall.

Katsuki spent a majority of his time in the garden. Man, he never thought he'd ever be as girly as to tend to a garden so religiously. He's teased a lot for it, but his friends do thank him for the food every meal his garden supplies. Some of the group do join him on occasion. Tsu and Momo the most, Denki when he's had a nightmare, Shouta when his leg doesn't hurt so bad and he needs a break from all the noise in the houses.

Oh, and don't forget Eijirou.

Eijirou always comes out with water and sits back as Katsuki works, soaking in the Summer rays.

He had gotten sick when bit. However, it was due to infection setting in the bite. He had a terrible fever and a difficult time breathing and eating. It took him weeks to recover, but with due diligence from Katsuki and Shouto, Eijirou was alright now.

He was alright and a pain in Katsuki's ass.

"I really wanna find you one of those floppy straw summer hats that the garden moms in movies would wear," Eijirou mused, laying back in the grass. "I feel like it would just be so fitting."

"You get it and it'll just be kindling for the next fire," Katsuki muttered, adjusting the posts for the blackberry bushes, picking a few ripe berries and placing them in one of the pockets of his makeshift gardening apron. Lord, the teases he got for that one.

Eijirou snickered, rolling onto his stomach, propping his chin in his hands. "I think you'd look so fuckin' cute out here in the garden with your sun hat. I'd of course get one that matched your gloves and apron."

"I swear to God, I'm keeping the gate locked if you fucking dare try bringing one in." Katsuki crouched down, grabbing his watering can to carefully wet the soil surrounding the bushes.

Hopping up to his feet, Eijirou dusted off his jeans. "Alright, well... it's almost lunchtime. Want anything specific?"

"Peace and fucking quiet."

Snickering, Eijirou nudging Katsuki with his boot. "I'll do my best. Hey, are you joining us on the hunt tomorrow?"

With a sigh as he stood, Katsuki slipped off his glove and ran his fingers through his hair. Much softer now that they're able to shower with the makeshift showers back behind the house. It was hard, though, finding something to wash their hair with. And so many of the group had specific washes they wanted. Curly hair, straight hair. It's the apocalypse, just take what you can get. Damn.

"Yeah. I'll be out there. Think we'll be able to find a cow?"

Eijirou laughed and clapped a hand on his shoulder. "I think we'll have more luck on a deer or a hog."

Katsuki hummed, tucking his gloves in his jeans pocket. "Come on. Up to the house." He hit his fist against the back of Eijirou's head as he walked passed, the younger gasping and dropping his head as he grabbed at it.

"Hey- Ow!"


"Hot shit!" Hanta tossed open the door to the back porch and rushed to the railing. "I thought Denki was fucking lying! A whole ass deer!"

"Keep your fuckin' voice down," Katsuki snapped back through pressed teeth as he poked at the fire, Eijirou and Shouto carefully skinning the animal caught on their hunt that morning.

Eijirou, though, grinned to the ravenette. "Two squirrels and three rabbits in the ground traps, too. We feast like kings tonight."

Katsuki flung his stick at the younger, Eijirou laughing as he failed to dodge. "We aren't eating all the Goddamn meat tonight, shithead. We have to store some of it for later."

Shouto chuckled softly and shook his head.

Hanta grinned, leaning over the porch railing. "Eiji! Did you find a stash?"

Before the taller could answer, Katsuki groaned and flicked some of the kindling in Hanta's direction, the ravenette yelping and jumping back. "We didn't find you any weed, nor were we looking. Weed is not at the top of the priority list, tape-face."

"It was one time," Hanta sighed, hands in his hair.

The back door the slid open behind him, Tenya looking out with his brows pinched. "Katsuki..."

Katsuki scoffed and kicked the ground as he stood. "Goddamn. No, the deer isn't fucking ready yet! You people need to calm the fuck down-"

"There's a car."

Everyone froze, Shouto nearly dropping the pole he was using to keep the deer propped for Eijirou.

Katsuki swallowed hard. "Did they see anyone?"

"Likely the smoke," Tenya muttered, nodding towards the fire Katsuki was building. "They pulled into the driveway, but haven't stepped out. Aizawa is out on the porch, Denki with him."

"So why don't they go? Get a fucking gun and greet the motherfucker."

Tenya scrunched his nose slightly, then breathed deeply. "You are... You are the leader, Katsuki. You know that."

The blond scoffed and stomped up the stairs to the porch. "I'm not the fucking leader. God, ya'll are fucking lazy." Katsuki went to the bookshelves in the communal area and pulled the dufflebag off the top he set the bag on the sofa, sneering as he saw the rest of the group gathered at the windows. He grabbed one of the pistols and cocked it, making sure it was loaded before he went outside.

The car sat still on the other side of the metal gates, and from so far off, he could only spot the one person in the driver's seat. However, Katsuki still glanced around, checking for rifles peering over the stone fencing, listening for growls of infected ready to be set loose.

Once he was about a car's length from the gate, he stopped, squinting in an attempt to see inside the tinted windshield. "You gonna come out and say hi, or hide in the fucking car all day?"

Finally the sedan's driver side door clicked open. Katsuki's breath caught, heart and stomach lurching as he immediately recognized the rich green curls and vibrant viridian eyes that shimmered with hesitant, unsure tears. Most of his hair was pulled back into a short ponytail, but his bangs and the curls behind his ears and at the back of his neck still fell loose.

Izuku swallowed hard, hands on the car door he still stood behind. "Katsuki..."

"You... You're here..."


1207 words

NOT ONLY is Kirishima still ALIVE and is IMMUNE...

We also get green broccoli boi back :D

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