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Said blond halted sharpening his machete as Shouto stood in front of him. He cocked a brow and looked up.

Shouto folded his arms, shoulders lax. Not searching for a fight, but needs to inform Katsuki of something the blond most definitely will not like. "We need to make a run to the hospital."

Yeah, he was right. Didn't like that one bit.

"You mean I need to make a run to the hospital. First of all, hell no. Second, fuck no. Why the damn hospital, icyhot?"

The younger sighed, shifting his weight. "While the infection is healing, his fever is fluctuating. I am worried the infection will begin to fluctuate as well if he doesn't recieve the proper medication. I don't want to risk the infection spreading through his blood stream anymore than it already has. If he doesn't get more medication, this wound could kill him. I also need to suture the wound once the infection is gone, so I need the needles and thread for that. We've run out of thread from the school."

Katsuki inhaled deeply through his nose, carding his fingers through his hair.

Shouto is right. They need these medical supplies for Denki. Not even just for him. For the future. For the just-in-case.

His jaw set firmly and he glared down at the blade in his hands. "Alright... I'll figure something out with the group."

"I'll come with if you need a spare set of hands-"

"No," Katsuki snapped quickly, sheathing his machete and standing. Shouto met his eyes, unsurprised he was interrupted so rudely. "Can't have both people with medical knowledge outside at once. Someone also needs to keep an eye on Denki."

Shouto sighed, but nodded. "When can you leave?"

"Denki needs those meds now... I'll get a group together by tomorrow morning."


Katsuki hated this. He absolutely hated this. This is risking everyone's lives. So many sick were inside the hospital.

Eijirou slunk right beside him, double pistols raised and red eyes scanning their surroundings. Hanta, Momo and Tsuyu followed them, each ready for a fight.

Thankfully, they only came across a straggler or two on the way to the hospital's pharmacy. Tsuyu shut and locked the door once they were all in, Hanta driving his blade into the skull of the only Biter inside.

"Holy shit," Eijirou breathed, shoulders slouching. "It's the fucking motherlode..."

Katsuki smirked, dropping his duffle bag to the floor. "Grab as much as you can."

Divide and conquer. Katsuki quickly found pain relief medication and antibiotics, scooping up armfuls. Everyone grabbed and stuffed the bag, Eijirou shrugging off his knapsack for more.

"Got the anti-inflamitories?"

"Right here. Denk's is gonna be so drugged up."

The girls giggled, Hanta smirking proudly.

Katsuki sighed and rolled his eyes, tossing his duffle bag. Hanta slung it over his shoulder, Eijirou mimicking him with his knapsack. Tsuyu trodded up to Katsuki as he approached the door. "Anything else we need..?"

"Suture materials. Betadine, probably gauze, wrap, more medical tape..." Katsuki breathed deeply, carefully unlocking the door. "So we need to find the operating rooms or the ambulance bay."

Tsuyu nodded, raising her blade as the door pushed open.

There was the slightest of creaks, Katsuki wincing at the sound. Thankfully, no sick were close enough to be bothered by the sound.

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