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Placing his trust in Izuku will be difficult. Extremely so. It wasn't that he didn't trust Izuku, Katsuki didn't trust the world.

He couldn't trust other survivors, couldn't trust that he wouldn't be overwhelmed by a group of infected. He couldn't trust that if the C.D.C. was still there, they'd ever let him go.

Who's to say that the scientists won't keep him and experiment on him like the infected they captured? What if that's the reason the immune tell others it is gone?

"Yo, what's got you so distracted?"

Katsuki nearly jumped at Denki's voice, snapped out of his stupor. "Nothing. Keep your fuckin' mouth shut."

The younger blond pouted, sticking close to Katsuki as they approached yet another house. "You're just so weird, man. You've been strange since you got back. Even now, you're totally zoned out. You never zoned out before." Katsuki sighed, shoulders slouching forward as he glanced in one of the windows. "I just wanna know what's wrong."

Sighing, Katsuki's shoulders slouched forward. "There was just... a lot of things that happened while I was away. I guess I'm still processing. I'm barely recovering from my worry over you, you dumbass." He playfully punched Denki's shoulder, purposefully hitting just above the nearly healed wound.

Denki pouted, rubbing the spot. "Awe, you were worried?"

"Yeah I was. Couldn't have you dying after nearly dying myself to get you your damn medicine." Katsuki offered a small smile, reaching up to ruffle Denki's hair. "Come on. We'll talk more after we find another car, alright? Keep your eyes peeled." He pushed the younger ahead, stifling a laugh as Denki squawked and stumbled.


"We got another car!" Denki burst into the dorms, Katsuki smacking his head as he followed him in. "Ow!"

"Door isn't closed yet, fucking moron."

Denki just laughed and bounced into the room, setting his gun on the table.

Katsuki rolled his eyes and shut the door, latching the locks.

"How big?" Shouta pushed himself up, wincing.

"Seven seater. Small trunk, but it'll be easy enough to strap things to the top." Katsuki set the car keys on the table before leaning back against the wall and crossing his arms. "We'll still be crammed a bit, but it'll be easier once we get to the minivan and the truck."

Shouta hummed, carding his fingers through raven hair. The man needed a good shower. Greasy hair, dark stubble along his jaw.

Katsuki then looked down. Only Mina knows he killed people. Shouta never approved of hurting other survivors, and Katsuki went out of his way just to do so. More than hurt. Murdered.

"Fifteen seats will be a struggle for a while. More asses than seats." Shouta rubbed his chin, unaffected as Eijirou and Denki jumped forward.

"I so wanna sit in a trunk!"

"Yo, me too!"

Both high-fived, laughing. Katsuki rolled his eyes, Shouta sighing and pinching the bridge of his nose.

Katsuki pushed off the wall. "We may need people in laps until we get to the minivan, but having people in the trunk isn't a bad idea. We were planning on strapping the supplies to the top anyway. The problem would be personal belongings. Fitting any of that in will be a fuckin' chore."

"Backpacks under the seats." Mina trotted into the common room, shrugging on her jacket. "And wear a couple layers, since it's cold as shit."

"I can't wait to have a furnace," Eijirou sighed wistfully, slinging an arm over Katsuki's shoulders. He earned a scowl and got pushed off. The younger just laughed.

"You won't hang off me for warmth anymore." Katsuki stretched his arms above his head. "Everyone should pack tonight. Get everything together, we rest, pack up the car and get outta here. It's getting colder by the day, and I'd rather not drive in the snow."

Mina perked up. "I love packing! I'll help everyone!"


Two soft knocks rapped on Katsuki's door before it creaked open. "Hey, man." Eijirou smiled softly as he peeked in.

Katsuki hummed in question, folding a pair of jeans.

"I just... wanted to check in on you. You've been... different these last few days." Eijirou stepped in Katsuki's room, fidgeting with the hem of his jacket.

The blond sighed, placing his jeans in his knapsack. "I'm fine, Eij. Just focused on getting you guys somewhere warm with real food."

Eijirou chuckled, shoving his hands in his pockets. "You almost sound concerned about us." That earned him an eye roll. The younger pursed his lips and glanced around the room. "Seriously, though. You snapped at 'Chako about a guy, spent the night with Mina, and you... you zone out every once in a while. You look... sad, man. We worry about you, too, you know..."

Laughing softly, Katsuki turned and sat on his bed. "Goddamn. All of you are so fucking invested in what could have happened while I was gone."

"Because we worry. We care about you, too."

Katsuki nodded, twisting and kicking his legs up on the bed, leaning back against the headboard. "You remember... the night you asked me why I was so quick to open up to Hobe..?"

Eijirou blinked slowly. "Yeah... sort of. What's he got to do with it?"

"Just... do you remember what I told you?"

The younger hummed, carding his fingers through his hair. "Well... we were kinda drunk that night... but, yeah. You said that he reminded you of someone. Oh, he reminded you of the guy you were in love with in Highscho-ol- Oh my God!" Eijirou gasped, throwing the door shut and striding over to Katsuki. "No fucking way! Seriously!? He's still alive!?"

Katsuki shrugged, looking down at his lap. "As far as I know."

"Why'd you two split up? Did you ever tell him? What happened?"

"Motherfucker, I've already told this story." Katsuki ran his hands down his face with a groan. "He just left, alright? He went down to the C.D.C. to help. I came back to get you guys. It's literally that simple."

"Okay. So, did you tell him? About your feelings?"

Katsuki inhaled deeply through his nose. "If you must know, yes. I did."

"And?" Eijirou grabbed Katsuki's shoulder, incredibly invested.

Sighing for what felt like the millionth time since his return, Katsuki pushed his friend off. "Maybe we kissed. Look, not a big deal, man. I'll probably never see him again anyway, so I'd rather not think about it too much."

The taller frowned and looked away. He sat on the bed beside Katsuki and sighed. "Sorry. I should have known the subject was sensitive. I was just so worried while you were gone. And to think you were probably flirting the whole time."

Katsuki snorted and shoved Eijirou. "I barely flirted. At all, ever, that entire time. There was zero flirting."

"But you said there was barely- that's still some flirting."

"Nope, there was no flirting." Katsuki stood and yanked Eijirou off his bed before playfully kicking the back of his legs, urging him towards the bedroom door. "Now get the hell out and let a man pack in peace!"


1185 words

Just a filler 🤷‍♀️

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